Grace Gems for AUGUST 2004

If God had left me alone

(by Charles Spurgeon)

Sometimes, when I see some of the worst characters
in the street, I feel as if my heart must burst forth in
tears of gratitude that God has never let me act as they
have done! I have thought, "If God had left me alone,
and had not touched me by His grace, what a great sinner
I would have been! I would have run to the utmost lengths
of sin, dived into the very depths of evil. Nor would I have
stopped at any vice or folly, if God had not restrained me!"

I feel that I would have been a very king of sinners, if God
had left me alone
. I cannot understand the reason why I
am saved, except upon the ground that God would have it
so. I cannot, if I look ever so earnestly, discover any kind of
reason in myself why I should be a partaker of Divine grace.

They influence us more than we can imagine

(William Tiptaft, 1803-1864, from his letters)

Pride and covetousness cling very close to us;
they influence us more than we can imagine.

What makes the children of God so strange?

(J. C. Philpot, "The Precious Trial of Faith", 1865)

"To God's elect, strangers in the world." 1 Peter 1:1


What makes the children of God so strange?

The grace of God which calls them out of this wretched
world. Every man who carries the grace of God in his
bosom is necessarily, as regards the world, a stranger
in heart, as well as in profession, and life.

As Abraham was a stranger in the land of Canaan;
as Joseph was a stranger in the palace of Pharaoh;
as Moses was a stranger in the land of Egypt;
as Daniel was a stranger in the court of Babylon;
so every child of God is separated by grace,
to be a stranger in this ungodly world.

And if indeed we are to come out from it and to
be separate, the world must be as much a strange
place to us; for we are strangers to . . .
   its views,
   its thoughts,
   its desires,
   its prospects,
   its anticipations,
in our daily walk,
in our speech,
in our mind,
in our spirit,
in our judgment,
in our affections.

We will be strangers from . . .
  the world's company,
  the world's maxims,
  the world's fashions,
  the world's spirit.

"They confessed that they were strangers
 and pilgrims on the earth." Hebrews 11:13

Free grace! Unmerited mercy! Sovereign love!

(Octavius Winslow, "The Soul After Conversion")

No truth shines with clearer luster in the Bible
than that salvation, from first to last, is of God.

God is sovereign in salvation!

He often selects . . .
  the poorest,
  the vilest,
  the most depraved,
  the most fallen,
as if utterly to explode all idea of human
merit, and to reflect the free grace of His
heart in its richest luster.

O precious truth!

It stains the pride of human merit!

It lays the axe at the root of self!

It humbles and abases!

It empties and lays low!

It ascribes all the praise, honor and glory,
might, majesty and dominion, of the new
creation in the soul, to the Triune God!

No worthiness of the creature allures Him to the
sinner's heart! What worthiness can be supposed
to exist--what merit can there be in . . .
  a guilty criminal,
  an outlawed rebel,
  a poor insolvent,
  one whose mind is enmity,
  one whose heart is swelling with treason against
God, His government, and His Son? One who owes
millions, but has 'nothing to pay'? None whatever!

And that the eternal Spirit should enter
the heart of such a one . . .
  convincing of sin;
  subduing the hatred;
  breaking down the rebellion;
  leading to Jesus, and
  sealing pardon and peace upon the conscience;
oh! what but free grace, unmerited mercy, and
sovereign love
could thus have constrained Him?

"Lord, what did You see in me," exclaims the
converted soul, "that moved You with compassion,
that drew You to my heart, and that constrained
You to make me Your child? Nothing on my part,
but poverty, wretchedness, and misery! Nothing on
Your part, nothing but love, sovereignty, and
unmerited favor!"

O the riches of His grace!


By His wounds we are healed

(J. C. Philpot, "Steps of Thankful Praise" 1865)

Sin has thoroughly diseased us,
and poisoned our very blood.

Sin has diseased our understanding, so
as to disable it from receiving the truth.

Sin has diseased our conscience, so as to make it
dull and heavy, and undiscerning of right and wrong.

Sin has diseased our imagination, polluting it
with every idle, foolish, and licentious fancy.

Sin has diseased our memory, making it swift to
retain what is evil, slow to retain what is good.

Sin has diseased our affections, perverting
them from all that is heavenly and holy, and
fixing them on all that is earthly and vile.

"But He was pierced for our transgressions, He
 was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment
 that brought us peace was upon Him, and by
 His wounds we are healed
." Isaiah 53:5


Strangle and suffocate it!

(J. C. Philpot, "Steps of Thankful Praise" 1865)

"O Israel, you have destroyed yourself!
 But in Me is your help." Hosea 13:9

Is not this a true charge? Does not your conscience
agree with it, as a well founded accusation? Have you
not willingly with your eyes open, run into some sin,
which, but for God's mercy and upholding hand,
would have proved your certain destruction? Have you
not stood upon the very brink of some deep pit, down
into which one more step would have plunged you?

As you realize the evils of your heart, you see what
a marvel it is, that grace is kept alive in your bosom!
You see yourself surrounded on every side with that
which would inevitably destroy it--but for the mighty
power of God!

You look back and wonder how the life of God in your
soul has been preserved so many years. Sometimes you
have been sunk into such carnality. You have felt such
emptiness of all good, and such proneness to all evil,
that you wonder how you have not been swallowed up,
overcome, and carried away into the pit of destruction!

David said, "I am as a wonder to many." But you can
say, "I am a wonder to myself!" The world, the devil,
and your own evil heart, have been for years all aiming
to destroy the precious life of God in your soul--all
stretching out their hands to strangle and suffocate it!

And yet, in His mysterious wisdom, unspeakable grace,
and tender compassion, He has kept the holy principle
alive in your soul.

O, the mystery of redeeming love!

O, the blessedness of preserving grace! We
have been preserved, upheld, and kept by the
power of God through faith unto salvation!

"O Lord, You have kept me alive, that I should
 not go down to the pit!" Psalm 30:3

"He has preserved our lives and kept our
 feet from slipping!" Psalm 66:9

"Hold me up, and I shall be safe!" Psalm 119:117


Could you grasp the world like an orange  

(Edward Payson, 1783-1827)

"You have made known to me the path of life; You
 will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal
at Your right hand." Psalm 16:11

Could you grasp the world like an orange, and
squeeze all the happiness it gives into a single cup,
it would be as nothing compared to one drop of
God's eternal pleasures!



(John Mason's Spiritual Sayings, 1646-1694)

Two things should comfort suffering Christians, namely,
all that they suffer is not hell;
yet it is all the hell they shall suffer.

By affliction God separates the sin which He hates,
from the soul which He loves.

Sin is the poison, affliction the medicine.

If the servants of Christ are ever so low and afflicted,
yet His heart is with them, and His eye upon them.

Though the hand of God may be against you;
yet the heart of God may be towards you.

What is bearing a temporal cross,
to the wearing of an eternal crown?


They will never perish!

(J. C. Philpot, "The Incorruptible Inheritance" 1865)

"For God has reserved a priceless inheritance for
 His children. It is kept in heaven for you, pure and
 undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay!
 And God, in His mighty power, will protect you
 until you receive this salvation.
" 1 Peter 1:4-5

The elect are preserved in Christ, BEFORE they are
called by grace. They are kept by the power of
God from perishing in their unregeneracy.

Have not you been almost miraculously preserved in the
midst of dangers, and escaped when others perished by
your side--or been raised up as it were, from the very
brink of destruction and the very borders of the grave?

Besides some striking escapes from what are called
'accidents', three times in my life--once in infancy, once
in boyhood, and once in manhood, I have been raised
up from the borders of the grave, when almost everyone
who surrounded my bed thought I would not survive the
violence of the attack.

Were not these instances of being kept by the power
of God? I could not die until God had manifested His
purposes of electing grace and mercy to my soul.

But the elect are also kept by the mighty power of God
AFTER they are called by grace; for they are in the hollow
of His hand, and are kept as the apple of His eye.

I will not say they are kept from all sins. Yet I will
say that they are kept from damning sins. They are
kept especially from three things . . .
  from the dominion of sin,
  from daring and final presumption,
  from lasting and damnable error.

They are never drowned in the sins and evils of the
present life so as to be swallowed up in them--for
it is impossible that they can ever be lost!

They are therefore preserved in hours of temptation,
for they are guarded by all the power of Omnipotence,
shielded by the unceasing care and watchfulness of
Him who can neither slumber nor sleep.

Looking back through a long vista of years, can you not
see how the hand of God has been with you--how He has
held you up, and brought you through many a storm, and
preserved you under powerful temptations? How gently
He sometimes drew you on, or sometimes kept you back?

"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish!
 No one can snatch them out of My hand!" John 10:28

Having chosen us, God begets us with His word,
regenerates us by a divine influence, and  makes
us new creatures by the power and influence of
the Holy Spirit.


They would not be so anxious to save money!

(William Tiptaft, 1803-1864)

If you were to go about telling people that you had
an in inheritance worth a million worlds, and yet got
upset over a trifle, they would not believe you.

If rich men only knew when they died, how . . .
  their relatives would scramble for their money,
  the worms for their bodies, and
  the devil for their souls,
they would not be so anxious to save money!

If I love money more than Christ, woe is me!


All things!

(Philpot, "The Subjection of All Things Under the Feet of Jesus")

"You crowned Him with glory and honor and put
 all things under His feet. In putting all things
 under Him, God left nothing that is not subject
 to Him." Hebrews 2:7-8

See the sovereign supremacy of Jesus!

There may be circumstances in your earthly lot
which at this moment are peculiarly trying. You look
around and wonder how this or that circumstance will
terminate. At present it looks very dark--clouds and
mists hang over it, and you fear lest these clouds
may break, not in showers upon your head, but burst
forth in the lightning flash and the thunder stroke!

But all things are put in subjection under Christ's feet!
That which you dread cannot take place except by His
sovereign will--nor can it move any further except by
His supreme disposal. Then make yourself quiet. He will
not allow you to be harmed. That frowning providence
shall only execute His sovereign purposes, and it shall
be among those all things which, according to His
promise, shall work together for your good.

None of our trials come upon us by chance! They are
all appointed in weight and measure--are all designed
to fulfill a certain end. And however painful they may
at present be, yet they are intended for your good.

When the trial comes upon you, what a help it would
be for you if you could view it thus, "This trial is sent for
my good. It does not spring out of the dust. The Lord
Himself is the supreme disposer of it. It is very painful
to bear; but let me believe that He has appointed me
this peculiar trial, along with every other circumstance.
He will bring about His own will therein, and either
remove the trial, or give me patience under it, and
submission to it."

You may be afflicted by sickness. It is not by chance
that such or such sickness visits your body--that the Lord
sees fit to afflict head, heart, chest, liver, hand, foot, or
any other part of your body. All things are put in subjection
under Him, and He has not exempted sickness and disease!
Whatever you suffer in bodily disease, He appoints and
arranges it for your good. Be resigned to His holy and
almighty will.

All your afflictions are put under the feet of Jesus! You may
think at times how harshly you are dealt with--mourning, it
may be, under family bereavements, sorrowing after the loss
of your 'household treasures'--a beloved husband, wife, or
child. But O that you could bear in mind that all your
, be they what they may, are put under the feet
of Jesus, so that, so to speak, not one can crawl from under
His feet but by His permission--and, like scolded hounds, they
crawl again beneath them at a word of command from His lips!

Let us then hold fast this truth, for on it depends so
much of our comfort.


Without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish!

(Philpot, "The Love of Christ in Giving Himself for the Church")

"Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her. He did
 this to present her to Himself as a glorious church without
 a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish!
Instead, she will
 be holy and without fault." Ephesians 5:25, 27

What are we ourselves as viewed by our own eyes?
Full of spots, wrinkles, and blemishes! And  What do we
see in ourselves every day, but sin and filth and folly?
What evil is there in the world that is not in us, and in
our hearts? It is true others cannot read our hearts. But
we read them; yes, are every day, and sometimes all the
day reading them. And what do we read there? Like
Ezekiel's scroll, it is "written within and without;" and
we may well add, if we rightly read what is there written,
we have every reason to say it is "full of lamentations,
and mourning, and woe." Ezekiel 2:10

For I am sure that there is nothing that we see there
every day and every hour, but would cover us with
shame and confusion of face, and make us blush to
lift up our eyes before God, or almost to appear in
the presence of our fellow man!

But neither others, nor we ourselves, now see what
the church one day will be, and what she ever was in
the eyes of Jesus! He could look through all the sins
and sorrows of this intermediate period, and fix His
eye upon the bridal day--the day when before
assembled angels, in the courts of heaven, in the
realms of eternal bliss, He would present her to
Himself a glorious church, without  a spot or wrinkle
or any other blemish
, but holy, and without fault.

O what a day will that be, when the Son of God
shall openly wed His espoused bride; when there
shall be heard in heaven, "what sounded like a
great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and
like loud peals of thunder, shouting--Hallelujah!
For our Lord God Almighty reigns! Let us rejoice and
be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the
Lamb has come
, and His bride has made herself ready."
    Revelation 19:6-7


Bitten by this serpent's tooth

(J. C. Philpot, "The Destruction through Death
of Him Who Had the Power of Death
" 1858)

No man has ever sounded the depths of the fall.

The children of God have indeed discoveries of the
evil of sin. And they have such views at times of
the desperate wickedness and awful depravity of
human nature, that they seem as if filled with
unspeakable horror at the hideous enormity of
the corruption that works in their carnal mind.

But no man has ever seen, as no man ever can see,
in this time-state, what sin is to its full extent, and
as it will be hereafter developed in the depths of hell.

We may indeed in our own experience see something
of its commencement; but we can form little idea of
its progress, and still less of its termination. For sin
has this peculiar feature attending it, that it ever
spreads and spreads until it involves everything
that it touches in utter ruin.

We may compare it in this point of view to the
venom-fang of a serpent. There are serpents of
so venomous a kind, as for instance the Cobra
de Capello, or hooded snake, that the introduction
of the minutest portion of venom from their poison
tooth will in a few hours convert all the fluids of
the body into a mass of putrefaction. A man shall
be in perfect health one hour, and bitten by this
serpent's tooth
shall in the next, be a loathsome
mass of rottenness and corruption. Such is sin.

The introduction of sin into the nature of Adam at
the fall was like the introduction of poison from the
fang of a deadly serpent into the human body. It at
once penetrated into his soul and body, and filled
both with death and corruption.

Or, to use a more scriptural figure, sin may be
compared to the disease of leprosy, which usually
began with a "bright spot," or "rising in the skin",
scarcely perceptible, and yet spread and spread
until it enveloped every member, and the whole
body becoming a mass of putrefying hideous

Or sin may be compared to a cancer, which begins
perhaps with a little lump causing a slight itching,
but goes on feeding upon the part which it attacks,
until the patient dies worn out with pain and suffering.

Now if sin be . . .
  this venom fang,
this spreading leprosy,
this loathsome cancer;
if its destructive power be so great that, unless
arrested and healed, it will destroy body and soul
alike in hell, the remedy for it, if remedy there be,
must be as great as the malady. Thus if there be . . .
  a cure for sin,
  a remedy for the fall,
  a deliverance from the wrath to come,
it must be at least as full and as complete
as the ruin which sin has entailed upon us.

The man who has slight, superficial views and feelings
of sin will have equally slight and superficial views of
the atonement made for sin. The groans of Christ will
never sound in his ears as the dolorous groans of an
agonizing Lord; the sufferings of Christ will never be
opened up to his soul as the sorrows of Immanuel, God
with us; the death of Christ will never be viewed by him,
as the blood shedding of the darling Son of God. While
he has such slight, superficial views of the malady, his
views of the remedy will be equally slight and superficial.

As we are led down into a spiritual knowledge of self
and sin, so we are led up into a gracious knowledge
of the Lord Jesus Christ.

By suffering all the penalties of our sin, Jesus redeems
us from the lowest hell and raises us up to the highest
heaven--empowering poor worms of earth to soar above
the skies and live forever in the presence of Him who
is a consuming fire!

"And she will have a son, and you are to name Him
Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins."
    Matthew 1:21


Like a weed upon a dung-heap!

(Philpot, "Wilderness Hunger and Heavenly Manna")

"I hate pride and arrogance!" Proverbs 8:13

Our hearts are desperately proud.

If there is one sin which God hates more than
another, and more sets Himself against, it is
the sin of pride.

Like a weed upon a dung-heap, pride grows
more profusely in some soils, especially when
well fertilized by . . .
  our own ignorance,
  and the ignorance of others.

We all inherit pride from our fallen ancestor
Adam, who got it from Satan, that "king over
all the children of pride."

Those, perhaps, who think they possess the
least pride, and view themselves with wonderful
self-admiration as the humblest of mortals, may
have more pride than those who feel and confess
it. It may only be more deeply hidden in the dark
recesses of their carnal mind.

As God then sees all hearts, and knows every
movement of pride, whether we see it or not,
His purpose is to humble us!

When I look back upon my life, and see . . .
  all my sins,
  all my follies,
  all my slips,
  all my falls,
my conscience testifies of the many things
I have thought, said, and done, which . . .
  grieve my soul,
  make me hang my head before God,
  put my mouth in the dust, and
  confess my sins unto Him.

When I contrast my own exceeding
sinfulness with . . .
  God's greatness,
  God's majesty,
  God's holiness, and
  God's purity . . .
I fall down, humbly and meekly before Him,
I put my mouth in the dust,
I acknowledge I am vile.

"I am nothing but dust and ashes." (Abraham)

"Behold, I am vile!" (Job)

"Woe to me! I am ruined!" (Isaiah)

"I am a sinful man!" (Peter)


He alone can rescue me

(J. C. Philpot, "The Mighty God in the Midst of Zion")

"My eyes are always looking to the Lord for
 help, for He alone can rescue me from the
 traps of my enemies." Psalm 25:15

"Oh, please help us against our enemies,
 for all human help is useless." Psalm 60:11

What a mighty God we have to deal with!

And what would suit our case but a mighty God?

Have we not mighty sins?

Have we not mighty trials?

Have we not mighty temptations?

Have we not mighty foes and mighty fears?

And who is to deliver us from all this mighty army,
except the mighty God? It is not a 'little God' (if I may
use the expression) that will do for God's people. They
need a 'mighty God', because they are in circumstances
where none but a mighty God can intervene in their behalf.

And it is well worth our notice that the Lord puts His
people purposely into circumstances where they may
avail themselves, so to speak, of His omnipotent power,
and thus know from living personal experience, that He
is a mighty God, not in mere doctrine and theory, but
a mighty God in their special and particular behalf.

Why, if you did not feelingly and experimentally know . . .
  your mighty sins,
  your mighty trials,
  your mighty temptations,
  your mighty fears,
you would not need a mighty God.

O how this brings together the strength of God and
the weakness of man! How it unites poor helpless
creatures with the Majesty of heaven! How it conveys
to feeble, worthless worms the very might of the
Omnipotent Jehovah!

This sense of . . .
  our weakness and His power,
  our misery and His mercy,
  our ruin and His recovery,
  the aboundings of our sin and
the super-aboundings of His grace;
a feeling sense of these opposite yet harmonious
things, brings us to have personal, experimental
dealings with God. And it is in these personal
dealings with God that the life of all religion consists.

"The Lord hears His people when they call to Him for help.
 He rescues them from all their troubles." Psalm 34:17

The Lord sometimes flogs His children home!

(J. C. Philpot, "Spiritual Paradoxes" 1860)

"As chastened, yet not killed." 2 Corinthians 6:9

The Lord does not see fit to lay the same chastisements
upon all His people. He has rods of different sizes and
different descriptions
; though all are felt to be rods
when God brings them upon the back.

The Lord chastises with one hand, and upholds with the
other. In your spiritual experience, you may have passed
under many chastising strokes. And when they fell upon
you, they seemed to come as a killing sentence from God's
lips. You feared your illness might end in death. Under your
bereavement, you felt as if you could never hold up your
head again. You thought your providential losses might
prove to be your earthly ruin. Your family afflictions
seemed to be so heavy, as to be radically incurable.

All these were killing strokes. But though chastened,
you were not killed. You lost no divine life thereby;
but you lost much that pleased the flesh; much that
gratified the creature; much that looked well for
days of prosperity, but would not abide the storm.

But you lost nothing that was for your real good.

If you lost bodily health; you gained spiritual health.

If you lost a dear husband or child; God filled up the
void in your heart by making Christ more precious.

If you had troubles in your family; the Lord made it up
by giving more manifestations of His love and grace.

Your very losses in providence were for your good;
for God either made them up, or what you lost in
providence He doubled in grace.

So that though chastened; you are not killed!

Has anything that has happened to you quenched
or extinguished the life of God in your soul?

As the dross and tin were more separated; has not
the gold shone more brightly? Have you not held
spiritual things with a tighter grasp? When God
chastens His people, it is not to kill them; it is . . .

  to make them partakers of His holiness,
  to revive their drooping graces,
  to make them more sincere, upright and tender in conscience,
  to make them more separate from the world,
  to make them seek more His glory,
  to make them have a more single eye to His praise,
  to make them live more a life of faith.

Here is the blessedness--that when God chastises
His people
, it is not for their injury, but for their profit;
not for their destruction, but for their salvation; not to
treat them with the unkindness of an enemy, but with
the love of a friend!

Look at the afflictions, chastenings and grievous sorrows
that you have passed through. Have they been . . .
  friends to you, or enemies?
  instruments of helping you, or hindrances?
  ladders whereby you have climbed up to heaven,
  or steps whereby you have descended into hell?
  means of taking you nearer to Christ, or means
  of carrying you more into the world?

If you know anything of God's chastening, you will
say, "Every stroke has brought me nearer to God!
He has flogged me home!" As a father will seize
his truant boy out of a horde of other children and
flog him home, so the Lord sometimes flogs His
children home!
Every stroke laid upon their back
brings them a step nearer to their home in the
mansions above!

In your own experience, you know that God's
chastenings have not killed you
. But rather they
have been the means of reviving and keeping
alive the work of grace upon your heart!

"As chastened, yet not killed." 2 Corinthians 6:9

He may talk like an angel, and live like a devil.

(Philpot, "Abounding of Love in Knowledge and Experience")

There is "a knowledge of the things of God" which a
man may possess without a personal experience of
the new birth--without any divine operation upon his
soul whatever, or any participation of the grace of God.

>From reading the scriptures and hearing the Gospel
preached, many attain to a carnal, intellectual,
barren head knowledge of the truth;
who, as to
any experimental, vital, saving acquaintance
with it, are still in the very gall of bitterness and
the bond of iniquity.

A man may have the 'knowledge of an apostle'
and the 'worldliness of a Demas'.

He may be clear in head, and rotten in heart.

He may talk like an angel, and live like a devil.

He may understand all mysteries and all knowledge,
and be nothing but a hypocrite and an impostor.

In our day such characters abound in the churches.

But distinct from this "head knowledge", as distinct
from it as heaven from hell, there is a most blessed
"spiritual knowledge" of the things of God, with
which the people of God are favored.

"Then He opened their minds so they could
 understand the Scriptures." Luke 24:45


This idol-making, idol-loving world

(J. C. Philpot, "Gracious Dealings" 1862)

'You have seen what I did to the Egyptians.
 You know how I brought you to Myself and
 carried you on eagle's wings." Exodus 19:4

The idea here, is of snatching His people out of
Egypt as an eagle would snatch her young away
from the hands of the spoiler of her nest, and bear
them away and aloft on her outstretched wings.

Deliverance . . .
  from idolatry,
  from bondage,
  from a state of degradation and abject slavery,
is the leading idea of bringing His people out of Egypt.

So, spiritually, the Lord bears us out of a worse Egypt, by
His Almighty power. Has He given you some deliverance
from the world and the spirit of it, and brought you to
Himself by the power of His grace? Has He carried you
up out of sin . . .
  its open commission,
  its secret practice,
  its inward indulgence,
and broken in some measure the love and the power of it?

Has He carried you not only out of the grosser iniquities of
Egypt, but its more 'refined and acceptable sins', such as . . .
  creature idolatry,
  religious lip-service,
  self-righteousness, and
  mocking God by superstition, tradition, and vain ceremony?

Has He carried you, as on eagles' wings, out of all
the idols of Egypt? For Egypt was a land teeming
with idolatry, and therefore an apt emblem of this
idol-making, idol-loving world

"I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of
 Egypt, so that you would no longer be slaves to
 the Egyptians." Leviticus 26:13

"Praise be to the Lord, for He has saved you from
 the Egyptians and from Pharaoh. He has rescued
 His people from the power of Egypt!" Exodus 18:10


Accomplished actors

(Philpot, "The Abounding of Love")

"The pulpit has its accomplished
actors, as well as the playhouse!"

He has given me a cup of deep sorrow to drink

(J. C. Philpot, "The Wine of Astonishment" 1862)

"He has filled me with bitterness. He has given me
 a cup of deep sorrow to drink
." Lamentations 3:15

The Lord's people have many hard lessons which they
have to learn in the 'school of Christ'. Each one has to
carry a daily cross
, and are burdened and pressed down
under its weight. This daily cross may and does differ in
individuals. But every child of God has his own cross,
which laid upon his shoulders by an invincible hand, he
has, for the most part, to carry down to the very grave.

Thus, some of God's people are afflicted in body from
the very time the Lord begins His work of grace upon
their heart. Or if exempt from disease, are shattered
in nerve, depressed in spirits, and weighed down by
lassitude and languor, often harder to bear than
disease itself.

Some are tied to ungodly partners, meeting
with opposition and persecution at every step.

Others have nothing but trouble in their family,
either from the invasion of death into their circle,
or what sometimes is worse than death--disgrace,
shame, and ungodliness.

Others have little else but one continual series
of losses and crosses in their circumstances,
wave after wave rolling over their heads.

O, view the family of God toiling homeward . . .
  some dragging along an afflicted body;
  others a wounded spirit;
  others carrying upon their shoulders dying children;
  others with scarcely a rag to their back or a crust in their hand;
  fearful in heart,
  trembling at a rustling leaf,
  a deep river to pass, and
  a furious enemy in sight.

"Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there
 are no grapes on the vine; even though the olive crop
 fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though
 the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty,
 yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in the God of
 my salvation. The Sovereign Lord is my strength!"
     Habakkuk 3:17-19


God's presence

(John Mason's Spiritual Sayings)

The presence of God's glory is in heaven;
the presence of His power on earth;
the presence of His justice in hell;
the presence of His grace with His people.

If He denies us His powerful presence we fall into nothing.

If He denies us His gracious presence we fall into sin.

If He denies us His merciful presence we fall into hell.

Fear God for His power.

Trust Him for His wisdom.
Love Him for His goodness.

Praise Him for His greatness.

Believe Him for His faithfulness

Adore Him for His holiness.

Were we left wholly in its hands!

(J. C. Philpot, "The Salted Sacrifice" 1862)

"No temptation has seized you except what
 is common to man." 1 Cor. 10:13

There is not a single sin ever perpetrated by man
which does not lie deeply hidden in the recesses of
our fallen nature! But these sins do not stir into
activity until temptation draws them forth.

Temptation is to the corruptions of the heart, what
fire is to stubble. Sin lies quiet in our carnal mind
until temptation comes to set it on fire.

Temptation is to our corrupt nature, what the spark
is to gunpowder. Have you not found this sad truth:
how easily by temptation are the corruptions of our
wretched heart set on fire, and burst into every kind
of daring and dreadful iniquity?

In temptation, we learn what sin is . . .
  its dreadful nature,
  its aggravated character,
  its fearful workings,
  its mad, its desperate upheavings against God,
  and what we are or would be,
were we left wholly in its hands!

"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into
 temptation."  Matthew 26:41

"Hold me up, and I shall be safe!" Psalm 119:117

Romantic dreams of pleasure and earthly joy?

(J. C. Philpot, "A Kingdom Which Cannot Be Moved" 1862)

"The things on earth will be shaken, so that only
 eternal things will be left." Hebrews 12:27

Man is always seeking happiness in some shape or
other, in the things of this world.
He does not see or
feel that outside of God, happiness is impossible; and
that to seek it in 'the creature' is to add sin to sin. But
look at this vain attempt in a variety of instances.

Look at people young in life. What romantic prospects
dance before their eyes! "What dreams of love and home
by flowery streams!" But what a rude shock do these 'dreams
of earthly happiness' usually experience! This is true of most,
if not all, who build their hopes of happiness on 'the creature'.
But particularly so in the case of the family of God. How
jealous is He of all such schemes of earthly bliss--and how,
sooner or later, He shatters them all by His mighty hand!

Look, for instance, at health, that indispensable element of
all earthly happiness! What a rude shock many of the dear
family of God have experienced in their earthly tabernacle,
even in their youthful days, by accident or disease, so as to
mar all earthly happiness almost before the race of life was

Look again at wedded happiness--that "perpetual fountain
of domestic sweets"--how bitter a drop often falls from the
hands of God into that honeyed cup! Why does that mourning
widow sigh? Why does her heart swell, and her eye run over?
What does that scalding drop on her cheek mean?

How many a blooming daughter has faded away in consumption
before a mother's eye! How many a fine strong son has been
cut down by an accident--or sudden illness has borne him away
to the cold grave, in the very pride and prospect of life!

But apart from these elements of shattered and broken
creature happiness, what disappointment, what vexation,
what sorrow and care we find in everything we put our
hands to! Even with health and home unbroken, wife and
child untouched by death's cold hand, there is sin and
misery enough in a man's own bosom
to fill his heart
with continual sorrow!

Thus wisely and mercifully, all our attempts to grasp
earthly happiness
fail and come to nothing.

Child of grace, do not murmur at the hand of the Lord which
has broken your 'dreams of creature happiness'. God does not
intend that you should have your heaven here on earth, nor
live after the fashion of this world. It is a kind hand, though a
rough one
, which blasts all your schemes of creature happiness,
which breaks your body into pieces with sickness, blights all your
prospects of wealth, and fame, and reputation, and ambition,
and pours bitter gall into each honeyed cup.

Why does the Lord brake all your earthly schemes
of human happiness? Why does He blight all . . .
  your prospects,
  your plans of ambition and of success in life,
  your romantic dreams of pleasure and earthly joy?

That they may all be removed out of your hearts' affections;
and give you happiness which shall endure forever and ever!

"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot
 be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God
 acceptably with reverence and awe." Hebrews 12:28

The love of the truth

(J. C. Philpot, "The Valley of Achor" 1861)

"They perish because they did not receive the love of
 the truth
, that they might be saved." 2 Thess. 2:10

There is a receiving of 'the truth', and a receiving of
'the love of the truth'. These two things widely differ.

To receive the truth will not necessarily save; for many
who receive the truth, never receive 'the love of the truth'.

Professors by thousands receive the truth into their
judgment, and adopt the plan of salvation as their creed;
but are neither saved nor sanctified thereby. But to receive
'the love of the truth' by Jesus being made sweet and
precious to the soul, is to receive salvation itself.

"Yes, He is very precious to you who believe." 1 Peter 2:7

These "lovers" of ours

(J. C. Philpot, "The Valley of Achor" 1861)

"I will run after my lovers and sell myself to
 them for food and drink, for clothing of wool
 and linen, and for olive oil." Hosea 2:5

Here is the opening up of what we are by nature,
what our carnal mind is ever bent upon, what we
do or are capable of doing, except as held back by
the watchful providence and unceasing grace
and goodness of the Lord.

These "lovers" of ours are our old sins and former
lusts which still crave for gratification. To these
sometimes the carnal mind looks back and says,
"Where are my lovers that gave me my food and
drink? Where are those former delights that so
pleased my vile passions, and so gratified my
base desires?"

These lovers, then, are . . .
  the lust of the flesh,
  the lust of the eyes,
  and the pride of life;
all which, unless subdued by sovereign grace,
still work in our depraved nature, and seek to
regain their former sway.

But the Lord, for the most part, mercifully interposes,
nor will He usually let His children do what they gladly
would do; or be what they gladly would be. He says,
"therefore I will block your path with thornbushes; I
will wall you in so that your cannot find your way."
(Hosea 2:6)

The Lord, in His providence or in His grace, prevents
our carnal mind from carrying out its base desires;
hedges up our way with thorns--by which we may
spiritually understand prickings of conscience, stings
of remorse, pangs of penitence--which are so many
thorny and briery hedges that fence up the way of
transgression, and thus prevent our carnal mind from
breaking forth into its old paths, and going after these
former lovers to renew its ungodly alliance with them.

A hedge of thorns being set up by the grace of God,
our soul is unable to break through this strong fence,
because the moment that it seeks to get through it,
or over it, every part of it presents a pricking brier or
a sharp and strong thorn, which wounds and pierces
our conscience.

What infinite mercy, what surpassing grace, are hereby
manifested! Were our conscience not made thus tender
so as to feel the pricking brier, we can hardly tell what
might be the fearful consequence, or into what a miserable
abyss of sin and transgression our soul would fall.

But these lacerating briers produce remorse of soul
before God; for finding, as the Lord speaks, "that
when she runs after her lovers, she won't be able
to catch up with them. She will search for them but
not find them," there comes a longing in her mind
for purer pleasures and holier delights than her
adulterous lovers could give her
. And thus a change
in her feelings is produced, a revolution in her desires.
"Then she will say, I will go back to my Husband as
at first, for then I was better off than now."

The idea is of an adulterous wife contrasting
the innocent enjoyments of her first wedded
love--with the state of misery into which she
had been betrayed by base seducers.

And thus the soul spiritually contrasts its former
enjoyment of the Lord's presence and power--with
its present state of darkness and desertion. "Where,"
she would say, "are my former delights, my first joys,
and the sweetness I had in days now passed, in knowing,
serving, and worshiping the Lord? Ah! He was a kind and
loving husband to me in those days. I will return to Him
if He will graciously permit me, for it was better with me
when I could walk in the light of His countenance, than
since I have been seeking for my lovers, and reaping
nothing but guilt, death, and condemnation."

Where, O where?

(J. R. Anderson, "A Warning to Ministers" 1851)

At the end of the seven days, the Lord gave me a message.
He said, "Son of man, I have appointed you as a watchman
for Israel. Whenever you receive a message from Me, pass
it on to the people immediately. If I warn the wicked, saying,
'You will surely die,' but you fail to deliver the warning, they
will die in their sins. And I will hold you responsible, demanding
your blood for theirs." Ezekiel 3:16-18

Where are the ministers who will rouse this sleeping generation to . . .
  the solemn realities of the eternal world,
  the shortness of time, and
  the certainties of judgement?

Where are the preachers who are weighed down with . . .
  the interests of immortal souls,
  the difficulties of dealing faithfully with them, and
  the solemn account that is to be rendered for them?

Where, O where?

It is in these storms

(Philpot, "Christ Jesus the Lord Received and Walked In")

"When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone;
 but the righteous stand firm forever." Proverbs 10:25

The very storms through which the believer passes,
will only strengthen him to take a firmer hold of Christ.

As the same wind that blows down the shallow-rooted
tree, only establishes the deep-rooted tree--so the
same storms which uproot the 'shallow professor',
only establish the 'true believer' more firmly in Christ.

Though these storms may shake off some of his 'leaves',
or break off some of the 'rotten boughs' at the end of the
branch, they do not uproot the believer's faith, but rather
strengthen it.

It is in these storms that he learns . . .
  more of his own weakness, and of Christ's strength;
  more of his own misery, and of Christ's mercy;
  more of his own sinfulness, and of superabounding grace;
  more of his own poverty, and of Christ's riches;
  more of his own desert of hell, and of his own title to heaven.

It is in these storms that the same blessed Spirit who
began the work carries it on; and goes on to engrave
the image of Christ in deeper characters upon his heart;
and to teach him more and more experimentally the
truth as it is in Jesus.

"Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy!
 I look to You for protection.
 I will hide beneath the shadow of Your wings
 until this violent storm is past." Psalm 57:1

His secret power and influence

(J. C. Philpot, "The New Covenant & the Blood of Sprinkling")

"No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent
 Me draws him." John 6:44

"I have loved you, My people, with an  everlasting love.
 With unfailing love I  have drawn you to Myself."
    Jeremiah 31:3

None can really come to Jesus by faith, unless this
drawing power
is put forth.

The Holy Spirit--that gracious and blessed Teacher, acts
upon the soul by His secret power and influence, puts
'cords of love' and 'bands of mercy' around the heart, and
by the attractive influence that He puts forth, draws the
soul to Jesus' feet; and in due time reveals Him as the
chief among ten thousand, and the altogether lovely one.

As the Spirit reveals and manifests these precious
things of Christ to the soul, He raises up a living faith
whereby Jesus is sought unto, looked unto, laid hold of,
and is brought into the heart with a divine power, there
to be enshrined in its warmest and tenderest affections.

All through its Christian pilgrimage, this blessed Spirit
goes on to deepen His work in the soul, and to discover
more and more of the suitability, beauty, and blessedness
of the Lord Jesus, as He draws the soul more and more
unto Him. There is no maintaining of the light, life, and
power of God in our souls, except as we are daily coming
unto Jesus as the living stone, and continually living
upon Him
as the bread of life.

Every kind of sin

(J. C. Philpot, "A Peculiar People" 1860)

"He gave Himself to redeem us from
 every kind of sin."
Titus 2:14

Sins of heart.

Sins of lip.

Sins of life.

There are five things as regards sin, from
which our blessed Lord came to redeem us . . .
  its guilt,
  its filth,
  its power,
  its love,
  its practice.

By His death, He redeemed us from sin's guilt.

By the washing of regeneration,
He delivers us from sin's filth.

By the power of His resurrection,
He liberates us from sin's dominion.

By revealing His beauty,
He frees us from sin's love.

By making the conscience tender in His fear,
He preserves us from sin's practice.

"The blood of Jesus purifies us from all sin."
  1 John 1:7

If your flesh had its full swing?

(Philpot, "The Inward Conflict Between the
Flesh and the Spirit", September 2, 1860)

"The old sinful nature loves to do evil, which is just
 opposite from what the Holy Spirit desires. And the
 Spirit gives us desires that are opposite from what
 the sinful nature desires. These two forces are
 constantly fighting each other, so that you cannot
 do the things that you would do
." Galatians 5:17

At times, we can hardly tell how we are kept from evil.

There is in those who fear God, a spiritual principle
which holds them up, and keeps them back from the
ways of sin and death in which the flesh would walk.
This inner principle of grace and godly fear has, in
thousands of instances, preserved the feet of the saints,
and kept them from doing things that would have . . .
  ruined their reputation,
  blighted their character,
  brought reproach upon the cause of God, and
  the greatest grief and distress into their own conscience!

They cannot do the EVIL things that they would do.

The flesh is always lusting towards evil, but grace
is a counteracting principle to repress and subdue it.
Grace does not wholly overcome the evil lustings of
the flesh, but it can prevent those lustings from being
carried out into open action. For the Spirit fights
against the flesh, and will not let it altogether reign
and rule, nor have its own will and way unchecked.

What a mercy lies couched here! For what would
you be, if your flesh had its full swing?

What evil is there which you would not do?

What crime which you would not commit?

What slip which you would not make?

What open and horrid fall which you would not be
guilty of--unless you were upheld by Almighty
--and the flesh curbed and checked from
running its destructive course?

We can never praise God sufficiently for His restraining
--for what would we be without it?

"Hold me up, and I shall be safe!" Psalm 119:117


Forever and ever!

(Octavius Winslow, "This God is Our God")

"For this God is our God forever and ever; He
will be our guide even to the end." Psalm 48:14

Oh, that blissful word forever!

Forever and ever in heaven!

Forever and ever associated with saints and angels!

Forever and ever gazing on the beauty of Jesus!

Forever and ever basking in the sunshine of His glory!

Forever and ever chanting the song of the Lamb!

Forever and ever swimming in the ocean of God's love!

Forever and ever growing in knowledge and holiness and glory!

Forever and ever with the Lord!

"For this God is our God forever and ever; He
will be our guide even to the end." Psalm 48:14

Our extremity

(Anne Dutton's Letters on Spiritual Subjects)

It is a great thing to know ourselves in our
nothingness and vileness--and to know Christ
as ours in His all-sufficient fullness.

Our extremity is God's opportunity to display
His glory as the God of all grace, and our very
present help in times of trouble, and the more
to endear His delivering kindness to our souls.

Remaining enmity, sin, and ungodliness

(Anne Dutton's Letters on Spiritual Subjects)

How great is the wonder that He, who is surrounded with myriads of angels and archangels—those 'bright flames of love to Him' who incessantly warble out His praises—should ever cast one kind thought upon such dull, cold, lifeless pieces of earth as we sometimes feel ourselves to be!

But our Lord loves us—loves us freely! Loves us infinitely—notwithstanding all our unloveliness, and ingratitude, and evil requitings of Him for all His manifest kindness! And love binds His heart to us, and fixes His kind thoughts upon us. Loved by Him—freely, greatly, unchangeably, and eternally—we shall be remembered by Him perpetually in an infinity of flowing compassions, under all our sicknesses, our griefs, our miseries—from which by an infinite, an all-producing resolve, He will save us unto full and endless glory with Him hereafter!

That love of Christ, which was strong enough to engage Him to die for us when enemies, as sinners, as ungodly—will never fail towards us, because of that remaining enmity, sin, and ungodliness, which abides and works to our grief—in the corrupt, unregenerate part of our souls, and sadly at times produces backslidings in our lives. The love of Christ will go on with its great design—to save us from all sin and misery—unto all glory with Him, unto ages without end!

His love to us is infinitely great for the accomplishment of His great design—to bring us all up to be with Him where He is, to behold His glory, to be one in Him and in the Father, as He and the Father are one, by love-union and glory-communion—unto our full joy and ineffable and endless bliss! Let us lift up our heads in faith—and with stretched-out necks in hope, let us look and long for the glory of that day. I wish you rich times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord, who, having loved His own who are in the world, loves them unto the end!

A coward's castle

(J. C. Philpot, "Inquiries and Answers")

A pastor has no right to turn the pulpit into a
coward's castle
, and from there attack those
in the congregation, whom he is afraid to meet
face to face privately.

It is cruelly unfair to attack an individual who
cannot defend himself—to hold him up, as if on
the horns of the pulpit, before the congregation,
(who generally know pretty well who is meant),
and to condemn him without hearing his side,
with the pastor being the only judge and jury.