by Octavius Winslow
"The Christians
or, "The Patriarchs Emigration to Egypt"
When the news reached Pharaoh's palace
that Joseph's brothers had come, Pharaoh and all his officials were pleased.
Pharaoh said to Joseph, "Tell your brothers, 'Do this: Load your animals and
return to the land of Canaan, and bring your father and your families back
to me. I will give you the best of the land of Egypt and you can enjoy the
fat of the land.'
"You are also directed to tell them, 'Do this: Take some
carts from Egypt for your children and your wives, and get your father and
come. Never mind about your belongings, because the best of all Egypt will
be yours.' "
So the sons of Israel did this. Joseph gave them carts, as
Pharaoh had commanded, and he also gave them provisions for their journey.
To each of them he gave new clothing, but to Benjamin he gave three hundred
shekels of silver and five sets of clothes. And this is what he sent to his
father: ten donkeys loaded with the best things of Egypt, and ten female
donkeys loaded with grain and bread and other provisions for his journey.
Genesis 45:16-23
This is not the first occasion, as the reader will have
noticed, that the patriarch Jacob, the father of Joseph, is introduced in
the narrative. We have seen him, amid accumulating and deepening sorrows,
bend like a mighty oak before the storm, in bitterness and anguish of soul
exclaiming, "All these things are against me!" It is in another and a
happier point of light we view him now- summoned to go down into Egypt to
see and embrace the son whose supposed death he had so long and so sorely
Beloved, there is a bright light in every dark cloud of
the Christian's pilgrimage from earth to glory. It is not all gloom and
dreariness- simple, unmingled, and unmitigated woe. The path is variegated,
the stones which pave it are of many colors, the mosaic so exquisite in its
combination and form as none but a Divine hand could have laid. Thus was it
with Jacob, and thus is it with all the "sons of Jacob." If the Lord breaks
up our earthly resting-place, as the eagle stirs up her nest, it is but to
lead us by a way we knew not, into a deeper experience of His love, a closer
acquaintance with Himself, and a more perfect fitness in grace and holiness
for heaven. Thus was it with the patriarch whose history we are now to
consider. The three points in this stage of the narrative illustrating
Christ and His people are- the JOURNEY, the PROVISION for the journey, and
What a new and unexpected chapter in Jacob's history was
this! At an advanced period of life, at a time when its sun seemed touching
the horizon, when, as one would suppose, all his thoughts and arrangements
and feelings would cluster around the last, the final, the most solemn stage
of his pilgrimage, lo! he is summoned by the providence of God to leave his
country, relinquish his home, and set out upon a long, tedious, and perilous
journey. We must suppose, too, that there would be much in this step that
was trying to his faith; much that would depress, grieve, and sadden him. It
was no light matter for Jacob to abandon this sacred and beloved spot, with
all its fond, hallowed associations, and, at his time of life, undertake
this long and tiresome journey.
But, beloved, we know not what God may call us to, just
at the very time we are supposing that life's weary pilgrimage is about to
terminate. Well, be it so; God will not summon you at the close of life, at
a period, perchance, when you are sighing for repose, longing for perfect
quietude, to any service, mission, or trial, in which He has not purposes of
love, and thoughts of peace to accomplish in your history and experience,
and for which He will not prove "the Almighty God "- God all-sufficient.
What is our Christian course but a journey? Jacob's was
from Canaan into Egypt, but the Christian's is from Egypt into Canaan; and
this makes all the difference. God, by His sovereign grace, has brought us
out of our moral Egypt, delivered us from the iron furnace, the tyranny of
Satan, the bond-service of sin, in which by nature we are involved. By a
mighty and strong arm, He has rescued us, and set our face fully towards
Canaan, into which blessed land He will ultimately and certainly bring us.
The time of setting out on this spiritual journey
differs. Some enter upon it early in life. Blessed, thrice blessed, are they
who, through grace, turn their back on this world, its pleasures, its
vanities, its joys, its seductions, its sins, and set out on the Christian
journey; who in the season of youth are led to taste that earth's sweets are
bitter, that all the world's promises are false, and that there is nothing
in its most attractive joys that can satisfy the craving of the soul; who,
by the blessed Spirit, have been led to see the depravity of their nature,
the plague of their heart, the utter worthlessness of their own
righteousness, and have gone to the altar of consecration, and dedicated the
first, and the best, and the sweetest of their life to God, "Choosing rather
to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of
sin for a season; esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the
treasures of Egypt!"
Others set out on this great journey heavenward later in
life. They are called in middle age, immersed, though they are, in life's
cares and avocations; yet we do find that, by Divine and sovereign grace,
the Lord can, in spite of all the worldliness, turmoil, and excitement by
which they are surrounded, seek them out, and bring them to see the utter
emptiness and insufficiency of their worldly pursuits to make them truly
Others are led to enter on this new and blessed course in
old age. After many long years of unregeneracy, of living to self, to the
world, and to sin, electing love and sovereign grace has sought and found
its object. Just as the sun of human life was near its setting, the man of
seventy or eighty winters has taken the first step towards Zion, setting out
on that journey which, though commenced at the eleventh hour, will end in
eternal glory. Oh the infinite patience of God! Yet all whom the Father has
given to Christ in an everlasting covenant shall come to Him! Long years of
rebellion, hoary hairs stained with many a sin, a heart petrified with
long-persisted impenitence, unbelief, and worldliness, shall not rob Jesus
of one of His crown jewels. He will search them out and bring them home,
though the object of His love and the subject of His grace be the "sinner of
a hundred years old." He can make a father in sin, a babe in Christ.
Then, beloved, what a view does this present to us of our
pathway homeward! It is not through a paradise of beauty that we are
traveling to heaven, but it is through a "waste howling wilderness." God
found us in it, and through it He leads us home to Himself, and He will make
us to know, by daily experience, that the world is but a desert. Not one
sentence would I utter calculated to convey a false or gloomy idea of the
religion of Christ. I believe that no individual knows what true happiness
or real joy is until he knows Christ; and that no individual really enjoys
God's temporal blessings, the beauties of creation, the marvellous works of
His hands, until his spiritual eye has been opened; and then that
new-created soul sees more glory in the works of God, more beauty in nature,
more wonder in the marvellous operations of God's hands, than the most
profound philosopher with the film of spiritual darkness still on his mental
eye. The man who has not an eye, a spiritual eye, to see the beauties of
revelation, the glory of Christ, and the kingdom of God, has a veil on his
soul, and cannot trace, admire, and adore the wisdom and power, goodness and
beauty of God, even in nature.
And yet, beloved, our God will make us see daily that the
world through which we are passing is but a waste howling wilderness, a land
of drought and peril, in which often the weary pilgrim longs for the wings
of a dove that he may fly away and be at rest. It is a wearisome and
perilous journey, and the soul of God's children is often discouraged
because of the way. Oh, how often are you cast down by reason of the
difficulties and straitness of the path. You find every path a strait and
narrow one! The path of truth is strait; the path of Christian obedience is
difficult; the path of Christian duty is ofttimes intricate and perplexing;
the path of your domestic duties is often a very trying-one.
I pity the professed Christian pilgrim who does not find
the world a desert, the path a narrow and strait one, and who is not led day
by day to learn it out from deep experience that he is coming up out of a
wilderness, yet leaning on his Beloved. Be suspicious of yourself, examine
your own heart in the light of God's Word if you find the Christian way to
be an easy one, if you find the path to be a smooth one, if you find the
world smiling on you, cheering you onward, seeking your fellowship, courting
your society; suspect the real state of your own heart, and look well to
your way; for, be assured of this, the more a man grows in grace and
advances in the path of glory, the more will he learn that the world is a
desert, the worldling a trifler, the way is perplexing; his own utter
weakness and insufficiency, and that the resources of strength, wisdom, and
grace which God has provided for him are all laid up in the Lord Jesus
Another view of this part of the subject. Although the
journey of Jacob was a long, wearisome, and perchance a perilous one, yet
there was much to look forward to at its termination. The thought of meeting
Joseph, of feeling the warm embrace of his son, the prospect of exchanging a
land smitten with famine for a land luxuriating in plenty, must have flung
many a gleam of sunshine on that dreary road, irradiating it with hope, and
cheering it with the melody of song. Beloved; look to the end of the
Christian journey. Look not at the roughness of the way; be not swallowed up
with its difficulties; do not despond because of its privations. Oh, look to
the end of the journey, especially you aged saints. There is a glorious life
at the termination of the Christian course; there is "hope in your end:" it
is the hope of being with Jesus; it is the prospect of seeing your beloved
Lord; it is the glorious anticipation of feeling the embrace of His love; it
is the blessed hope, the glorious hope, the certain hope, that when you have
crossed the desert, and made the last stage of your journey, you will be
forever with the Lord.
Oh, let the prospect, then, cheer and strengthen you! You
will be less desponding, less depressed and discouraged by reason of the
way, if you dwell more on its glorious, blessed, and sublime termination.
Soon you will emerge from an arid desert into a beautiful garden, from a
wilderness of storm into a paradise of beauty, from a land of scarceness and
famine into a land of luxuriant richness and eternal sunshine. "For the Lord
your God brings you into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of
fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills; a land of wheat,
and barley, and vines, and fig-trees, and pomegranates; a land of olive oil,
and honey; a land wherein you shall eat bread without scarceness, you shall
not lack anything in it."
Observe, now, the PROVISION which Joseph made for this
journey of his father and brethren. Let us just take two or three of the
prominent points illustrative of the spiritual truths we wish to place
before you. You will observe, in the first place, that Pharaoh commands
Joseph to send conveyances for his father and his household from Canaan to
Egypt. "Take wagons out of the land of Egypt. . . . . And Joseph gave them
wagons, according to the commandment of Pharaoh." These were conveyances by
which his father and his household were to be conducted in safety and
comfort in their transit from Canaan into Egypt.
Beloved, God has provided every conveyance for the
journey of the soul from earth to heaven; He has anticipated all its
exigencies, and has supplied all the spiritual helps by which we cross this
desert world, and arrive safe in glory. Do not, I beseech you, overlook this
wondrous unfolding of God's love to, and His care for, His Church. He has
not left us to our own resources. In other words, He has not unkindly left
us to find our way homeward by our own ingenuity or self-sustaining power.
He has provided for the safe, the certain journey of your soul out of this
Egypt, across this waste howling wilderness, into the celestial Canaan which
the Lord has promised.
Shall I remind you, in the first place, what a divine
help, what a powerful conveyance is HIS OWN WORD? God has given you this
blessed Book to be the chart, the guide of your soul, passing to eternity.
We do not need the light, the wisdom, the teaching of man to conduct us
through the darkness, perils, and temptations of our course. Let us be
diligent students of God's revealed Word, become more conversant with its
glorious contents, dive deeper into its divine instructions, and we shall
not then need the crude, diluted views of truth which emanate from human
pens, perchance ofttimes bewildering, misguiding, and alluring us by
teaching fatal to our spiritual advance, holiness, and comfort.
Oh, that God might make us better acquainted with this
precious truth, that the BIBLE, His revealed Word, is our divinely-provided
and complete guide to heaven! He that has the truths of this Book written on
his heart, inwrought in his soul's experience, shall not miss the way. The
Holy Spirit his teacher, he shall not err in the path of holiness, nor be
left to his own blind understanding, nor be tossed about "by the sleight of
men and cunning craftiness by which they lie in wait to deceive;" but,
committing himself to the light, teaching, and guidance of this inspired
volume, he will find that his spiritual Joseph has supplied him with a safe
conveyance from earth to heaven in the blessed instructions, doctrines,
precepts, and promises of God's own revealed Word.
THE MINISTRY OF THE GOSPEL is another divinely-appointed
conveyance for our souls' advance homeward. The Christian ministry is an
ordained institution of Christ. It is appointed for the instruction of the
Church of God in truth, righteousness, and holiness, and for the calling in
of God's people; and he who would wilfully and knowingly ignore this
institution of God, would ignore any ordinance or doctrine of the Bible, and
would take from the Church in her homeward march one of her most powerful
auxiliaries and aids. We read, "And he gave some, apostles; and some,
prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the
perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of
the body of Christ."
Oh, yes, beloved, I need not appeal to your experience
how often you have had occasion to thank God for a living, Christ-exalting,
holy ministry; how often you have praised Him for the instruction conveyed
to your mind, the consolation distilled into your heart, the sunshine
reflected on your dark and gloomy way, through this divinely-appointed
channel and blessed agency. And thus the Christian ministry, originating
with God, given to the Church by her great Head, has proved one of the
divine conveyances for the spiritual transit of the believer across the
desert into the glorious Canaan to which God has promised to bring His
Evince your gratitude for its appointment, and show your
estimate of its value, by sustaining it with your fervent, believing
prayers; remembering that your progress in spiritual knowledge and grace
will be in the same ratio with that of your minister. He can only instruct
and aid you as he himself is taught and enriched of God. Therefore, let both
him and his ministry be the constant burden of your prayers. Remember that
"a praying people makes a preaching minister." And, oh, how deeply does he
need your most fervent and continuous intercessions! He has infirmities and
temptations, trials and sorrows, which, perhaps, the deep sanctity of his
office veils well-near from every eye. Because he preaches so gloriously of
the love of Christ, we think that his own love is never chilled. Because he
expatiates so earnestly on the mighty power of faith, we deem that his own
is never tried. Because he pours forth such strong consolations, we imagine
that his own heart is a stranger to sorrow. Ah! he treads a path of which
his flock but little know. For them he is tempted, for them he is tried, for
them he is comforted: yes, for their sakes and his own, he is often
accounted as a sheep for the slaughter- prepared to sacrifice health,
wealth, ease, fame, in a word, his own self, might he present them as his
joy and crown in the day of the Lord. Pray, then, for your minister!
And let me add, what a divinely-appointed and blessed
conveyance is THE CHURCH of God itself! This may seem a paradox, but it is
true. The Church can help the Church, saint can help saint, brother can help
brother; and this is one of the wise arrangements of Christ. He has not
appointed angels to support, and teach, and strengthen, and sympathize with
His saints; but fellow-saints, fellow-believers, fellow-sinners ransomed by
grace. Now, the Church is a most powerful agent for the advancement of its
members. When the saints of God are walking closely with their heavenly
Father, are living in near communion with eternity, and are living under
much of the anointing of the Holy Spirit, oh, what powerful helpers are they
of the saints; and how often God strengthens, supports, and comforts one
weak, timid, desponding, sorrowing brother, by the strength, the grace, the
sympathy of another!
Never forget, beloved, what a help you may be to some
poor weary traveler across this sandy desert, often desponding and cast down
by the weariness of the way- how much, by kindness and sympathy, you may
comfort, sustain, and soothe him, and thus smooth and speed him heavenward.
The Church of God is to be nourished by the Church of God. Every joint is to
supply some ministry for the whole body, every member is to sympathize with
the other members, each contributing to the vigor, healthfulness, and
advancement of the whole; so that there is not a member of the body, the
lowest, the weakest and most insignificant, who may not, and does not,
contribute something to the upholding, the strengthening, and the
advancement of the Church of God in its transit from this desert home to
heaven. "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up
into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined
and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up
in love, as each part does its work."
And yet another and a powerful conveyance to heaven is
the THRONE OF GRACE. Nothing so advances, I had almost said wafts, the soul
towards heaven as prayer. Praise is a mighty help, and when we are full of
real praise, we approximate nearer to what our employment in heaven will be
than when in prayer. But, nevertheless, prayer is the more appropriate
engagement of the Church on earth; and when this divine breath expands its
sails, our bark is borne rapidly and safely forward to the celestial haven.
Poor, weak, timid brother! God has given you the conveyance of a throne of
grace; make great use of it. Often get into this heavenly chariot, with all
your burdens, and cares, and griefs, and see how swiftly and gently it will
waft your sour towards God. Your prayers will come up to his holy
habitation, even into heaven. Your true Joseph has sent it to uplift your
mind, your heart, your soul often to Himself; and, ascending in this
conveyance, your breathings will touch the throne. The Lord waits to be
gracious; and you have but to plead the name of Jesus, to enter into the
holiest by His blood, and you will have power with God, and shall prevail.
Oh, what a mighty strengthener and uplifter of the soul
is prayer! "As the naturally weak ivy, which, if it had no support, would
only grovel on the earth, by adhering to some neighboring tree or building,
or entwining itself about it, thus grows and flourishes, and rises higher
and higher, and the more the winds blow and the tempest beats against it,
the closer it adheres, and the nearer it clings, and the faster its fibres
embrace that which supports it, and it remains uninjured; so the Christian,
naturally weak, by prayer connects himself with the Almighty, and the more
dangers and difficulties beset him, the more closely they unite him to his
God; he reaches towards, and bears upon, and clings to, the throne of grace,
and is strengthened with divine strength."
We come to the PROVISION for the way; it is stated in the
23d verse what that provision was, "To each of them he gave new clothing,
but to Benjamin he gave three hundred shekels of silver and five sets of
clothes. And this is what he sent to his father: ten donkeys loaded with the
best things of Egypt, and ten female donkeys loaded with grain and bread and
other provisions for his journey." It was very considerate and kind of
Joseph to make this ample provision for the temporal necessities and needs
of the whole house.
Is our Joseph less thoughtful, less careful and
considerate? Oh, no! Christ has provided for every step of our journey home
to His glorified self. You shall not find a difficulty in your path, a peril
in your way, there shall not spring up a new need, trial, or affliction, but
God will have provided for it in the fulness of his dear Son, and in the
supplies of His everlasting covenant of grace. Oh, how should this cheer,
strengthen, and animate us; how should it keep you calm, cheerful, and
trustful! Leave your future all with Christ, who has anticipated it all.
Suppose tomorrow you meet some new exigency, confront
some new trial, face some new foe; be it so- you will find that your Joseph
has gone before you in it all. When trouble comes, the grace will come that
sustains it; when perplexity comes, the counsel will come that guides it;
when grief comes, the soothing will come that allays it. You will find,
beloved, that Christ has gone before you; that He has provided an ample
supply for all the spiritual exigencies that may spring up at each step of
your journey.
Once more would I remind you of the "good things" which
God has provided for the maintenance of His Church in her travel through the
wilderness- for the sustenance of each individual saint. Well may we exclaim
with the Psalmist, "Oh, how great is your goodness which you have laid up
for those who fear you!" All the wealth of the eternal covenant of grace is
ours- all the fulness that is in Christ Jesus is ours- all the treasures of
the everlasting gospel are ours -all the promises of God are ours. These are
our "provisions for the way"- "laden with corn and bread and meat."
Why, then, should we faint, despond, or despair? Shall we
in our daily march, in our conflict with new trials, new temptations, new
exigencies, succumb to our circumstances, when faith, looking at its
inexhaustible resources, may confront them without a fear? "My God shall
supply all your needs according to his riches in glory," (or, His glorious
riches,) "by Christ Jesus." There is bread in our Father's house, and to
spare- plenty of corn in Egypt- all strength, all restraining grace, all
constraining love, all human sympathy, and all divine power in our Immanuel,
God ever with us, our exalted, enthroned, and glorified Joseph. He who is
leading us to heaven will bring us there at His own charge and beneath His
own convoy.
But Joseph not only supplied maintenance, but also
clothing. This illustrates a very precious and glorious spiritual provision
of Christ. Joseph was a liberal man, and he devised liberal things; a
wealthy man, and he gave affluently; he was a prince, and he provided in a
princely way. Our true Joseph supplies ample clothing for the souls of His
saints in their homeward journey; He has provided not one clothing only, but
varied raiments; and it is well for us to know what they are, that we may
put them on and wear them. The first He has provided is the robe of
righteousness, which covers, beautifies, and fully justifies the saints of
the Most High; that glorious and perfect righteousness in which we stand
forever accepted, and in which, were we to die at this moment, we should
appear before God, not only "unblameable" (that is not a good translation,
for we are blamable, but unblamed) "and unreproveable" (or, unreproved) "in
His sight," there being against us nothing whatever which the law, justice,
or sin can possibly allege.
Now, this is the righteousness that exonerates you if you
believe. Christ has provided it, the Spirit invests you with it, faith
receives it, and God justifies you through it. "It is God who justifies."
Realizing your investiture in this divine clothing, you may pursue your
journey through life with the peace of God ruling in your heart, and the
hope of glory shedding a bright halo around its close. No doubt or fear
respecting the future need disturb your mind while your faith can enfold
itself in the "righteousness of Christ, which is unto all and upon all those
who believe." Justified by faith in Christ, you shall surely enter heaven,
and be found in Him, "the Lord our Righteousness."
There is another garment provided by our glorious Joseph.
Christ freely supplies, not only the robe of righteousness, but the garment
of sanctification. Christ himself is our sanctification. As Christ, by the
Spirit grows in us, and we become conformed to the image of Christ, He
becomes our sanctification. We grow holy only as we approximate to the
nature, the spirit, and image of Christ. This is true holiness, and nothing
else is. Holiness does not consists in fastings, in prayers, in religious
duties, rites, and ceremonies. How many there are in the present day who are
religiously and rigidly observing all these external things, dreaming of
holiness and fitness for heaven, without one particle of real
sanctification! What a fearful and fatal delusion! Your sanctification,
beloved, is Christ- Christ growing in you, "who of God is made unto us
wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption."
This is the holy clothing Christ has provided for your
journey homeward. You have to battle with indwelling sin, and to conflict
with outward temptation. But never forget that you are to live upon Christ
as much for your sanctification as for your justification; that His grace is
pledged to subdue your iniquities, to arm you in the conflict, to give you
skill in the holy fight, and the final victory over all your enemies; and in
proportion as Christ grows in you, you will grow in a true hatred of sin, in
a deepening love of holiness, and thus in real, gospel sanctification.
In addition to the robe of righteousness, and the garment
of sanctification, with which the believer is invested, there are the
adornments of the Spirit, the ornaments of the Christian character, the
divine graces which ever accompany the righteousness of the saints,
evidencing and illustrating their high and holy relationship to God. Lovely
spectacle! A sinner clothed with the righteousness of Christ, all glorious
within through the renewing of the Holy Spirit, and in his external and
visible walk exhibiting, in their beautiful combination, the different
graces and fruits of the Spirit. Well may the believer exclaim, "I will
greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he has
clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe
of righteousness as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a
bride adorns herself with jewels."
Are these sacred graces of the Spirit exhibited in our
life, beloved? Is our religion lovely? is our Christian life thus adorned?
Are we walking in the Spirit, and not fulfilling the lusts of the flesh? Is
Christ's robe of righteousness girdled around us by the Spirit's graces,
thus walking with Jesus in white, and in the joy and comfort of the Holy
Spirit? Oh, you temples of God through the Spirit, how holily, and softly,
and warily should you walk! A temple of the Holy Spirit!- heaven has not a
more sacred and God-loved structure! Yet how shall we preserve it from
defilement, or cleanse it when defiled, but by a constant application of the
"blood of sprinkling?"
Indwelling sin there must be, outward sin there will be;
but the Fountain is open, and in it we must daily wash. His blood alone will
keep the conscience clean, the mind peaceful, and the heart in close, filial
communion with God.
We thus reach the COMMAND of Joseph to his brethren-
"Never mind about your belongings, because the best of all Egypt will be
yours." This command was imperative. They were not to allow their eye to
spare any of the earthly possessions they were now relinquishing. Nor were
they to repine or regret that they were abandoning their country, homestead,
and property, since the land where they were emigrating, with all its wealth
and abundance, was theirs. The injunction was wise. To have burdened
themselves with the things they were leaving would but have increased their
anxieties and care- have retarded their progress and prolonged their
journey. One thought was to shed its sunshine upon their way- the thought of
seeing Joseph, and of perfect immunity from neediness and toil amid the
abundance and repose of Egypt.
Beloved, how deep the spiritual teaching here! How holy
and unearthly the precept it enjoins upon heaven's emigrant! We are passing
through this world to glory. And the command of our Lord is, that we be
constantly forgetting the things that are seen and temporal, nor regard the
world, its possessions and attractions, in the anticipation of the world of
glory that is before us. Our Jesus says, "Lay not up for yourselves
treasures upon earth. Take no thought for your life, what you shall eat, or
what you shall drink; nor yet for your body, what you shall put on." The
follower of Christ is to consider earth's wealth and glory, this world's
pleasures and politics, as nothing to him; and constantly detaching himself
from the things that are earthly and temporal, he is to be pressing forward
to things heavenly and eternal.
How many a child of God, who should be growing in grace
and advancing in heavenliness, is constantly clogging his feet with earth's
clay, weaving around him the net and the mesh of earthly, carnal, sensual
engagements, thus impeding his spiritual progress! How can he grow in grace
and heavenly mindedness if this be so? It is utterly impossible. You must
become more dead to earth, more crucified to the world, and realize more the
power of Christ's resurrection in your soul. This is the apostolic
exhortation, "If you then are risen with Christ, seek those things which are
above, where Christ sits at the right hand of God. Set your affection on
things above, not on things on the earth. For you are dead, and your life is
hid with Christ in God." "Put to death therefore your members which are upon
the earth."
Your true Joseph, your blessed Jesus, says to you
emphatically, "Regard not your earthly possessions, your belongings, your
worldly advantage; regret not the loss and sacrifice of home, friends, and
property, that you make for your attachment to me, my service, and my cause;
count it all as vanity and dross; gird up your mind to endure my shame, to
share my reproach, yes, to deny all ungodliness, to come out of the world
and be my cross-bearing disciples. I have laid up for you treasure in
heaven, infinite wealth, an inheritance that is incorruptible, riches that
perish not, joys that glut not, a crown of glory that fades not away. Count
the world as loss, all created good as dross, and the creature itself as
vanity, for the glory, and honor, and immortality that will soon be yours."
Thus would our blessed Lord teach, cheer, and animate us
in our heavenly journey, by bidding us cease from needless earthly care, and
cultivate the spirit, the mind, and the hopes of pilgrims traveling to the
celestial city! Consonant with this is the whole tenor of God's Word. How
impressive and emphatic its exhortations! "Depart, depart, go out from
thence, touch no unclean thing; go out of the midst of her; you be clean
that bear the vessels of the Lord." "Let us go forth therefore unto Him
outside the camp, bearing His reproach." "Let us lay aside every weight, and
the sin which does so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race
that is set before us, looking unto Jesus." God give us grace to lay to
heart these exhortations to heavenly mindedness! We are but crossing a
desert land on our way home to Christ. He has promised that our bread and
our water shall be sure, and that we shall lack no good thing. Upon Him,
then, let us cast our care, anxious for nothing except how we may so walk as
to please Him in all things.
This life of faith, by which thus we become dead to the
world, will soon conduct us to the last stage of our homeward journey. He
who was with us in all its preceding stages, will be with us in this its
last and closing, its most solemn and eventful one. Think not, O weary,
trembling pilgrim, that He will abandon you then to resources of your own.
Oh no! Jesus has provided for the hour and details of His people's
departure. He will send with the conveyance that is to bear you home to
glory, grace, strength, and hope for the solemn transit. Christ will be with
you then; and, Christ with you, all will be well- seeing JESUS, you "shall
not see death."
"When my last hour is close at hand.
My last sad journey taken,
Do you, Lord Jesus, by me stand,
Let me not be forsaken.
O Lord! my spirit I resign
Into Your loving hands divine,
It is safe within Your keeping."
"Countless as sands upon the shore,
My sins may then appal me;
Yet, though my conscience vex me sore,
Despair shall not enthrall me,
For, as I draw my latest breath,
I'll think, Lord Jesus, upon Your death,
And there find consolation."
"Limb of your body, Lord, am I,
This makes me joyful-hearted;
In death's dark gloom and misery,
From You I am not parted.
And when I die, I die to Thee,
Eternal Life was won for me
By Your last hour of anguish."
"I shall not in the grave remain,
Since You death's bonds have severed;
By hope with You to rise again,
From fear of death delivered,
I'll come to You, wherever You are,
Live with You, never from You part;
Therefore to die is rapture."
"And so to Jesus Christ I'll go,
My longing arms extending;
So fall asleep in slumber deep,
Slumber that knows no ending;
Until Jesus Christ, God's only Son,
Opens the gates of bliss- leads on
To heaven, to life eternal!" (Nicholas Hermann)