by Octavius Winslow
"A Full Christ for
Empty Sinners" or "The Sacks Filled with Corn"
"Then Joseph commanded to fill their sacks with corn, and
to restore every man's money into his sack, and to give them provision for
the way: and thus did he unto them." Genesis 42:25
How close to the fountain of their supply did these
famishing brethren of Joseph now stand; yet how unconscious that he was
their brother! Ignorant of this fact, they were awe-struck by his commanding
presence, and were filled with fear and trembling by the authority and tone
with which he spoke to them. It is thus with us. How often do we appear in
the presence of God as these brethren in the presence of Joseph! He is our
Father, and Jesus is our Brother, and all the fulness of Deity, and all the
treasures of the covenant of grace are His. Yet, this fact of Divine
relationship, so much concealed by the veil of unbelief, fettered by a legal
spirit, and misinterpreting the providences of our God, we too frequently
present ourselves in His presence- in communion, in supplication, in
service- with the trembling of a servant, and wearing the manacles of a
And yet, what is the true spirit and posture of a child of God, of a
brother of Christ? It is this, "You have not received the spirit of bondage
again to fear; but you have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry,
Abba, Father. The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit, that we are
the children of God." Oh, if, in the case of these brethren, the veil had
been but uplifted, and the astounding fact had burst upon them in all its
startling truthfulness, "I am Joseph, your brother," what a revolution had
taken place in their feelings- their confidence restored, their fears
quelled, their hopes inspired, and overwhelmed with emotion, they would have
fallen at His feet, bathing them with tears of contrition, gratitude, and
In all this, do we trace nothing analogous to some of the holiest and
sweetest experiences of our soul? In the prosecution of our subject, we have
arrived at a most spiritually instructive part of the narrative- the ample
supply meted out by Joseph in response to the pressing needs and appeal of
his brethren. The points which will illustrate the great gospel truths, we
pray the Eternal Spirit to unfold and apply, are simply these: THE SUPPLY-
Let us turn our attention, in the first place, to THE SUPPLY- "Then
Joseph commanded to fill their sacks with corn." It was for corn they had
gone down into Egypt, impelled by the grievous and sore famine which raged
throughout their land, and corn they found and obtained. Now, to a spiritual
mind viewing this part of the narrative in its gospel light, how full,
instructive, and precious it is. Keep in view the fact, that Christ is our
Brother, that as our Brother He is at the head, yes, that He is the Head, of
all spiritual blessings, and you will be provided with a key to the gospel
interpretation of this part of the story, so striking and instructive in its
Now, the first remark under this head of supply is this, It was sheer
necessity, urgent, pressing need, that brought these brethren into the
presence of Joseph. Does any other motive, or principle, or errand bring us
to Christ? Will a sinner in his unrenewed state ever go to the Savior not
under the pressure of necessity? Will a soul ever betake itself to Christ
without the conviction of its deep, spiritual need of Christ? Never! With
all the sweet, powerful attraction of the Lord Jesus Christ- His love,
loveliness, and grace- so completely depraved and dead is our nature, it is
utterly insensible to the power of this great magnet, and will never repair
to Christ until the Holy Spirit, awakening a conviction of sin, creates in
it the pressure of need.
Here learn what is the first stage of real conversion, my reader- it is
the spiritual, enlightened conviction, sense and sight of our lost and
perishing condition as sinners. None value a crucified, atoning Christ but
the sick, the poor, the empty, the helpless; those who know the plague of
their own hearts, feel their condemnation by the law, and are driven out of
every refuge, and from every hope but that which meets them in these
wondrous words, "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptance,
that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners."
Have you thus been brought under sin's conviction by the Spirit? And will
not this illustrate a humbling page of your own advanced history, saint of
the most High? So weak is your faith, so languid your love, so worldly your
spirit, at so great a distance, ofttimes, do you find yourself from Jesus,
that but for pressure, but for a feeling of necessity, but for a conviction
of some need, alas, with all the attraction of Christ, His beauty, His love,
His graciousness, how seldom would you betake yourself to Jesus! Sorrow
brings you to Him, perplexity brings you to Him, exhausted resources bring
you to Him. Your heavenly Father, in the infinite wisdom and righteousness
of His dealings, lays His hand upon you, and, under the heavy pressure of
that hand, you arise and come to Jesus, and then learn the lesson of the rod
in the necessity, the conviction of want, the pressure of trial and sorrow
which has won back your truant heart into the blessed presence of your Lord.
Secondly, What was it they brought to Joseph? They brought vessels- empty
vessels. How many of these empty sacks, or of what size, is of but little
moment, nor would it have been a matter of any moment to Joseph if they had
brought all the sacks in Canaan-since his resources and his benevolence
would have filled them. Enough for our present illustration that they
brought empty sacks.
What is the state, the moral, spiritual state of the soul that is
spiritually brought to Christ, and that savingly receives Christ? Ah, we
little know the process that soul has to pass through, the discipline it
undergoes before it is fit to come to Christ, or before Christ is fit for
that soul. One word, profoundly significant, expresses that condition-
EMPTINESS! And this annihilates all those fancied and fanciful ideas which
thousands entertain of some self-sufficiency, some previous moral fitness in
their souls before they come to Jesus; that, before they avail themselves of
His salvation, they must place themselves in a kind of salvable state, that
is, that they must partially save themselves before they come to the Savior
to be saved!
But one word- oh, that the Spirit of God may write it on our hearts!
-expresses the condition in which Christ expects a sinner to come to Him-
EMPTINESS! And whether the soul is conscious of this emptiness or not, it is
there! Spiritual blindness to the fearful fact does not invalidate its
existence. The soul of man in its natural condition is empty of all
holiness, of all righteousness, of all goodness, of all strength, of all
love. It is a vast moral void, into which were you to empty the universe of
created good, would remain a void still. As well might you attempt to
extinguish the fires of Vesuvius by casting into its crater a drop of water,
as to extinguish the burning cravings of the human soul with any good but
GOD. God only can satisfy the soul of man; and happiness is a stranger to
the human heart until it finds its way back to Him. "The Lord is my portion,
says my soul, therefore will I hope in Him."
But although we assert that there is this vast spiritual emptiness in the
soul, deem it not paradoxical when we remind you that there is yet much of
what that soul must be emptied before it is prepared to receive out of
Christ's fulness. The soul of man is full to overflowing with
self-righteousness, with rebellion against God, with the love of sin, and
the reigning power of all iniquity. It is brimmed and overflowing with all
the elements of destruction, which, if left to work their own results, will
infallibly plunge the soul into the chambers of eternal darkness and
despair. The idol self must fall, your own righteousness must be renounced,
there must be the deep spiritual conviction of the plague of your own heart;
you must feel that you are under the condemnation of the law, and that you
have not one claim to God's mercy, nor one plea springing from yourself
whereby He should accept and save you.
Here let me pause and ask you, Have you thus been emptied? Or are you
still filled to engorgement with self, and with the world, with sin, and
with your own conceit, there being no room in your heart for the Savior?
Dear reader, the lowly stable where the Incarnate God made His advent to our
world images the spiritual state of that heart into which He enters, and
with Him His "kingdom of righteousness, joy, and peace in the Holy Spirit."
It is only a heart deeply, spiritually conscious of its poverty,
lowliness, and uncleanness, and emptied and humbled thereby in the dust,
that opens its doors to receive and welcome Him who came "not to call the
righteous, but sinners to repentance," to "die for the ungodly," to "preach
good tidings unto the meek, to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim
liberty to the captives, to give the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of
praise for the spirit of heaviness." Oh, if your heart is lowly, empty and
penitent, Jesus will make His gracious advent into it, and dwell there
With regard to the process of emptying, if any work ever proved itself
Divine it is this. Not all the eloquence, the philosophy, the learning, the
moral persuasion, of man or angel can produce it. The soul can attach itself
to what is vile, can absorb into itself what is unholy, and can yield to
what is contrary to God's truth, but it has not the moral power of an
infant's strength to expel one solitary evil, to free itself from one
dominant sin.
My reader, it is the power of God alone that empties a man, that makes
him clearly to see the imperfection of his own righteousness, his ignorance
of truth, of God, and of Christ. It is the work of the Holy and Eternal
Spirit to show to the poor sinner that all his righteousness is as filthy
rags, that he has no spiritual strength, and not one pulse of love to God
throbbing in his bosom. Oh, it is a power as great, as mighty, and as Divine
as that which spoke this universe into being-which said, "Let there be
light, and there was light,"-which alone can empty your soul of all its
darkness, its rebellion, its ignorance, its love, homage of self, and bring
you to the cross of Christ, to the feet of Jesus as a poor, empty beggar.
The means by which God the blessed Spirit accomplishes this great work
are various. To begin with the minor ones: it is often by trial, adversity,
and sorrow, that God opens a man's eyes to see the emptiness of himself and
of all created things. Travel through the Church of God, and ask, What was
it that first led you to Jesus? What first awoke spiritual, solemn, serious,
and devout reflection in your mind? What first embittered and beclouded to
you the sweet, sparkling streams and rivulets of created good?
The answer of thousands would be- God blighted my lovely flower, felled
my stately cedar, laid low my heart's choicest treasure, blew on the
accumulated earnings of many years, laid me on a sick and suffering bed. And
thus was I brought to Jesus. Sorrow impelled me, the storms drove me,
adversity led me to Him as the hiding-place from the wind, and the covert
from the tempest. I sought the creature's sufficiency, the world's vanity,
my own emptiness. He drew me with His love to seek and find all I needed in
Himself. And now I can bless and praise Him blighting all, for blasting all,
for ruining all, since it was but to make my soul His kingdom, my heart His
home, my body His temple, and Himself more precious than countless worlds
-my all and in all.
"In days when health and joy were mine,
And cloudless seemed my morning's shine,
I thought each bliss would still remain,
Nor knew how precious Christ was then.
But soon was dimmed my early light,
And sickness came with withering blight;
I turned to passed delights in vain,
But only Christ seemed precious then.
When sorrow sent her searching dart,
To probe and prove my erring heart,
Fainting beneath the bitter pain,
I felt that Christ was precious then.
And when before my startled eyes,
Sins past, and scarcely mourned, arise;
In vain my tears would cleanse the stain,
My Savior You are precious then.
And oh, when trembling near the tomb,
My spirit dreads the approaching gloom,
Then let the Cross my soul sustain,
And bid me think You are precious then."
But the grand, the chief instrument of spiritual emptying, is the truth
of God. The Holy Spirit, bringing home the truth with light and power to the
sinner's heart, shows him the emptiness and sinfulness and darkness that are
there. There is nothing so illuminating, so quickening, as the truth of God.
"The entrance of Your word gives light; it gives understanding unto the
simple." "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony
of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple: the statutes of the Lord are
right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure,
enlightening the eyes."
There is no light, no candle like that of the Lord's word, no truth like
that of God's truth, when the Holy Spirit holds it up as a mirror, showing
to a man his self-righteousness, ignorance, depravity, and worldliness.
There is a Divine power going forth with God's word which all the opposition
of the heart within, all the darkness that shades the mind, all the usurping
power of evil dwelling in the soul cannot possibly resist. It is indeed and
in truth "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." "Being born
again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God."
Now this instrument of spiritual quickening, sanctification, and comfort
God will honor. He has magnified His word above His name, and will have us
magnify it too. He is jealous of the purity, honor, and glory of His
revealed word. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but the word of God lives
and abides forever. Reader, has God's word come to your soul with a
life-giving, soul-emptying power? and is it sweeter to you than honey, and
more precious than much fine gold?
Let us now advert to the replenishing of these empty sacks, "Then Joseph
commanded to fill their sacks with corn." Observe from whom the supply of
corn came, -it was from Joseph. A more vital, important, and precious
gospel- truth could not be illustrated than this. Let us dwell upon it- the
FULNESS of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We select, as the groundwork of our statement, the remarkable words of
the apostle, "It pleased the Father, that in him should ALL FULNESS dwell."
More precious, or more pregnant words are not to be found in the Bible than
these. Of whom does the apostle speak as the Depositary of this fulness? "In
Him,"- the Son of God, our Lord and Savior, it pleased the Father that all
fulness should dwell. This fulness is not deposited in angels or in men, but
in Him who, in the preceding passage, is spoken of as "the image of God,"
"the firstborn of every creature," in Him, "by whom were all things created
that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible," as
"before all things, and by whom all things consist," as "the head of the
body, the church," as "the beginning, the first-born from the dead; that in
all things He might have the preeminence."
In Him, this Divine, this wonderful Being, ALL FULNESS dwells. In whom
could all the fulness of the Godhead- all the mediatorial fulness of the
Church dwell, but in the Son of God! But take the "fulness" particularly
spoken of in this passage, the mediatorial fulness of Christ; and in whom,
other than a being essentially God, could all fulness of merit, all fulness
of righteousness, all fulness of grace, all fulness of pardon, all fulness
of sanctification, all fulness of wisdom, all fulness of love, all fulness
of sympathy, all fulness of compassion, in a word, all fulness of all
supply, possibly dwell?
But all this fulness dwells in Christ! And who can comprehend this
fulness? What plumb-line can fathom, or what scale can measure the height,
the depth, the length, the breadth, of this fulness of salvation for
sinners- the inexhaustible stores; the vast supplies, the incalculable
abundance from which countless myriads have drawn, are drawing still, and
yet the sacred treasure, the precious fulness, remains unexhausted by a
drop, unsunk by a hair's-breadth? Infinity alone can give us its dimensions
and sound its depths.
In Christ, essentially, there is all "fulness of the Godhead bodily;" and
in Christ communicatively there is all the fulness which it pleased the
Father should dwell in Him. The one He possesses in virtue of His absolute
Deity- He being essentially one with the Father; the other He possesses in
virtue of His covenant relation to the Church- He being her Mediator, Head,
and Redeemer. It is in the light of the latter we are more especially to
interpret the fulness which it pleased the Father should dwell in Christ. It
is, distinctly and emphatically, a mediatorial fulness.
The same thing is spoken of by the evangelist John, "Of His fulness have
we all received, and grace for grace." Behold, then, our true Joseph! It was
the good pleasure, the sovereign will, the gracious purpose of the Father,
that all the treasures of His love, all the riches of His grace, all the
fulness of the covenant should be placed in the hands of Christ, to be
dispensed by Him according to the collective and individual necessities of
His Church.
And in what does this fulness consist? A fulness of dignity to atone, a
fulness of life to quicken, a fulness of righteousness to justify, a fulness
of virtue to pardon, a fulness of grace to sanctify, a fulness of power to
preserve, a fulness of compassion and sympathy to comfort, and a fulness of
salvation to save poor sinners to the uttermost; in a word, ALL
FULNESS; a fulness commensurate with need of every kind, with trial of every
form, with sorrow of every depth, with sin of every name, with guilt of
every hue, yes, with every conceivable and possible necessity in which the
children of God may be placed; fulness of grace here, and fulness of glory
hereafter; a fulness which the Church on earth will live upon; and boast of
until time be no more; a fulness which will be the delight and glory of the
Church in heaven to behold, until eternity shall end. In whom could all this
fulness be enthroned? In a mere creature? Preposterous thought!
Now, as from Joseph these empty vessels of his brethren were replenished,
so from Christ, and from Christ alone, our spiritual supplies are to come.
The Church of God has but one Spiritual Head, the sinner but one divine
Savior. God has not distributed the treasures of His grace, or delegated
spiritual authority and power in its communication to others, but has
deposited all grace, and all power, and all glory solely and only in His
No Church, no minister, no ecclesiastical body has one particle of this
grace in its power to bestow. The sole possession and power of spiritual
interpretation, of God's Word is delegated to no Church under heaven. The
authority and the power to absolve from sin, and to communicate the grace of
pardon to the soul belongs to no priesthood on the face of the earth. The
fulness of merit, and of grace, and of power necessary to the salvation of
one sinner, is exclusively in the Lord Jesus Christ.
His Church has no legislative, no administrative power whatever to rule,
and govern, and supply- all, all is invested in her one Divine, spiritual,
glorious Head- the Lord Jesus Christ. And don't we find all we need in Him?
What is the demand? Is it the pardon of sin? "In whom we have redemption
through His blood, even the forgiveness of sin." Is it righteousness to
justify? "We are made the righteousness of God in Him." Is it spiritual
life? "I have come that you might have life, and that you might have it more
abundantly." Is it grace to subdue the power of sin? "My grace is sufficient
for you." Is it compassion and sympathy in times of trouble, in seasons of
sorrow? "We have not a High Priest who cannot be touched with the feeling of
our infirmities." Oh, what is the need which shall not find in our full
Christ its own commensurate supply?
And what will our true Joseph give us? With what will He replenish the
exhausted vessel? It was corn, real food, with which Joseph filled the empty
sacks of his brethren. Our Lord Jesus gives His brethren "the true bread
from heaven." There is no mockery, no delusion in His gifts. We shall
receive nothing at His hands but what will enrich, strengthen, and advance
our soul's well-being. It may come in a disguised form- a rebuke, a reproof,
a warning, a lesson difficult to learn, a cross heavy to bear; it may empty
us from vessel to vessel, may fill us with shame and self-abhorrence, may
lay us low in the dust, nevertheless, it is the true bread He gives us, and
just in that form which our soul's necessities required?
"He fed them with manna in the wilderness that He might humble them." The
truth of God is humbling, the grace of Christ is self-abasing; and the soul
that is the most emptied of self, self-dependence, self-seeking, self-will,
who walks the nearest and the most softly with God, gathers the most
abundantly of this divine, this heavenly, this precious manna. Oh, there is
nothing so promotive of our soul's abasement, so humbling to self, as living
by faith, poverty, and nothingness, upon the fulness and sufficiency of a
crucified and present Christ.
The gospel is humbling, faith is humbling, grace is humbling- the place,
the circumstances in which we are found, are humbling; and He feeds us with
this manna in the world's waste howling wilderness that He might humble us.
Oh, blessed discipline this! "You shall remember all the way which the
Lord your God led you these forty years in the wilderness to humble you."
"And He humbled you, and allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna,
which you knew not, neither did your fathers know; that He might make you
know that man does not live by bread only, but by every word that proceeds
out of the mouth of the Lord does man live."
As Christ is taken into our hearts by faith, He becomes a part of our
moral nature, an integrated element of our spiritual being. Consequently we
grow Christ-like, or rather, Christ grows in us. We become more holy, more
meek, more gentle, more humble; in a word, the image of our Lord is more
developed in us, and we grow less man-like and more God-like; and the
quietness of our spirit, and the courtesy of our demeanor, and the lowliness
of our minds, and the gentle, winning sweetness of our whole carriage and
speech are but the image and reflection of Christ.
In view, then, of this statement of Christ's fulness let me exhort you to
bring your needs, your sins, your trials, your case, whatever its character,
to Christ. He will not send you back to a creature-power, or to human
compassion for that which will replenish and solace you, but will unlock the
hidden treasures, the full fount of His own resources, sympathy, and
compassion, and pour it like a tide into your soul, and your heart shall
abound with joy. Come when, or where, or how you may, He will cast into your
emptiness, nothing but His own infinite and unwasting fulness- nothing but
Himself! And then, with Mary, you shall exclaim- "My soul does magnify the
Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. He has filled the hungry
with good things; and the rich He has sent empty away."
Ah! none are sent away from Christ, except the rich, the full, the
self-sufficient. But the empty, the poor, the hungry, the penniless are
filled out of His fulness of grace and dismissed, rejoicing in Christ Jesus,
having no confidence in the flesh, and magnifying His great name.
But to proceed to the second point, THE RESTORED MONEY- "And Joseph
commanded to fill their sacks with corn, and to restore every man's money in
his sack." You will observe, my reader, in the first place that, they
brought with them this money. They had no conception that corn could be
obtained without it, and took care, doubtless, to supply themselves with the
current coin of the realm; and with this came down into Egypt, and presented
themselves in the presence of Joseph.
What a deep-rooted principle of our nature does this illustrate- the
principle that would purchase the salvation of the soul, that brings the
price of human merit in its hand, and with this rushes into the presence of
the Savior! Self-righteousness is as natural, as innate a principle of our
fallen, sinful nature, as any principle within us! No, more so, it is the
strongest and most powerful. The very first idea of a conscience-roused, a
soul-awakened sinner, is to bring a price in his hand to Christ- something
that will merit the Savior's regard- that will commend the case to Christ's
notice- something that will be a kind of return for, or an acknowledgment
of, the boon thus asked- something that will be a barter between Christ and
the sinner- some previous fitness, previous self-preparation; in a word,
money in the empty sack.
Oh, how few of us, when first we came to Christ, came entirely without
money! But this principle must be up-torn, root and branch. This part of our
subject may just meet the spiritual condition of some of my readers. Why are
you not rejoicing in Christ Jesus? Why have you not found Him whom you have
been so long seeking? Why are you not happy in a sense of pardoned sin? Why
are you not knowing your adoption into the family of God? You have been
seeking Jesus for years, why have you not found Him? Because, perhaps,
unconscious to yourselves, you have been waiting to find some money, some
feeling or condition with which you can come to Christ with a degree of
dignity and self-respect; not to receive the boon He has to confer as a
sinner, as a beggar, not to receive the good He has to bestow as a poor
mendicant, or as a starving man receiving bread- but as a purchaser, and not
as a receiver, as a claimant, and not a recipient, as a thing merited and
not a gratuity bestowed.
But all this, as I have said, must be torn up root and branch before
Christ will pour His fulness into your soul. What says the Scriptures?- "Ho,
every one that thirsts, come you to the waters, and he that has no money:
come, buy and eat; yes, come, buy wine and milk without money, and without
price." "Being justified FREELY by His grace, through the redemption that is
in Christ Jesus." "For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God not of works, lest any man should boast."
"It is of faith that it might be of grace." "Whoever will, let him take the
water of life FREELY." "And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave
them both."
Thus it is written as with diamond, that salvation is of free grace; that
we are justified and pardoned without any works of righteousness, or human
merit of our own; that none are rejected by Christ who come empty and poor.
He only is spurned who brings his money with his sack; his coin in his hand
with which to purchase that which is unpurchasable; his price with which to
purchase that which is above all price- the bread of life -the fulness of
Christ's salvation.
Take another spiritual truth here illustrated. Joseph returned the money,
commanding it to be replaced in the sacks' mouths. It is the glory of God
that He is not only a prayer-answering, but also a prayer-exceeding God. We
never go to Christ with the most enlarged desires, supplicating the greatest
blessings, but He gives us more than we ask. You have gone with limited
requests, circumscribed petitions, and stinted desires, but so full is
Christ, so large is His heart, He has given you far beyond all that you
asked or thought. Blessed, precious encouragement this to go to Jesus with
our utter emptiness, to arise and give ourselves to importunate prayer. What
encouragement is this to draw near to God and ask what we will; to make
known to Him our needs, great and pressing as they are.
So full, so gracious, and so loving is our spiritual Joseph, He will
never give us less, but always infinitely more than we ask at His hands.
Well may we- and who should louder swell the note? - unite in the glowing
doxology, "Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all
that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, unto Him be
glory in the Church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end.
Joseph gave his brethren, too, provision for the way. How like a brother
this! Not only did he fill their sacks with corn and replace their money,
but he also gave them an extra provision for their personal necessities,
until they arrived at home. How thoughtful and how kind was this of Joseph!
These brethren had injured him. Yet he forgives all, forgets all, and
returns them a blessing for their wrong. Now that they are in distress and
need, the ocean of his love rolls over all the past, and hides and
obliterates it forever. What a type of Jesus! Though we have sinned against
Him, crucified Him, wronged Him a thousand times over, yet He loves us
still. Hear Him in His dying agonies praying for His murderers, "Father,
forgive them, for they know not what they do." Sinner! will not your
rebellion, your unbelief, your impenitence give way before this matchless
love? Bow the knee, bend the heart, and crown Him with your faith, your
love, your life!
But take another truth here shadowed forth. Where were these brethren
traveling? what was the end of their journey? They were journeying homeward,
home to their father's house. If, believer in Jesus, we are the children of
God, we, too, are journeying toward home- home to our Father's house.
Through this world of famine, of sin, of suffering, and sorrow, we are
journeying to the family home! Sweet thought, could we but realize it!
O believer, cherish amid all the weariness and roughness, the toil and
battle, the privation and disappointment, the suffering and sorrow of this
life, the sweet, the holy, the soothing reflection, "it is my way home; it
is my path to my Father's house. I am going home to be with God and with
Christ forever! This sickness, languor, and decay- is but opening wider the
door through which the light and glory of heaven beams in upon my soul, and
by which I shall, before long, pass to my ineffable and eternal rest above!"
Study your pilgrimage in this light, and it will chase many a shadow from
your brow, pour sunshine into many a dark nook of your heart, and smooth
many a rough stage of your journey. Every step, be it in darkness or light,
grief or joy, is bringing you nearer, and still nearer, to the bright,
blissful, happy home Christ has gone to prepare for you!
Then mark, there is provision for this journey. Do you think that
your blessed Lord has left you to take this journey at your own cost?
relying upon your own resources? Do you think that He will not meet all its
necessities, sustain all its trials, anticipating every incident and
circumstance of that journey? O beloved, we little know Christ if we do not
receive this truth in all its fulness. When you lift your head from your
pillow in the morning, let this be the first thought to occupy your mind-
"for all this day's history, my covenant Head, my Joseph, my Savior has
provided. Then, I will bring to Him the needs that press, the perplexities
that embarrass, the anxieties that chafe, the disappointments that grieve,
the temptations that assail, the sins that wound me. I will bring my fears,
my infirmities, my griefs, yes, every circumstance as it occurs to Jesus,
and I will draw from His fulness of grace, sympathy, and strength, by prayer
and faith, provision for this day's travel home to my Father's house."
Keep this truth constantly in view- a full Christ for an empty sinner.
With no other will He have dealings; the rich He will send away empty, the
poor He will send away full. The only sinner whom He rejects is he who comes
with a price. His salvation is for the lost- His blood is for the guilty-
His grace is for the poor. Come now- come as you are- come though you have
been a thousand times before; yours shall be all the blessing- His all the
"A fulness resides in Jesus our Head,
And ever abides to answer our need;
The Father's good pleasure has laid up in store,
A plentiful treasure to give to the poor.
"Whatever be our wants, we need not to fear,
Our numerous complaints His mercy will hear;
His fulness shall yield us abundant supplies,
His power shall shield us when dangers arise.
"Whatever distress awaits us below,
Such plentiful grace will Jesus bestow
As still shall support us, and silence our fear,
For nothing can hurt us while Jesus is near.
"When troubles attend, or danger, or strife,
His love will defend and guard us through life;
And when we are fainting, and ready to die
Whatever is lacking His hand will supply."