Marks of a True Church

By James Smith

"For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ." 1 Corinthians 12:12

"Now you are the body of Christ, and individually members of it." 1 Corinthians 12:27

"And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent." Colossians 1:18

The church of Christ is essentially distinct from the world. It is not of the world, even as Christ was not of the world. John 17:14-16.

It is chosen out of the world, John 15:19.

It is redeemed from among men, Revelation 5:9, 14:4.

It is called into fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:9.

The Father chose it before the foundation of the world, Ephesians 1:3, 4.

The Son redeemed it in the fullness of time, Galatians 4:4, 5.

The Spirit washes, sanctifies and justifies it in the day of his power. 1 Corinthians 6:11.

Every true Christian is called upon to come out of the world, and to be separate from it! 2 Corinthians 6:17, 18.

The church is to be a witness for God, the representative of Christ, and the temple of the Holy Spirit. For this purpose she was chosen, and to this end all spiritual blessings were given to her.

Her union with the world is a violation of God's command, contrary to a scriptural profession of Christ, and grievous in the eyes of the Holy Spirit.

The whole church is the one body of Christ—but it is large and scattered through the earth; and therefore in every place where the gospel is preached, and sinners are converted—they should be united together as a church of Christ. Not united to the world forming a worldly establishment, but united together as a temple for the living God. There are many such churches in the world, they are all one in Christ, and all will ultimately be joined together in one vast heavenly congregation.

Every person merely professing religion, is a member of church of Christ.

The marks of a true church may be gathered from the word of God, and some of them will now be produced.

1. A true church of Christ must be composed of spiritual people, for the kingdom of Christ is a spiritual kingdom. Except a man is born again, born of the Spirit—he cannot lawfully enter into this kingdom of God; for that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and those who are in the flesh cannot please God; but that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. (Romans 8:8, John 3:5-7.) The church is a spiritual house, a holy priesthood appointed to offer spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. It is the household of faith, or a family of believers. Without faith it is impossible to please God.

Every unbeliever whether in the church or out of it, is cursed of God, and the wrath of God abides upon him! How then can it be thought right that saints should be united to, and have fellowship with those who are cursed of God, and are under his wrath?

Will God dwell with, honor, and accept those whom he curses—merely because they profess the name of Christ, and are allowed contrary to scripture to approach his table and profess his name? Or ought true Christians to sanction such persons in so doing? By joining with them, they dishonor their Lord, and deny by their practice the necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit to fit for church communion or fellowship with God? To those who do, I would recommend a serious perusal of the following scriptures: 1 Corinthians 5:6-13, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, Ephesians 5:5-16, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, 2 Timothy 2:20, 21, Revelation 18:4.

2. Another mark of a true church is simplicity, as opposed to parade, show, and worldly grandeur. Believers are children of God; like Jacob of old, they are plain men. Their Lord and Master was so, and they are required to follow his example.

Gospel worship is simple, it is the offering up of the heart to God in intercessions, prayers, and praise.

Gospel preaching is simple, it is the constant exhibition of Christ crucified, and the exceeding grace of God in him.

Gospel ordinances are simple, they are to commemorate and silently preach Christ. In baptism believers are buried with him, professing to be dead to the world, to sin, and to the flesh.

In the Lord's Supper they feed upon Christ, and prove his flesh to be food indeed and his blood to be drink indeed.

Gospel obedience is simple—it is the daily offering up of the heart to God, and the consecration of the entire person to the service of God.

In simplicity the true church receives God's Word, believes it, walks by it, and expects its fulfillment. The Word is a light to her feet. and a lantern to her path.

By simple faith in Christ, we are justified.

In simple dependence on God's promises, we find strength to perform our journey.

By simply aiming at God's glory, we are preserved from dangers, snares, and death.

Simplicity is the ornament and preservative the church, and therefore Paul feared for the Corinthians, lest their minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 2 Corinthians 11:3 with Colossians 2:4, 8, 18-23.

A true church is in vital union with Christ, and the members are visibly united to each other. They are all in Christ, and all one in Christ. If we see a leg in one place, a hand in another place, and an arm in another place—we do not say, 'Here is a body.' But here are such and such members. Neither are we warranted to say, 'Here is a Church of Christ,' because we meet with a few Christians who have no visible connection with each other.

The true church, being called a body, has one head—and only one. And as the church is spiritual, the head, Christ, is spiritual also.

Being called a Bride, she has one husband, even Jesus; and will not commit adultery with the kings of the earth. She is betrothed to Christ, and she sets her affections upon him. She aims at his glory, not to court the pomps, vanities, and riches of a world that lies in wickedness. Holy love binds her to Jesus, and binds her members to each other, as the Spirit of Christ sheds his love abroad in every member's heart.

If any man has not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. He is no true member of the church, and is unfit to be in union with the faithful, to meet at the Lord's table, or to fill any office in the church of the living God.

Nothing is more to be lamented than the lack of spiritual union among the Lord's people in the present day. We should have one common ground upon which we could all meet. We should have one strong bond which would unite us all together. We should have so much Christian love and forbearance, as would enable us to perform every act of Christian kindness for each other, in the world and in the church, as the word of God directs.

No wall should be allowed to remain, which is high enough to separate our hearts, sympathies or efforts. By the union of every part of the body which holds to the head, it should be loudly and distinctly proclaimed, we are all brethren. So that the world may be constrained in wonder to exclaim again, 'See how these Christians love one another!'

3. Another mark of a true church is purity. Without holiness, no man can see the Lord. Therefore without holiness, no one can be in union with Christ. And if not in union with the Head, no one can be a part of the Body. The church of God is holy. It was chosen to be holy. It was redeemed that it might be holy. It is saved by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit. If any man is in Christ, he is a new creature. He who is joined to the Lord, is one spirit with him. If every member is holy, the whole body is of course holy.

The church is to breathe the mild, gentle, loving spirit of Jesus in oppression, persecution, or in confiscation of property. Jesus says to her, Resist not evil. Jesus commends her for taking joyfully the confiscation of her goods. He comands her to do good to all. He informs her ministers that "the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth." 2 Timothy 2:24-25.

Love to all mankind, mercy to the unthankful and the unholy, and fellowship with Christ in his sufferings—are both the duty and privilege of every Christian. The Christian is daily to take up his cross and bear it after Jesus, to be crucified to the world, and to suffer for his sake. Holiness should be written upon every vessel of God's house, and upon every act of the Redeemer's church.

Jesus came not to destroy men's lives, but to save them. Jesus came not to turn the world into a church, but to gather together in one the people of God, which were scattered abroad; to take out from among the Gentiles a people for his name. Jesus calls us:
to walk by his Spirit,
to believe his Word,
to imitate his example,
to represent him to the world,
to suffer with him now, that we may be glorified with him by and by.

He says to us individually: Keep yourself pure. Purge out the old leaven that you may be a new lump. Be holy for I am holy. The Head is holy, the Spirit is holy, the doctrines are holy, the laws are holy—and shall we be so inconsistent as to say that a carnal, worldly, oppressing community is the church of the living God.

4. Activity is a characteristic of the body of Christ. The Lord has formed it for himself to show forth his praise. Every member must spend his life in Jesus' service, and devote his talents to Jesus' cause. Every member should be holy, that he may be active for his glory. To spread the gospel in every direction, to show the nature and tendency of real religion, and to compel sinners to come in to the gospel feast—should be the aim and employment of every Christian. Every joint in the mystical body should supply its part—prayers, property, and efforts to enlarge the boundaries of the visible kingdom of Messiah. None should be idle, selfish, or indifferent. The love of Christ should constrain us to live for him who died for us; to give to him, who gave himself for us, and gives us all things richly to enjoy; to be constant in prayer, giving God no rest until he makes his church the praise in the whole earth.

If we love Jesus, we shall love his church. If we love his church, we shall love the souls of men and endeavor to bring them to Jesus; not by profaning his ordinances, but by spreading his Word and breathing his Spirit.

True religion is love. So much love in a church—so much true religion. So much pride, contention, grasping after the world, or resting in dead religious forms—so much irreligion; this is the spirit of antichrist.

Unless there is spirituality, simplicity, unity, purity, activity, and charity—the Spirit of God is not among us, the beauty of the Lord our God is not upon us, and we are not a church of Christ. We may be jumbled together, or frozen together by a form of sound words, or ceremonies, or by a preacher's talents—as we see straw, stones, and wood frozen together in winter; but we are not joined to the Lord, nor are we walking together as heirs of the grace of life.

We may allow Satan and error to blind our understandings, stupify our consciences, and prejudice our minds. But this will not make us safe; nor can our conduct be justified—when the Lord commands us to take heed lest we be deceived, to beware of men, and to search the Scriptures.

Dear Reader, are you born again by the Holy Spirit?

Are you in union with Jesus, a member of his mystical body?

Are you in visible union with God's people?

Are you simple-minded and honest-hearted in the things of God? Deceit and all hypocrisy is an abomination to the Most High. The form without the power is most dangerous. You must be born again—not by baptism, but by the Holy Spirit. You must be sanctified by his operations in your heart. You must be made active in the Lord's ways, aiming at his glory—or you are unfit to be a member of a church of Christ on earth, and you can never enter into the paradise of God in Heaven.

Thousands pass out of the professing church on earth, only to be rejected by God in Heaven, and to be consigned to eternal darkness, destruction, and despair! Do not imagine that you are safe because you attend a church, but make your calling and election sure. Separate yourself from the world, and join with the Lord's people.

Poor careless sinner, take no prejudice against the religion of Christ, because some professors are worldly, covetous, or oppressors, reaping where the have not labored; for no part of the gospel sanctions this, and they must give an account of their conduct to God.

Learn religion from the bible. Its spirit is love, it breathes mercy and pity, forbearance, and compassion with every breath. Whatever is contrary to these, proceeds not from God, nor is it sanctioned by any part of the gospel.

O that men would not be lovers of their own selves, proud, boasters, and evil workers—all such conduct is condemned. Flee to Jesus, learn of him, look for life and salvation to him. And when he comes again, he will appear to your joy; but all his enemies whether covert or open shall be eternally condemned!