The Lord's Mercies

James Smith, 1842

"Because of the Lord's mercies, we are not consumed — for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness!" Lamentations 3:22-23

You are sometimes tempted to think that your lot is hard, and that your trials are greater than others — but do not think thus. Rather think, "But for the mercy of God — I would have been in Hell this moment — lifting up my eyes in torments; and in the agony of despair, cursing my God and King! It is all of mercy, that I am not now in the flames of Tophet, surrounded by infuriated devils, and assailed on every hand by the groans of the damned, and the dreadful cursings of the lost!"

"Consumed!" Not your person, existence, or powers; but every comfort, every ground of hope, everything that could in any way alleviate your woe, or lessen your dreadful pain.

HELL! Who shall attempt to describe what is wrapped up in that fearful word? Yet all that it contains was your righteous desert, and but for sovereign mercy, must have been your portion! What a mercy — to be out of Hell! Yes, even though you are in the sorest trials, in the greatest pains!

New mercies flow in upon you every morning — yes, every moment! Every friend is a mercy. Every morsel of provision. Every hour's sleep. Every kind word. Every moment's freedom from racking pain. Medicine is a mercy. A house is a mercy. You are therefore surrounded by mercies. But look at spiritual things — to know God, to have the revelation of His mind, will, and purpose, to have a throne of grace, an advocate in Heaven, a good hope beyond the grave, the prospect of a glorious resurrection! Here are mercies heaped upon mercies, and favors heaped upon favors. Mercies that would fill us with wonder, admiration, and gratitude, if our hearts were not like adamant, harder than a flint!

Great is the Lord's faithfulness! He has heard prayer; you are not cut down as a cumberer of the ground; yet there is hope; there is help in Jesus, for every poor helpless sinner.

Look to His blood — it is infinitely meritorious.

Look to His righteousness — it reflects honor on every perfection of the divine nature, and every precept of the divine law.

Look to His grace — it is a boundless immeasurable fullness.

Look to His Word — it is more durable than Heaven and earth.

Look to His name — there is paradise embodied in it.

Look to His nature — He is the brightness of the Father's glory, the express image of His person.

Look to Him — and lose your guilt.

Look to Him — and forget your fears.

Look to Him — and rise above your corruptions.

Look to Him — and conquer Satan, sin and death.

Look to Him — and everlasting life is yours!

The Father is faithful to His word. Jesus still receives sinners. And mercy shines, triumphs, and is exalted in their everlasting glorification.