Why Was I Born?
James Smith, 1865
This is a simple question, and yet, perhaps, some have never proposed it to
themselves; or, if they have, they have not sought for a satisfactory
answer. We cannot think that we were born merely to eat, drink, work, laugh,
suffer pain, and die. God created us for a noble end; we were born for
important purposes. Let us notice a few things for which we were born.
First — To display God's POWER. How glorious must the power of God be, to conceive the thought, and produce such a noble creature as man. A being partly animal — and partly spiritual. Allied to both worlds. Like Himself, and yet like His lower creatures. It takes Omnipotence to make a man. And when God creates an intelligent creature, it is to display His power. We begin to be — but we shall never cease to be; for the power that made us at first, will sustain us in existence forever. What a thought is this — I must live forever and ever live to display the power of God!
Secondly — To learn and do God's WILL. We are capable of acting, of acting as God bids us — or in opposition to His will. He intended that we should be active — but that His will should be the rule of our actions. He has revealed His will at different times, in different ways. But now we have all His will — in His word. Here He tells us what to do and what to avoid — what will please Him, and what will expose us to His anger. Anyone who wishes and seeks, may know what is God's will. We were born to learn and do God's will.
Thirdly — To see God's BLESSING. His blessing is the source of wealth and happiness. We cannot be happy except God blesses us, and we have no right to expect God's blessing — except we seek for it. He blesses all who forsake sin, rely on the sacrifice of His Son, and seek His face by prayer. We were born — that we might know God, seek the blessing of God, do the will of God, and receive happiness from God.
Fourthly — To enjoy God's FAVOR. His favor is the life of the soul. It is the happiness of every intelligent creature. The greatest thing that we can possess or enjoy — is God's favor. To be the favorite of God, is to be among the most honorable of His creatures. We may know that we are in God's favor, and enjoy all the effects of it. We are capable of this, and the means of doing so are presented to us in the word of God, the means of grace, and the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Fifthly — To dwell in God's PRESENCE. He is always
with us, though often unperceived by us. He fills the world we inhabit, and
we ought to realize:
wherever we are — God is here;
whatever we do — God sees me;
whatever we say — God hears me;
whatever we think — God reads my thoughts.
Our one design therefore should be, to please God; and our one aim, to commend ourselves to Him. If we dwell in God's presence on earth — we shall do so in Heaven. He who walks with wise men — will be wise; and he who walks with God — will be godlike. If God is our friend and companion now, at death we shall change our place; but not our company.
Sixthly — To reflect God's GLORY, and praise His name forever. God created us for His own glory, and He will glorify Himself in us. He will glorify His grace in our salvation — or His justice in our condemnation. God will not lose His end; His purpose cannot be frustrated. If you will not glorify Him by receiving His word, embracing His Son, and doing His will — He will glorify His justice, holiness, and equity, in your punishment forever! Which will it be?
Reader, you are the creature of God's power; do you realize it?
You were born to learn and do God's will; do you make this the business of your life?
You are exhorted to seek God's blessing; do you attend to it?
You are invited to enjoy God's favor; will you accept of it?
You may dwell in God's glorious presence to all eternity! but will you?
God must be glorified in you; shall it be . . .
in your salvation — or damnation;
in your songs — or your sighs;
in your joys — or your torments;
in your hallelujahs — or your endless wailings?
Think! Decide. Pray. Let your life declare.