"You, O God, See Me!"

James Smith, 1858

What a solemn thought, that we are always under the eye of an all-seeing God. "For the eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good." Oh, to be daily, hourly, always, impressed with the thought: God sees me! He sees me when I tamper with temptation, yield to it, and fall into sin. He sees me when I struggle with corruption, strive against my evil habits, and endeavor to do right. He sees me when I conquer — and when I am overcome. He sees my desires, hears my sighs, and listens to my prayers. He sees my heart, and cannot be deceived in me; for his eye is on my motives, designs, and endeavors. He sees me in darkness — as well as in the light; abroad — as well as when at home; in company — and when alone.

God is omniscient — and sees all; he is omnipresent — and therefore present with each. The God who sees me — hates sin, has warned me against sin, and has threatened to punish sin. The God who sees me — is a Father, a loving Father, and is grieved when I yield to sin; but delighted when I come to him in prayer.

My soul, I charge you never to forget, that always, and everywhere the eye of God is upon you! that he notices every unholy thought, every impure desire, every unchaste look, every lying word, and every deceitful action. His heart is affected by all that flows from you, or is done by you. He marks the desire for holiness, the striving against sin, and the feeble effort to do good, and promote his cause.

Oh, all-seeing, heart-searching, and sin-hating God — deeply impress upon my soul a sense of your constant presence, and never let me lose sight of your all-penetrating eye! May I ever live and act as under the abiding impression, "You, O God, see me!"

Reader, it is a startling declaration, that "Hell and destruction are before the Lord." The visible and the invisible world alike lie open to his eye. Nor is that less startling, "There is no darkness or shadow of death where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves." "Can any hide himself in secret places from the Lord?" No, that is impossible; to him "all hearts are open, all desires known, and from him no secrets are hidden." Every sin, however secret — is seen; every sin witnessed by God is remembered, and must be accounted for, except it is pardoned and blotted out by the precious blood of Jesus. Oh, may the blood of Jesus cleanse my conscience, and thoroughly, and forever, blot out all my transgressions!