I Want to Know All about Jesus
James Smith, 1860
When the Holy Spirit quickens and enlightens the soul, giving it to see and feel its state and condition, and then reveals to it something of the grace and suitability of Jesus — for a time it is wholly taken up with Christ; its desires are insatiable, it wants to hear of Christ, read of Christ, and talk of Christ. Or as one simple soul well-expressed it, "I want to know everything about Jesus!" Yes, we want to know all about this Friend of sinners, this Son of God. What we have heard of him, and what we have received from him, and what we have enjoyed of him — only whets our appetite, and fills us with an inward, ardent, longing to know all about him.Everything about Jesus is interesting to the spiritual mind, and the more spiritual we are, the more deeply we feel interested in all that concerns Jesus. We would like to know all about him, as he is the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. All about the part he took in the covenant of grace, when he undertook to be our Surety, engaged to become our Substitute, and received a commission from the Father to be our Savior. O how glorious to know all about his eternal love, his thoughts of peace, his purposes of mercy, and his designs of grace — when, at the creation of our world his delights were with the sons of men!
Everything about Jesus is precious to the believer, and the more we know about Jesus — the more we want to know. We want to know all about his visits to the patriarchs, and to the Church in the wilderness; all about his manifestations to David, Solomon, and the prophets. All about him as prefigured by the tabernacle and temple, by the sacrifices and services of the law. All about him, as set forth in the prophetic predictions, and the glorious promises made to the Lord's people in the days of old. There is nothing about Jesus — but what would interest us — but what would be precious to us. O good and gracious Spirit of Christ, whenever we read the Old Testament, lift up the veil, throw clear light upon the page — and let us know all about Jesus, as he is revealed in that blessed book!
Everything about Jesus is profitable to us, and is calculated to do us good, and therefore we want to know all about him as the great teacher, and the lessons he taught; as the great high priest, and the oblation ho offered, the sacrifice he presented, and the atonement he made; and as God's glorious king, his kingdom, government, laws, discipline, crown, royal robes, palaces, and subjects. We want to know all about Jesus as the glorious Mediator, who represents the Father to us, and represents us to the Father; and who having made peace on the cross, preserves it by officiating before the throne. O to know all about Jesus in the glory of his person, the merit of his blood, the perfection of his righteousness, the prevalence of his intercession, and the worship paid to him above!
Everything about Jesus is calculated to make us happy, and therefore we want to know all about him: as dwelling in the hearts of his people; exciting their desires, fixing their faith, enlarging their hopes, feasting their affections, and filling them with joy and peace. Jesus in the bosom of the Father, is a delightful subject — Jesus in the types and shadows of the law, is intensely interesting — Jesus in, the predictions and promises, is most precious — Jesus teaching and working miracles, excites our wonder and admiration — Jesus in the garden, and on the cross, deeply affects us — Jesus in heaven for us, draws up our affections and hopes! But Jesus in the heart — in the heart as the hope of glory, in the heart as the source of holiness and solid happiness — is exquisitely delightful.
Everything about Jesus has a tendency to sanctify us, lift us above the world, and prepare us for glory; therefore we wish to know all about Jesus and his second advent. Yes, we want to know all about his coming in glory, to silence the groans of creation, to execute the judgments predicted on the nations, to raise the dead bodies of the saints, to change those who are alive into the likeness of himself, and to commence his glorious eternal reign. O to know all about Jesus, on the throne of his father David, as reigning on mount Zion, and before his ancients gloriously; as filling the earth with righteousness, knowledge, health, and holiness — as bringing heaven down into our world! O to know all about Jesus as the Lamb, enlightening the holy city, the New Jerusalem, which descends out of heaven from God, and as feeding his beloved people, and leading them to fountains of living waters!
O to know all about Jesus, so far as possible now, and to be prepared to know all about Jesus, when as Paul says, "we shall know — even as also we are known." My soul, be this your daily desire, aspiration, and prayer, "O, to know all about Jesus!'
Reader, what do you know of Christ? How do you feel toward Christ? Do you want to know all about him? Do you want him to be revealed to you by his Spirit, and to be formed in you as the hope of glory? If you know anything about Jesus by the teaching of his Spirit — you will want to know more; yes, you will be like the person referred to above, you will say, "I want to know everything about Jesus!"