The Home Of My Heart

James Smith, 1859

I have just been charmed by hearing a young lady sing a beautiful hymn, the theme of which is, "My home is in heaven; my home is not here." This has set me musing, for I am pretty much of a home bird. I was never very fond of traveling, and as I get old, I like it less and less. I can enjoy a short visit, but I do not like long ones. To me there is no place like home. The dear old scenes, and the familiar old faces, are far more pleasant than fresh ones.

Still, the best, the happiest home on earth has its defects. It is not all we wish. We cannot shut out all the disagreeables. Nor can we bring in all that is desirable. We cannot find perfect enjoyment, nor do we enjoy full satisfaction. The poet has well said, "Full bliss—is bliss divine." In the happiest home, there are some needs; and in the most satisfied bosom, there are some wishes. Where is the family in which there is not an Absalom, or a Dinah? Where is the house into which disease and death cannot enter? In a few years—how changed our houses become! Well, our home, as believers in Jesus, is not here in this world. The home of the heart—is where Jesus is. Our home, our Father's house is above.

Let us then think of heaven as our home. There our heavenly Father dwells, unveils his glory, displays all his love, and places at the disposal of his children—all the riches of his grace. There the whole heavenly family meet. Our elder brother, our beloved Savior is there. The holy and ever blessed Comforter is there. All the elect angels, and every holy and happy person redeemed by a Savior's blood will be there. What glorious society! We shall become acquainted with all. We shall enjoy the company of all. We shall love all. We shall be in the closest union with all. There will be no shyness, no strangeness, no distance there. There will be no empty seat, no vacant place, no missing one there. The whole family will be there. All holy. All happy. All at home—and at home forever. O sweet and blessed home of the Lord's family!

There we shall be free from . . .
all that burdens the mind,
all that tries the temper,
all that agitates the nerves,
all that depresses the spirits.

There we shall be free to worship, to serve, and enjoy God without interruption. There we shall be familiar with the Patriarchs and Prophets, with the Apostles and Martyrs; with all who have lived for Christ, and died for Christ on earth. There we shall have a right to be, and to be there forever. It will be our own eternal home. The kingdom prepared for us, before the foundation of the world. The place prepared for us by our beloved Lord and Savior.

There all will be honest and sincere, no polite deception, no mere pretense will be there. All will be bright and beautiful; nothing dreary or unsightly there. All will be joyous and blissful, neither tears nor sorrows there. What will it be to realize freedom from all pain, all fear, all sorrow, and all sin; possessing at the same time the deep inwrought assurance that we are free from all these things forever! O blissful prospect! O glorious anticipation!

Yes, heaven is home—the home of the heart. All the objects of the heart's love are there. All the objects of the heart's desire are there. All that can feast and delight the heart is there. I will therefore endeavor henceforth to think of heaven as my home—the home of my heart; nor will I expect to find a home to satisfy me, until I arrive there. Without holiness, without love, without peace, without Jesus—no place would be home to me. But in heaven all are holy—in heaven love is perfect—in heaven peace reigns—in heaven Jesus dwells, is seen, and heard, and enjoyed forever.

Let me, therefore, when called to suffer privation, or endure temptation, or pass through affliction; remember that I am but a stranger and a sojourner below, that "my home is in heaven, my home is not here." Nor let me ever expect long to dwell at ease, or to be free from trouble—until I reach the home of my heart.

Father of mercies, I bless you for providing such a home, for such a sinner as me! Savior, Jesus, I praise you for procuring me a title to such a home, by the labors of your life, and your sacrificial death! Holy Spirit, I adore you for your gracious work, which is fitting and preparing me for that blissful home, where I shall be holy and happy forever!