Charles Simeon's Devotional Commentaries
"My writings uniformly tend:
to humble the sinner,
to exalt the Savior,
to promote holiness." Charles Simeon
"Simeon is always suggestive and practical, whatever the passage. He opens up the text and applies it. He never wanders off the track down the rabbit trails of story-telling or speculation. Christ is always the center of his thought and the destination of his discourses. It would be wonderful to see these once more available to the Christian public." Gordon Keddie
"A true son of the Reformation, a real successor of the Reformers, and one of the greatest benefactors the Church of England has ever known." J.C. Ryle
"No nobler example of single-minded, self-sacrificing, diligent, successful devotion to the great work of the Christian Ministry is to be found in the annals of the Church of England." Handley Moule
N.B. Charles Simeon (1759-1836) was an evangelical minister in the Anglican Church. As such, the held to infant baptism and other Anglican doctrines which we do not agree with. Nevertheless, his devotional commentaries below are overall outstanding.
Pithy gems from Charles Simeon
AUDIO gems from Charles Simeon
Simeon's best Sermonsat the bottom of this page
Genesis 3:4. #4 The Serpent Beguiling Eve
Genesis 3:6-7. #5 The Fall of Man
Genesis 3:11-13. #6 Excuses Made by Our First Parents, after Their Fall
Genesis 4:8-10. #9 The Death of Abel
Genesis 6:6-7. #14 God's Determination to Destroy Man
Genesis 6:22. #15 Noah's Obedience
Genesis 11:4-8. #18 The Tower of Babel
Genesis 12:1-4. #19 Call of Abram
Genesis 12:4-6. #20 Abram's Journey to Canaan
Genesis 13:8-11. #21 Separation of Abram and Lot
Genesis 25:23. #40 Jacob Preferred Before Esau
Genesis 28:15. #44 The Manner in Which God Dispenses His Favors
Genesis 37:4. #50 Joseph Envied by His Brethren
Genesis 39:9. #51 The Need of Fleeing from Sin with Abhorrence
Genesis 40:23. #52 Ingratitude of Pharaoh's Chief Cupbearer
Genesis 41:41. #53 Joseph's Advancement
Genesis 42:36. #55 Jacob's Unbelieving Fears
Genesis 45:8. #56. God Viewed in Joseph's Advancement.
Genesis 49:22-24. #61 Joseph a Type of Christ
Exodus 3:12. #64 God's Presence with His People
Exodus 5:1-2. #67 Pharaoh's Impiety
Exodus 23:13. #93 Pay Close Attention to All of God's Instructions
Exodus 34:14. #113 Jehovah a Jealous God
Leviticus 10:1-3. #128 Death of Nadab and Abihu
Leviticus 14:14-18. #131 The Cleansing of the Leper
Numbers 15:30-31. #159 The Danger of Presumptuous Sin
Numbers 21:4. #168 The Israelites Discouraged Because of the Way
Deuteronomy 2:7. #187 God's Continued Mercies to Us
Deuteronomy 3:27-28. #189 Joshua a Type of Christ
Deuteronomy 6:10-12. #195 The Danger of Prosperity
Deuteronomy 7:6-10. #196 A Right Improvement of Electing Love
Deuteronomy 8:2-3. #197 The Reasons of God's Diversified Dealings with His People
Deuteronomy 9:4-6. #198 Against Self-righteousness and Self-conceit
Deuteronomy 9:7. #199 A Penitential Retrospect Enjoined
Deuteronomy 10:14-16. #202 The Electing Love of God, an Incentive to Holiness
Deuteronomy 11:18-21. #203 The Scriptures Recommended to Us
Deuteronomy 13:6-11. #207 Guilt and Danger of Departing from God
Deuteronomy 29:29. #223 Secret Things Belong to God
Deuteronomy 32:1-4. #231 The Character of Jehovah
Deuteronomy 32:9-12. #232 God's Regard for His People
Deuteronomy 32:32-35. #235 Judgment near at Hand!
Deuteronomy 32:39. #237 Our Sovereign God
Judges 1:6-7. #261 Adoni-bezek's Punishment
Judges 2:1-5. #262 The Danger of Indecision
Judges 8:1-3. #268 Gideon Pacifies the Ephraimites
Judges 17:13. #276 Micah's False Confidence
1 Samuel 7:12. #289 Memorials of God's Goodness
1 Samuel 7:12. #290 The Duty of Commemorating God's Mercies
1 Samuel 10:12. #292 Conversion a Ground of Joy
1 Samuel 15:13-16. #298 Saul's Self-deceit
1 Samuel 15:22-23. #299 Saul's Disobedience and Punishment
1 Samuel 25:32-33. #306 David Kept from Avenging Himself on Nabal
2 Samuel 12:1-7. #316 Nathan's Parable
2 Samuel 12:13. #317 David's Humiliation and Acceptance
2 Samuel 19:34. #323 The Shortness of Life a Ground for Indifference to the Things of this World
1 Kings 6:7. #331 The Quietness with Which the Temple Was Built
1 Kings 8:18. #332 Good Intentions Approved
1 Kings 19:18. #348 A Remnant in the Worst of Times
1 Kings 22:8. #354 Faithful Ministers Objects of Hatred
2 Kings 4:13. #363 Contentment Illustrated in the Shunamite
2 Kings 5:13. #365 Naaman Healed of His Leprosy
2 Kings 8:12, 13. #370 Elisha Predicts the Atrocious Acts of Hazael
2 Kings 9:36. #371 The Destruction of Ahab's Family by Jehu
2 Kings 10:30-31. #373 The Character of Jehu
2 Kings 20:2-3. #378 Hezekiah's Appeal to God
2 Kings 20:19. #379 Hezekiah's Humble Resignation
1 Chronicles 29:15. #392 Saints Pilgrims and Strangers on Earth
1 Chronicles 29:17. #393 Integrity of Heart Required
2 Chronicles 6:7-8. #396 God's Acceptance of David's Good Desires
2 Chronicles 6:18. #397 The Condescension of God in Becoming Incarnate
2 Chronicles 24:14. #414 The Re-opening of the Temple by King Jehoash
2 Chronicles 28:10. #419 A Sense of Sinfulness a Good Corrective of Evil Passions
2 Chronicles 32:31. #429 The Weakness and Depravity of Man
2 Chronicles 33:10-13. #430 Manasseh's Repentance
Nehemiah 5:15. #441 The Fear of God, a Principle of Action
Job 8:8-14. #457 Bildad Warns Job of the Danger of Hypocrisy
Job 10:1. #460 Impatience Reproved
Job 10:7. #461 Conscious Integrity
Job 11:7-9. #462 The Incomprehensibility of God
Job 14:14. #465 The Change That Takes Place at Death
Job 15:31. #466 The Folly of Trusting in Vanity
Job 20:4-7. #470 Against Hypocrisy
Job 20:22. #471 The Emptiness of Earthly Possessions
Job 23:10. #474 The Upright Person's Comfort under Afflictions
Job 23:12. #475 Job's Love to the Word of God
Job 24:13. #476 Rebelling Against the Light
Job 27:6. #477 The Conscience
Job 29:2-3. #478 Spiritual Declension
Job 31:24-28. #483 Spiritual Idolatry
Job 36:13. #489 Hypocrisy Exposed
Job 40:1-2. #490 Sin of Reproving God
Psalms 1:1-6. #494 Characters of the Righteous and the Wicked
Psalm 4:6. #499 God's Favor the Only Substantial Good
Psalm 9:17. #503 The Danger of Forgetting God
Psalm 10:11, 13. #505 Men's Contempt of God
Psalm 12:4. #507 Practical Atheism Exposed
Psalm 14:1-3. #508 The Commonness and Folly of Atheism
Psalm 15:1-5. #511 Character of Those Who Shall Be Saved
Psalm 16:4. #512 Superior Blessedness of True Christians
Psalm 17:14-15. #515 Men of God Contrasted to Men of this World
Psalm 18:1-3. #516 God the All-sufficient Portion of His People
Psalm 18:23. #517 Besetting Sins
Psalm 18:25-26. #518 Equity of the Divine Procedure
Psalm 19:10-11. #521 The Use and Benefit of the Scriptures
Psalm 22:1. #526 Our Lord's Lamentation on the Cross
Psalm 31:15. #544 Our Times in God's Hand
Psalm 31:19-20. #545 The Goodness of God to His Believing People
Psalm 39:4-5. #568 The Shortness of Human Life
Psalm 42:1-2. #572 David's Desire after God
Psalm 49:12. #582 The Degraded State of Man
Psalm 49:13. #583 The Folly of Worldly Men
Psalm 63:1-8. #600 The Believer's Dispositions Towards God
Psalm 65:3. #601 Consolation in God
Psalm 66:8-9. #605 Preservation the Gift of God
Psalm 73:24-26. #626 The Christian's Choice
Psalm 78:8. #631 Jews and Christians Compared
Psalm 78:19-22. #632 The Evil of Unbelief
Psalm 90:11-12. #651 God's Anger, a Reason for Turning to Him
Psalm 97:11. #664 The Blessedness of the Righteous
Psalm 107:43. #683 God's Love Seen in All His Dispensations
Psalm 119:128. #709 The True Test of Genuine Religion in the Soul
Psalm 119:132-133. #710 The Christian's Chief Desires
Psalm 131:2. #725 Weanedness from the World
Psalm 139:1-12. #734 The Omnipresence and Omniscience of God
Psalm 145:1-2 #741 Praise to God for His Goodness and Mercy
Proverbs 2:10-11. #855 Piety a Preservative from Evil
Proverbs 2:10-22. #756 Benefits of True Wisdom
Proverbs 3:5-6. #757 Confidence in God Encouraged
Proverbs 11:18. #776 Portion of the Wicked and the Righteous Contrasted
Proverbs 14:9. #782 The Folly of Making a Mock at Sin
Proverbs 28:4. #814 The Influence and Effects of Piety and Impiety in the World
Proverbs 28:5. #815 The Spiritual Light Enjoyed by the Godly
Proverbs 30:1-2. #823 A Saint's Views of Himself
Proverbs 30:7-9. #824 Agur's Wish
Proverbs 30:12. #825 The Self-deceiver Exposed
Song of Solomon 8:5. #854 The Christian's Reliance on Christ
Isaiah 1:2-3. #856 God's Complaint Against His People
Isaiah 1:4-5. #857 The Sinfulness and Incorrigibleness of the Nation
Isaiah 1:10-17. #858 The Service Which Alone Is Pleasing to God
Isaiah 5:20. #865 The Sinfulness of Confounding Good and Evil
Isaiah 12:3. #880 The Wells of Salvation
Isaiah 14:2. #882 The Christian Warfare
Isaiah 25:6-8. #892 The Gospel a Source of Richest Blessings
Isaiah 26:3-4. #894 Trust in God Recommended
Isaiah 38:14. #916 Help for Us in God Alone
Isaiah 40:27-31. #924 The Desponding Encouraged
Isaiah 43:22-26. #934 The Greatness of God's Mercy
Isaiah 44:20. #936 The Folly of Spiritual Idolatry
Isaiah 45:9. #940 Striving with Our Maker
Isaiah 46:3-5. #945 God's Care for His People
Isaiah 51:1-3. #957 Consolation for the Afflicted
Isaiah 53:2-3. #967 The Character and Treatment of the Messiah
Isaiah 53:6. #969 The Means of Man's Restoration to God
Isaiah 57:15. #989 The Majesty and Holiness of God
Isaiah 57:17-18. #990 God's Mercy to the Most Obstinate Sinners
Isaiah 57:20-21. #991 No Peace to the Wicked
Isaiah 58:1. #992 The Ministerial Office (Audio)
Isaiah 59:8. #995 No Peace in the Way of Sin
Isaiah 59:15. #996 The Righteous, a Prey to the Wicked
Isaiah 61:9. #1005 Blessedness of the Lord's People
Jeremiah 2:12-13 #1027 The Fountain of Living Waters
Jeremiah 2:27-28 #1030 The Folly of Neglecting God
Jeremiah 3:11 #1032 Comparative Criminality
Jeremiah 8:11. #1042 Healing Our Wounds Slightly
Jeremiah 9:23-24. #1046 The Only True and Sufficient Grounds of Boasting
Jeremiah 13:23. #1049 The Power of Evil Habits
Jeremiah 15:16. #1054 The Word of God Precious
Jeremiah 17:9. #1056 Necessity of Knowing Ourselves
Jeremiah 23:28-29. #1062 Ministerial Faithfulness
Jeremiah 31:3. #1068 Saving Grace, the Fruit of Electing Love
Jeremiah 31:30. #1073 the Sure Consequences of Sin
Jeremiah 31:31-34. #1074 the New Covenant
Jeremiah 44:16-17. #1083 the Impiety of Ungodly Men
Jeremiah 45:5. #1084 We must Not Seek Great Things
Lamentations 1:9. #1090 the Consequences of Not Remembering Our Latter End
Lamentations 3:22-23. #1091 the Views of a Saint in His Afflictions
Lamentations 3:31-33. #1094 Comfort for the Afflicted
Ezekiel 7:5-9. #1097 Approaching End of God's Forbearance
Ezekiel 13:10-12. #1103 Delusive Confidence Reproved
Ezekiel 36:31. #1118 the Duty of Self-loathing
Ezekiel 36:32. #1119 God's Mercies Not Given for Our Merits
Daniel 4:34-37. #1125 Nebuchadnezzar's Dream Verified and Improved
Daniel 5:5-6. #1126 Belshazzar Warned of His Impending Ruin
Daniel 5:22. #1127 Impenitence Reproved
Daniel 5:27. #1129 Scripture Balances
Daniel 5:30. #1130 Belshazzar's Death
Daniel 9:17-23. #1139 the Answer to Daniel's Prayer
Hosea 2:14-15. #1143 God's Dealings with Penitents
Hosea 5:13. #1151 the Folly of Creature-confidence
Hosea 5:15. #1152 Spiritual Desertion
Hosea 7:2. #1158 the Folly of Inconsideration
Hosea 7:8-9. #1159 Causes and Symptoms of Spiritual Decay
Hosea 8:7. #1164 the Consequences of Sin
Hosea 9:12. #1166 Misery of a Deserted People
Hosea 10:1. #1167 Bringing Forth Fruit to Ourselves
Hosea 14:8. #1178 God's Notice of Penitents
Hosea 14:9. #1179 Spiritual Knowledge Peculiar to God's People
Amos 2:13. #1185 God's Complaint Against UsAmos 3:3. #1186 Requisites for Friendship with God
Amos 3:6. #1187 God the Source and Cause of All Things
Micah 2:7. #1204 Benefits Arising from the Word of GodMicah 3:8. #1205 Ministerial Fidelity
Micah 5:2. #1208 the Messiah to Be Born at Bethlehem
Nahum 1:2,6. #1218 God a Revenger of Sin
Habakkuk 1:13. #1221 the Holiness of God
Habakkuk 2:3-4. #1222 Our Duty in Reference to the Promises
Habakkuk 2:20. #1224 God Greatly to Be Feared
Habakkuk 3:17-18. #1226 the Christian's Boast
Zephaniah 1:12. #1227 the Secure and Atheistical Condemned
Zephaniah 3:7-8. #1229 What Recompense We May Expect for Our Neglect of God
Zechariah 7:4-7. #1248 Outward Services Vain Without Obedience
Zechariah 9:17. #1254 the Glory of Christ
Zechariah 13:7. #1260 Christ Smitten for Our Sins
Zechariah 13:9. #1261 God's Method of Dealing with His People
Malachi 1:8. #1268 God's Appeal to Self-justifying Sinners
Malachi 4:1-2. #1276 the Sun of Righteousness Arising
Matthew 5:14. #1288 The Blessedness of the Humble
Matthew 5:5. #1289 Christian Meekness
Matthew 5:6. #1290 Hungering and Thirsting after Righteousness
Matthew 5:7. #1291 The Reward of Mercifulness
Matthew 5:7. #1299 The Reward of Mercifulness
Matthew 5:27, 28. #1303 Our Lord's Exposition of The Seventh Commandment
Matthew 5:3841. #1307 Retaliation Forbidden
Matthew 5:42. #1308 Liberality Enjoined
Matthew 5:4348. #1309 Love to Enemies Enjoined
Matthew 6:14. #1311 Directions Respecting Alms-deeds
Matthew 6:58. #1312 Directions Respecting Prayer
Matthew 6:11. #1315 The Lord's Prayer
Matthew 6:24. #1323 The Services of God and Mammon Inconsistent
Matthew 6:2534. #1324 Against Worry
Matthew 7:1, 2. #1325 Against Uncharitable Judging
Matthew 7:35. #1326 The Beam and the Mote
Matthew 7:2123. #1333 The Nature and Importance of True Religion
Matthew 7:2427. #1334 The Wise Builder
Matthew 7:28, 29. #1335 The Effect of Our Lord's Preaching
Matthew 10:16. #1343 Wisdom and Innocence to Be United
Matthew 10:30. #1345 The Doctrine of Particular Providence
Matthew 10:3239. #1346 The Rule of Christ's Procedure in the Last Day
Matthew 16:24-25. #1376 The Extent and Importance of a Christian's Duty
Matthew 16:26. #1377 The Worth of the Soul
Matthew 18:32-35. #1383 The Unmerciful Servant
Matthew 26:24. #1400 The Fearful Prospect of the Impenitent
Mark 8:23-25. #1431 The Blind Man Healed
Mark 10:21-22. #1439 The Rich Youth Forsaking Christ
Mark 10:23-25. #1440 The Danger of Riches
Luke 4:23. #1486 Physician, Heal Yourself
Luke 12:1. #1524 Caution Against Hypocrisy
Luke 12:4-5. #1525 God to Be Feared, Not Man
Luke 12:15. #1526 Caution Against Covetousness
Luke 12:20-21. #1527 The Rich Fool
Luke 16:16. #1548 Pressing into the Kingdom
Luke 16:25. #1549 The Rich Man and Lazarus
Luke 17:10. #1552 The Obedient Servant
Luke 17:17-18. #1553 The Ten Lepers Healed
Luke 17:26-30. #1554 Suddenness of Christ's Second Coming
Luke 17:32. #1555 Lot's Wife
Luke 18:13-14. #1558 The Pharisee and the Publican
Luke 19:27. #1565 Christ's Enemies Warned
Luke 22:61-62. #1580 Peter's Fall and Repentance
Luke 23:26-31. #1584 Christ's Address to the Women Who Lamented Him
Luke 23:31. #1585 The Green Tree and Dry Tree
Luke 24:32. #1590 The Blessedness of Communion with Christ
John 1:13. #1597 Christians Born of God
John 1:46. #1603 The Evil and Cure of Prejudice
John 8:12. #1650 Christ the Light of the World
John 8:21. #1651 Fitness for Heaven Necessary
John 14:21. #1689 Obedience the Test of Our Love to Christ
John 15:9. #1693 The Father's Love to Christ, and Christ's to Us
John 15:18-20. #1698 Consolation to the Persecuted
John 16:27. #1705 The Objects of the Father's Love
John 17:2. #1708 Christ's Power to Give Eternal Life
John 17:15. #1711 Preservation from Sin, More Desirable than Deliverance from Affliction
John 17:16. #1712 Christians Are Not of the World
John 19:30. #1726 Christ's Work Finished!
John 19:31-37. #1727 The Treatment of Our Lord's Body on the Cross
John 20:30-31. #1733 The Use and Intent of Our Lord's Miracles
Acts 8:23. #1759 The State of Ungodly Men
Acts 9:3-6. #1762 The Conversion of Saul
Acts 12:21-23. #1774 The Evil of Pride
Acts 16:14-15. #1785 The Conversion of Lydia
Acts 18:24-28. #1793 Character and Ministry of Apollos
Acts 19:18-20. #1795 Genuine Repentance
Acts 20:26-27. #1800 Ministerial Fidelity
Acts 26:28-29. #1814 The Almost Christian and the Real Christian Compared
Romans 1:30. #1823 Men Haters of God
Romans 2:3-5. #1824 Those Who Judge Others, Judged
Romans 2:6-11. #1825 The Rule of God's Future Judgment
Romans 2:17-24. #1826 Inconsistent Professors Remonstrated with
Romans 2:28-29. #1827 The Nature and Excellence of True Religion
Romans 6:21. #1849 The Unprofitableness and Folly of Sin
Romans 7:7. #1852 The Spirituality of the Law
Romans 7:9. #1853 The Spirituality of the Law
Romans 7:24-25. #1855 Paul's Spiritual Conflicts
Romans 8:3-4. #1858 Christ the Author of Our Sanctification
Romans 8:5. #1859 The Carnal and the Spiritual Man Compared
Romans 8:6. #1860 The Carnal and Spiritual Mind Contrasted
Romans 8:7-8. #1861 The Vileness and Spiritual Impotence of the Natural Man
Romans 8:16. #1871 The Witness of the Spirit
Romans 8:18. #1873 Present Troubles and Future Glory
Romans 8:28. #1877 All Things Work for Good
Romans 8:29-30. #1878 Predestination Considered
Romans 11:34-36. #1903 God All in All
Romans 12:2. #1905 Against Conformity to the World
Romans 12:3. #1906 Sobriety of Mind Enjoined
Romans 12:15. #1909 Sympathy Recommended
Romans 14:7-9. #1915 The Extent and Grounds of Christian Obedience
Romans 14:17-19. #1917 Practical Christianity Illustrated
Romans 14:22-23. #1918 Regard to Conscience Recommended
1 Corinthians 1:26-29. #1931 The Objects of God's Call
1 Corinthians 2:6-7. #1937 Mysteriousness of the Gospel
1 Corinthians 2:7-8. #1938 Ignorance of the Gospel, Fatal
1 Corinthians 2:9-10. #1939 The Gospel, a Stupendous Mystery
1 Corinthians 2:12-13. #1941 Influences of the Spirit
1 Corinthians 3:5-7. #1944 Undue Partiality to Ministers Reproved
1 Corinthians 3:18. #1948 The Means of Attaining True Wisdom
1 Corinthians 3:23. #1950 Believers Are Christ's Property
1 Corinthians 4:3-5. #1952 Paul's Indifference to Men's Judgment
1 Corinthians 4:12-13. #1954 Paul's Meekness
1 Corinthians 7:29-31. #1962 Moderation in the Use of Earthly Things Inculcated
1 Corinthians 9:24-25. #1967 Directions for Running Our Race
1 Corinthians 10:15. #1973 Appeal to Men of Wisdom and Sensibleness
1 Corinthians 10:15. #1974 On the Corruption of Human Nature
1 Corinthians 15:10. #1990 All of Grace
2 Corinthians 4:17-18. #2016 The Christian's Experience in Affliction
2 Corinthians 5:7. #2018 The Christian Walking by Faith
2 Corinthians 5:17. #2021 The Christian a New Creature
2 Corinthians 8:9. #2034 The Grace of Christ
2 Corinthians 12:10. #2044 A Sense of Weakness Conducive to Strength
2 Corinthians 12:14. #2045 The Duty of Ministers
Galatians 1:3-4. #2049 The Great Object of Christ's Coming
Galatians 6:3-5. #2088 Against Self-deceit
Galatians 6:7-8. #2089 The Ground of God's Final Decision
Ephesians 1:3-12. #2092 Thanks to God for His Sovereign Grace and Mercy
Ephesians 1:7-8. #2093 The Wisdom of God in Redemption
Ephesians 3:10-11#2103 Angels Made Wiser by the Gospel
Ephesians 4:20-21. #2110 Education and Walk of Christians
Ephesians 5:5-7. #2115 Fatal Consequences of Indulged Sin
Philippians 1:6. #2135 A Work of Grace
Philippians 2:1-2. #2143 Unity Recommended
Philippians 2:3. #2144 Esteeming Others above Ourselves
Philippians 4:5. #2159 Christian Moderation
Colossians 3:2. #2182 Heavenly-mindedness
Colossians 3:3-4. #2183 The Exalted State of a Christian
Colossians 3:16. #2187 Love to the Scriptures Recommended
Colossians 3:17. #2188 Doing All in the Name of Christ
Colossians 4:1. #2189 The Relative Duties Explained Colossians 3:18
1 Thessalonians 1:5. #2291 The Manner in Which the Gospel Becomes Effectual
1 Thessalonians 1:9-10. #2193 Scope and End of the Christian Ministry
1 Thessalonians 2:11-12. #2195 The Duty of Those Who Are Called
1 Thessalonians 4:1. #2201 Advancement in Holiness Enforced
1 Thessalonians 5:21. #2207 Investigation of Truth Recommended
2 Thessalonians 1:6-10. #2211 Christ's Coming to Judge the World
2 Thessalonians 2:13-14. #2214 The Salvation of Men Traced to its Proper Source
1 Timothy 5:24-25. #2233 The Quality of Men's Works Discovered in the Day of Judgment
1 Timothy 6:6. #2235 Godliness with Contentment
1 Timothy 6:9-10. #2236 Love of Money
1 Timothy 6:17-19. #2239 The True Use of Riches
2 Timothy 2:1. #2244 Strength in the Grace of Christ
Titus 2:6. #2262 Sober-mindedness
Titus 2:11-14. #2263 The Gospel Productive of Holiness
Titus 3:4-7. #2264 The Work of the Trinity in Redemption
Titus 3:8. #2265 The True Way of Promoting Good Works
Hebrews 4:9. #2283 The Rest That Remains for God's People
Hebrews 11:16. #2324 The Christian's Desire
Hebrews 12:1-2. #2334 Christ's Persevering Diligence
Hebrews 12:14. #2337 The Necessity of Holiness
Hebrews 13:5-6. #2343 Gods Promised Presence an Encouragement to Duty
Hebrews 13:14. #2348 The Christian's Portion
James 1:2-4. #2352 The Duty of Patience
James 1:9-10. #2355 The Effects of Religion on the Different Orders of Society
James 1:13-15. #2357 Sin, the Offspring of Our Own Hearts
James 1:16-17. #2358 God the Only Source of All Good
James 1:26. #2361 Self-deceit Exposed
James 3:6. #2367 The Evils of the Tongue
James 3:13. #2368 Influence of Divine Wisdom upon the Conduct
1 Peter 2:25. #2399 The Nature of True Conversion Stated
1 Peter 4:2-3. #2405 A Worldly Life to Be Relinquished
1 Peter 4:7. #2406 Nearness to Death, a Motive to Watchfulness
1 Peter 5:5. #2412 Humility Inculcated
2 Peter 2:20, 21. #2425 Apostates in A Worse State Than Ever
2 Peter 3:10- 14. #2428 The Day of Judgment
2 Peter 3:17, 18. #2429 Growth in Grace
1 John 1:5-7. #2431 The Importance of Being Conformed to God's Image
1 John 2:3-5. #2434 The True Test of Love to God
1 John 2:6. #2435 Christ an Example to His Followers
1 John 2:12-14. #2437 The Different Growth and Privileges of God's People
1 John 3:19-21. #2450 A Good and Evil Conscience
1 John 4:16. #2458 God Is Love
1 John 5:4-5. #2463 Overcoming the World
1 John 5:14-15. #2469 Answers to Prayer
Revelation 10:5, 6. #2511 The Nearness of Eternity
Revelation 19:6. #2522 God's Government, a Ground of Joy!
Revelation 22:18-19.
#2535 The Perfection and Sanctity of Scripture