The Believer's Grounds of Confidence in Christ
by John MacDuff, 1874
In a quaint but powerful way, MacDuff presents various aspects of
the person and work of Jesus, as various 'clefts in the rock' in which the
believer can hide himself for protection, comfort, and strength in his
pilgrimage to his heavenly home.
1. The Deity of Christ
The Deity of Christ (continued)
2. The Humanity of Christ
3. Christ the Surety-substitute
4. Christ the Propitiation
5. Christ the Manifestation of the Father
6. The Immutability of Christ
7. The Sympathy of Jesus
8. The Tenderness of Jesus
9. Christ the Peace Giver
10. Christ a Savior to the Uttermost
11. Christ Risen
12. Christ Ascended
13. Christ the Intercessor
14. Christ the King
15. Christ the Judge
16. Christ Reigning over His Church Forever