Anne Dutton's
Letters on Spiritual Subjects
Honored Sir,
We live in a world of snares and sins, with which our feet are often
entangled and defiled. Have you been caught in any evil net? Jesus, who
loved and died for you, will set you free. Have you gotten defiled? Your
Savior, in sympathizing love, in condescending grace, with a joyful
readiness, will wash your feet. And are you under present rebuke? As many as
He loves He chastens. Since the rod is in your Father's hand, to answer all
the ends of His most gracious heart towards you, there will be glorious
deliverance from it, in the best way and time. The Lord knows how to deliver
the godly out of temptations, as He delivered just Lot out of Sodom, whose
righteous soul was vexed with seeing and hearing of their wicked deeds.