Anne Dutton's
Letters on Spiritual Subjects
My very Dear Brother in our precious Lord,
The Lamb who died for us is worthy to reign over us. What a glory then
must it be to mortal, sinful worms, to be the servants of Zion's King!
My dear, dear brother, you are married unto the Lord, and
nothing must separate between you and Him. The nearest relations must not do
it. A house and home must not do it. A trade and business in the world must
not do it. No, nor your own life neither, if called to lay it down for the
honor of Christ, who bought you with His blood. The Lamb's bride, forsaking
all others, must cleave unto Him in life and in death, and follow Him, if
called to it, through tribulation and distress, famine and nakedness, peril
and sword. And well she may, since none of these shall be able to
separate her from the Lamb's love. Oh, my brother, Jesus is yours,
forever yours. And in Him you have all, if you were stripped of
everything else. As having nothing, by faith you may possess all things in
Christ, your goodly heritage, your present and eternal lot, your full,
soul-satisfying and everlasting portion! Never fear any need, while Christ
has all and is your all. Put Him for a well while passing through Baca's
valley, a world of sorrows, and you can lack nothing. This everlasting
spring of bliss will flow out upon you in rich streams of supply, to your
full joy, and you shall sing unto it. Never fear fainting under the cross
while Christ has cordials enough to support your spirits, and while His love
and word bind Him to give them.
Does the lion of hell roar at you? flee as a
tender lamb to Judah's Lion, who is stronger than he—King Jesus will defend
you well. In a word, fear neither man nor devils, things present nor things
to come, but follow on to know, love, and serve the Lord, and your joy shall
be full here, and your glory great hereafter. Oh, my brother, think nothing
too dear to part with for Christ, who parted with His all for you! He left
his Father's house, His crown and throne above for you, to endure pain,
sorrow, and shame below! And shall your little house and home, and comforts
you enjoy therein, if called to leave it for Him, be an insuperable mountain
in your way to ascend where Jesus is?
The way to heaven is up-hill; but our Lord is with us
every step of it. And when He pleases He gives us the feet of hinds to skip
over mountains, or down they shall flow at His presence. Difficulties shall
not be insuperable to the Lamb's followers, since He goes before them to
prepare their way for them, and brings up the feeble of the flock by His
omnipotent grace, to inherit with Him eternal glory. In the spirit of Jesus
then, and for His honor, endure the cross, and soon our Lord will turn it
into a bright and endless crown!