Gadsby's Hymnal
#501 7s John Newton
At Parting. Acts 18. 21; 1 Cor. 4. 19
1 For a season called to part,
Let us now ourselves commend
To the gracious eye and heart
Of our ever-present Friend.
2 Jesus, hear our humble prayer,
Tender Shepherd of thy sheep;
Let thy mercy and thy care
All our souls in safety keep.
3 In thy strength may we be strong;
Sweeten every cross and pain;
Give us, if we live, ere long,
Here to meet in peace again.
4 Then, if thou thy help afford,
Ebenezers shall be reared;
All our souls shall praise the Lord,
Who our poor petitions heard.
502 S.M. J. Hart
Ps. 103. 20-22; 1 John 5. 7
1 With all the heavenly host,
Let Christians join to laud
The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost –
Our Saviour and our God.
503 7s J. Hart
1 John 5. 7
1 Glory to the Eternal be,
Three-in-One, and One-in-Three;
God that pitied sinners lost –
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
504 8.8.6. J. Hart
1 Chron. 16. 28; Ps. 103. 20, 21
1 Ye saints on earth, your voices raise,
And sing the eternal Father’s praise,
And glorify the Son;
Give glory to the Holy Ghost,
And join with all the angelic host
To bless the great Three-One.
505 C.M. Isaac Watts
1 Cor. 10. 31; 1 Pet. 2. 9
1 Glory to God the Father’s name,
Who, from our sinful race,
Chose out his favourites to proclaim
The honours of his grace.
2 Glory to God the Son be paid
Who dwelt in humble clay,
And, to redeem us from the dead,
Gave his own life away.
3 Glory to God the Spirit give,
From whose almighty power
Our souls their heavenly birth derive,
And bless the happy hour.
4 Glory to God that reigns above,
The eternal Three-in-One,
Who, by the wonders of his love,
Has made his nature known.
506 148th Isaac Watts
John 5. 23
1 To God the Father’s throne
Perpetual honours raise;
Glory to God the Son;
To God the Spirit praise;
And while our lips their tribute bring,
Our faith adores the name we sing.
506A L.M. T. Ken
Ps. 117; 148. 2-4; 150. 6
1 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
507 C.M. D. Herbert
“Turn thou me, and I shall be turned.” Jer. 31. 18
1 How oft I grumble and repine,
With blessings in my hand;
There’s nothing here can satisfy,
Nor gold, nor house, nor land.
2 Sometimes the Lord bestows on me,
His fretful child, a toy,
On which I raise my prospects high,
And look for certain joy.
3 But soon there’s something intervenes;
I’ve something else in view;
The former mercy is forgot,
And I want something new.
4 [Oh! this unstable heart of mine
Is like the troubled sea;
The more I have, the more I want;
When shall I settled be?]
5 I know this wretched world can’t fill
This anxious soul of mine;
O could I to my Father’s will
My soul, my all resign!
6 [Sometimes, alas! I think I can;
I’ll trust the world no more;
But when I meet some little cross,
I’m fretful as before.
7 Why am I captivated thus,
By such poor trifling toys?
Alas! how oft this wretched world
Annoys my better joys!]
8 I want to trust, but cannot trust,
A God of providence;
Although he bless from day to day,
I’m full of diffidence.
9 [When troubles roll in thick and fast,
Ah! then my faith gives way;
Sometimes I think I cannot stand,
No, not another day.]
10 Sometimes, like Ephraim, I rebel,
I cannot bear the yoke;
I kick and murmur at the rod,
And shrink at every stroke;
11 But when my Father smiles again,
Then what a fool am I!
’Tis then, like Ephraim, I repent,
And smite upon my thigh.
12 Like him I mourn, like him I cry,
“Lord, hold me with thy hand;
And draw me by thy special grace;
Hold up, and I shall stand.”
508 C.M. D. Herbert
Before Sermon. Deut. 32.2, 3; Isa. 55.11
1 Lord, fill thy servant’s soul today
With pure seraphic fire,
And set his tongue at liberty,
And grant his soul’s desire.
2 O may he preach the word of God
With energy and power;
May gospel-blessings spread around,
Like a refreshing shower.
3 May God’s eternal love and grace
Be sweetly felt within;
While he is preaching Christ the Lord,
Who bore our curse and sin.
4 May burdened sinners lose their load,
And downcast souls rejoice;
May doubting souls believe today
They are Jehovah’s choice.
5 May Christ be first, and Christ be last,
And Christ be all in all,
Who died to make salvation sure,
And raise us from the fall.
6 O may thy servant now today
Proclaim salvation free,
As finished by the Son of God,
For such poor souls as we.
509 C.M. D. Herbert
He shall call upon me, I will answer. Ps. 91. 15
1 Come, come, my soul, with boldness come,
Unto the throne of grace;
There Jesus sits to answer prayer,
And shows a smiling face.
2 Our Surety stands before the throne,
And personates our case;
And sends the blessed Spirit down
With tokens of his grace.
3 There’s not a groan, nor wish, nor sigh,
But penetrates his ears;
He knows our sins perplex and tease,
And cause our doubts and fears.
4 But he upholds us with his arm,
And will not let us fall;
When Satan roars, and sin prevails,
He hears our mournful call.
5 He knows we have no strength at all;
He knows our foes are strong;
But though ten thousand foes engage,
The weakest sha’n’t go wrong.
6 Then let us all unite and sing
The praises of free grace;
Those souls who long to see him now,
Shall surely see his face.
510 C.M. D. Herbert
“O Lord, rebuke me not in thine anger.” Ps. 6. 1, 4
1 O Lord, rebuke me not in wrath;
Thy anger who can bear?
’Tis heaven to live beneath thy smiles;
Thy frowns create despair.
2 I’m but a mass of filthiness;
I own my wretched case;
O heal my loathsome, stinking wounds,
And magnify thy grace.
3 [Ah! must I die with this sad plague?
What! is thy pity gone?
Lord, look, and heal my broken bones;
O look on God the Son!]
4 On thee I’ll wait; in thee I’ll trust;
For thou art still my God;
Crush not my soul beneath thy hand,
O take away thy rod.
5 Lord, let not guilt thus plague my soul;
I would be rid of sin.
From head to foot I’m nought but wounds,
But, ah! I’m worse within.
6 [Within, O what a hellish crew!
Who knows what dwells within?
How oft some darling lust creeps out,
Some unsuspected sin!]
7 Lord Jesus, heal this malady,
And set my broken bones;
Let my petitions reach thy ears,
Though only sighs and groans.
8 Base as I am, yet, blessed Lord,
I dare to make this plea:
As Jesus died to save the lost,
Perhaps he died for me.
511 C.M. J. Franklin
Jesus, the Soul’s Help in Times of Trouble. Ps. 31. 7
1 In all my troubles and distress,
The Lord my soul does own;
Jehovah does my griefs redress,
And make his mercy known.
2 He helps me on him to rely;
He is my strength and tower;
’Tis he that hears me when I cry,
And manifests his power.
3 In every storm, in every sea,
My Jesus makes a way;
His light shall make the darkness flee,
And turn the shade to day.
4 ’Tis he in trouble bears me up,
And leads me safely through;
My Jesus does maintain my cup,
And daily strength renew.
512 C.M. J. Franklin
Prayer for Increase and Union in the Church. Acts 2. 38, 41-47
1 Thy church, O Lord, that’s planted here,
O make it to increase
With numbers, blessed with filial fear,
Enjoying heavenly peace.
2 O may we all, dear Lord, as one,
United ever be,
Rejoicing in what Christ has done,
Who groaned upon the tree.
3 May all each other’s burdens bear;
Be simple, meek, and kind;
And keep us safe from every snare,
And all of humble mind.
513 L.M. J. Franklin
“Jehovah-Jireh.” Gen. 22. 14
1 In mounts of danger and of straits,
My soul for his salvation waits;
Jehovah-Jireh will appear,
And save me from my gloomy fear.
2 He, in the most distressing hour,
Displays the greatness of his power;
In darkest nights he makes a way,
And turns the gloomy shade to day.
3 Jehovah-Jireh is his name;
From age to age he proves the same;
He sees when I am sunk in grief,
And quickly flies to my relief.
4 The Lord Jehovah is my guide;
He does and will for me provide;
And in the mount it shall be seen,
How kind and gracious he has been.
514 8.7.4. W. Gadsby
“The glory of the Lord shall be revealed.” Isa. 40. 5
1 O what matchless condescension
The eternal God displays;
Claiming our supreme attention,
To his boundless works and ways.
His own glory
He reveals in gospel days.
2 In the person of the Saviour,
All his majesty is seen!
Love and justice shine for ever;
And, without a veil between,
Worms approach him,
And rejoice in his dear name.
3 Would we view his brightest glory,
Here it shines in Jesus’ face;
Sing and tell the pleasing story,
O ye sinners saved by grace;
And with pleasure,
Bid the guilty him embrace.
4 In his highest work, redemption,
See his glory in a blaze;
Nor can angels ever mention
Aught that more of God displays;
Grace and justice
Here unite to endless days.
5 True, ’tis sweet and solemn pleasure,
God to view in Christ the Lord;
Here he smiles and smiles for ever;
May my soul his name record;
Praise and bless him,
And his wonders spread abroad.
515 7s W. Gadsby
Person and Power of the Spirit. John 6. 63; 16. 13
1 Holy Ghost, we look to thee;
Raise the dead; the captive free;
From the mighty take the prey,
Teach the weak to watch and pray.
2 Now, dear Lord, the heavens rend;
Make some haughty rebel bend;
Life, and light, and truth impart,
To some careless sinner’s heart.
3 If it be thy holy will,
Now thy gracious word fulfil;
Quicken souls, and make them cry,
“Jesus, save me, or I die.”
4 [Nor thy mourning saints forget;
Thy sweet unction still repeat;
Daily lead us unto Christ,
As our Prophet, King, and Priest.]
5 Thine it is the church to bless,
And to comfort in distress;
Trembling, helpless souls to guide,
Safe to Jesus’ wounded side.
6 Out of self to Jesus lead!
For and in us intercede;
Guide us down to death, and there
Banish all our guilt and fear.
7 There and then support the mind;
May we be to death resigned;
And with an immortal song,
Haste to join the heavenly throng.
516 8s W. Gadsby
Jehovah United in Salvation. 1 Sam. 12. 22
1 The Triune Jehovah we praise,
In essence eternally one,
Who has, by the word of his grace,
His counsels eternal made known;
The Father, the Spirit, and Word,
As three in one God, and no more,
In Zion’s salvation accord;
Then let us this one God adore.
2 No change can take place in his mind;
His counsels are settled of old;
To Zion he’ll ever be kind,
And to her his glory unfold.
Though men, sin, and devils unite
To drive the believer to hell,
Jehovah will put them to flight,
And Zion shall surely prevail.
3 In Jesus, and Jesus alone,
The church stands for ever complete;
And whilst he remains on his throne,
He will not the weakest forget;
They’re his and shall ever be his,
And with him in glory shall reign,
The triune Jehovah to bless,
For ever and ever. Amen.
517 6.4. W. Gadsby
The Trinity. 1 John 5. 7; 1 Cor. 12. 4-6; Eph. 4. 4-6
1 We bless the triune God –
The Father and the Word,
And Holy Ghost;
God, who must ever be
The mighty One-in-Three;
To all eternity
The Lord of Hosts.
2 Holy, immortal Three,
One God eternally,
Teach us to praise;
Mysterious Three-in-One,
To us thy grace make known,
And lead us safely on
In thy own ways.
3 While we in Meshech dwell,
May we thy wonders tell,
Nor yield to fear.
Though men and devils rage,
And all their powers engage,
Zion, from age to age,
Is thy own care.
4 We bless the Father’s name,
Whose love is still the same;
We also praise
The Spirit and the Word;
Be this one God adored,
In solemn, sweet accord,
To endless days.
518 7s W. Gadsby
“Glory to God in the highest.” Luke 2. 14
1 At the birth of Christ our King,
Angels made the heavens ring,
Singing, with a solemn joy,
“Glory to the Lord on high.”
2 Glory in the highest height,
Blazing with majestic light,
Shines in David’s root and rod,
The incarnate Son of God.
3 Sinners here by faith may view,
What Omnipotence can do;
And in measure sweetly trace
The rich treasures of his grace.
4 Come, ye mourning souls, rejoice;
Look, and, with a cheerful voice,
Sing the honours of your Lord,
Blazing in the incarnate Word.
5 Soon the whole elect shall view
All the glory God can show!
And in bliss immortal sing,
Hallelujah to their King.
519 S.M. W. Gadsby
“Let fall some handfuls.” Ruth 2. 16
1 [When Ruth a-gleaning went,
Jehovah was her guide;
To Boaz’ field he led her straight,
And she became his bride.]
2 Jesus my Boaz is;
My strength and portion too;
His word of grace the precious field,
Where I a-gleaning go.
3 O what a heavenly field!
What handfuls it contains!
What strength and comfort gleaners get,
To recompense their pains!
4 Rejoice, ye mourning souls;
Ye broken hearts, be strong;
The field is ripe for harvest now,
And ye shall glean ere long.
5 Ye gleaners, one and all,
Let Christ be all your song;
He is your strength and portion too,
And you to him belong.
6 [All blessings he contains;
He cannot let you starve;
The meanest gleaner in his field,
At length shall walk at large.]
520 104th W. Gadsby
“The law is good if a man use it lawfully.” 1 Tim. 1. 8
The law of the Lord is perfect and good,
But cannot afford nor comfort nor food,
To sinners distressèd, o’erwhelmèd with fear,
But Jesus the blessed can yield them good cheer.
The sinner may toil with care and with pain,
Some comfort to bring from Sinai’s flame,
Spend long nights in sorrow, and days in distress,
Yet find on the morrow the law does him curse.
Where then can he flee for help or relief?
A sinner is he, a rebel in chief;
He feels himself guilty, and what can he do?
He’s unsound and filthy, and no good can show.
Thanks be to the Lamb, the great King of kings,
Who comes just in time, and glad tidings brings,
Applies peace and pardon, with power from above,
The poor soul to gladden, and calls him his love.
[These tidings Christ brings, and they reach the heart;
The Spirit he sends his truth to impart;
The sweet Spirit seals him a son and an heir,
And comforts and cheers him, and banishes fear.]
Then ravished with joy, and o’ercome with love,
“Abba, Father,” he’ll cry, “my Lord and my God,
My Friend and my Portion, my Head and my All;
Thou art my Salvation from guilt, sin, and thrall.”
521 104th W. Gadsby
“Dead to the law.” Rom. 7. 4, 6; Gal. 2. 19-21.
Thanks be to my Head, the great King of kings,
My life from the dead, the death of my sins;
Who took all my woes, and was made sin for me;
Who died, and who rose, and from sin set me free.
His Spirit he sent, to soften my heart;
The old veil to rend, and life to impart;
To bring me from darkness to light in the Lord,
And kill me to Moses, to sin, and the world.
Thus I, through the law, dead to the law am,
Yet married am I to Jesus the Lamb!
This union is sealèd, all heaven’s agreed;
>From sin and from Moses I henceforth am freed.
My soul, then, rejoice; let Christ be thy song;
With heart and with voice, with lip and with tongue,
Before men or angels, sing, Worthy’s the Lamb
Of unceasing praises, for ever. Amen.
522 122nd W. Gadsby
Saints Freed from Hagar. Gen. 21. 9-12; Gal. 4. 21-31
1 What! must the Christian draw
His comforts from the law,
That can do nothing but condemn?
If this be Zion’s rule,
Then unto Hagar’s school,
Must Sarah send her free-born son.
2 But the bond-woman’s son
With such shall not be one,
Isaac alone is lawful heir;
So Abra’m must obey,
And Ishmael send away,
Nor Hagar must continue there.
3 Jehovah has decreed,
None but the chosen seed
Shall ever be accounted free;
Not one shall e’er possess
The promised land of bliss,
But Abra’m’s lawful family.
4 And these shall all be freed
From bondage, guilt, and dread,
And bliss, immortal bliss enjoy;
Beyond, beyond the grave,
The land of promise have,
And live with God eternally.
523 8s W. Gadsby
The Law of Liberty. James 1. 25; John 13. 17
1 The gospel’s the law of the Lamb;
My soul of its glories shall sing;
With pleasure my tongue shall proclaim
The law of my Saviour and King;
A sweet law of liberty this;
A yoke that is easy and mild;
Of love it the precious law is,
Unknown unto all but a child.
2 [The law of the Spirit of life,
That takes the old yoke from our neck,
Proves Zion to be the Lamb’s wife,
And Zion with beauty does deck;
Provides her a clothing divine,
And makes her all-glorious within;
Nor angels are clothèd more fine,
Nor can it be sullied with sin.]
3 Its beauties all centre in Christ,
For Christ is the substance of it;
It makes broken hearts to rejoice,
And insolvent debtors will fit.
’Tis wisdom, ’tis strength, and ’tis love,
’Tis all that a sinner can need;
And all that are born from above,
By Jesus from Moses are freed.
4 This law is the poor pilgrim’s rule;
With boldness this truth I’ll maintain;
Thrice happy’s the man, though a fool,
That in it can look and remain;
This man shall be blest in his deed,
For Jesus and he are but one;
He’ll therefore supply all his need,
For ever and ever. Amen.
524 11s W. Gadsby
Glad Tidings. Isa. 61. 1-3; Matt. 11. 5, 28
The gospel brings tidings, glad tidings indeed,
To mourners in Zion, who want to be freed
>From sin, and from Satan, and Mount Sinai’s flame,
Good news of salvation, through Jesus the Lamb.
What sweet invitations the gospel contains,
To men heavy laden with bondage and chains;
It welcomes the weary to come and be blessed
With ease from their burdens, in Jesus to rest.
For every poor mourner, who thirsts for the Lord,
A fountain is opened in Jesus the Word;
Their poor parchèd conscience to cool and to wash
>From guilt and pollution, from dead works and dross.
A robe is provided, their shame now to hide,
In which none are clothèd but Jesus’s bride;
And though it be costly, yet is the robe free,
And all Zion’s mourners shall decked with it be.
[A ring that denotes his unchangeable love,
Is put on the finger, God’s kindness to prove,
(This love no beginning can know, nor an end,)
And Zion shall wear it in praise of her Friend.]
525 L.M. W. Gadsby
Good News. Eph. 1. 3; Numb. 23. 21;
1 What joyful news the gospel is,
To guilty sinners in distress!
It speaks of mercy, rich and free,
For such polluted worms as we.
2 Jesus, my Shepherd, lived and died,
Rose, and now lives to intercede;
He bears my name upon his heart,
Nor will he ever with me part.
3 For me he bore the wrath of God;
For me he in the wine-press trod;
He magnified the law for me,
And I for ever am set free.
4 [He loved me ere the world began;
Nor did my Saviour love alone;
The Spirit and the Father joined,
As one Jehovah, in one mind.]
5 In endless love, the Holy Three
All blessings have secured for me;
All good that’s worthy of a God,
For me in Jesus Christ is stored.
6 What glory, yea, what matchless grace,
Appears in my Redeemer’s face!
All Deity can there agree
To smile upon a worm like me.
526 148th W. Gadsby
“The joyful sound.” Ps. 89. 15; Matt. 18. 11
1 Thrice happy are the men,
Who know the joyful sound;
They glory in the Lamb;
Their hopes upon him found;
They see how justice, truth, and grace,
Agree and shine in Jesus’ face.
2 A joyful sound indeed,
To sinners in distress,
Who have no works to plead
But what are vile and base;
Who feel their hearts a dreadful den
Of every murderous, hateful sin.
3 For such to hear and know
Salvation is of God,
That Jesus will bestow
The riches of his love
On sinners who have nought to bring,
Will make their very souls to sing.
4 He pardons all their sins,
And makes them white as wool,
And the sweet Spirit sends,
To fill their vessels full
Of faith, and love, and joy, and peace,
And seal them sons and heirs of grace.
527 C.M. W. Gadsby
The Gospel. Rom. 10. 15; Isa. 52. 7; Rom. 1. 16
1 What a divine harmonious sound
The gospel-trumpet gives;
No music can with it compare;
The soul that knows it lives.
2 Ten thousand blessings it contains,
Divinely rich and free,
For helpless, wretched, ruined man,
Though vile and base as we.
3 It speaks of pardon, full and free,
Through Christ, the Lamb once slain;
Whose blood can cleanse the foulest soul,
And take away all stain.
4 The vilest sinner out of hell,
Who lives to feel his need,
Is welcome to a Throne of Grace,
The Saviour’s blood to plead.
5 The Lord delights to hear them cry,
And knock at mercy’s door;
’Tis grace that makes them feel their need,
And pray to him for more.
6 Nor will he send them empty back,
Nor fright them from the door;
The Father has in Jesus stored
All blessings for the poor.
528 C.M. W. Gadsby
The Gospel. Rom. 10. 15; Isa. 51. 1-3; Nahum 1. 15
1 The gospel is good news indeed,
To sinners deep in debt;
The man who has no works to plead,
Will thankful be for it.
2 To know that when he’s nought to pay,
His debts are all discharged,
Will make him blooming look as May,
And set his soul at large.
3 No news can be compared with this,
To men oppressed with sin;
Who know what legal bondage is,
And labour but in vain.
4 Freedom from sin and Satan’s chains,
And legal toil as well,
The gospel sweetly now proclaims;
Which tidings suit them well.
5 How gladly does the prisoner hear
What gospel has to tell!
’Tis perfect love that casts out fear,
And brings him from his cell.
6 The man that feels his guilt abound,
And knows himself unclean,
Will find the gospel’s joyful sound
Is welcome news to him.
529 8s W. Gadsby
The Law of the Wise. Prov. 13. 14; 14. 27
1 Sweet Jesus! how great is thy love;
Thy mercy and truth know no end;
And all that are born from above,
Shall find thee a permanent Friend;
Dear Saviour, enlighten my eyes,
That I may the wonders behold
Contained in the law of the wise,
Too grand and too great to be told.
2 O what a rich field of delight!
How sweet and how fragrant the smell!
Its beauties astonish me quite,
Nor am I yet able to tell
The half of the glory I see
In that divine treasure of grace;
Sweet wonders are shown unto me,
When I behold Jesus’s face.
3 Dear Jesus! thy glories unfold,
Nor let me be wanting of sight;
O may I with pleasure behold
Thy statutes, and in them delight.
I want to know nothing beside;
Here’s room for my soul to expand;
Nor can I be better employed,
In Meshech’s discouraging land.
530 C.M. W. Gadsby
Election. Eph. 1. 4-9; 2. 9; Deut. 7. 8; Matt. 11. 26
1 Election is a truth divine,
As absolute as free;
Works ne’er can make the blessing mine;
’Tis God’s own wise decree.
2 Before Jehovah built the skies,
Or earth, or seas, or sun,
He chose a people for his praise,
And gave them to his Son.
3 Eternal was the choice of God,
A sovereign act indeed;
And Jesus, the incarnate Word,
Secures the chosen seed.
4 He loved and chose because he would;
Nor did his choice depend
On sinners’ work, or bad or good,
But on his sovereign mind.
5 Nor law, nor death, nor hell, nor sin,
Can alter his decree;
The elect eternal life shall win,
And all God’s glory see.
6 His counsel stands for ever sure,
Immortal and divine;
And justice, mercy, truth, and power,
Unite to make it mine.
531 L.M. W. Gadsby
“Now are we the sons of God.” 1 John 3. 1, 2; Gal. 4. 7
1 Beloved of the Lord most high,
Let praises be your sweet employ;
Ye sons of God, rejoice, and sing
The honours of your Lord and King.
2 Your heavenly Father ever lives,
And all his choicest treasure gives
To you, the favourites of his heart,
Nor will he ever with you part.
3 [Whatever be your lot below,
Though you through gloomy paths may go,
Your heavenly Father is your Light,
And he will guide your footsteps right.]
4 In every changing scene below,
’Tis yours by faith this grace to know:
Now are we sons and heirs of God,
Fast hastening to our blest abode.
5 In every trying, deep distress,
In poverty and wretchedness,
This truth sweet comfort should afford:
E’en now we are the sons of God.
6 Let worldlings know we scorn the toys
Which they so highly love and prize;
We must possess all real good,
Since we are sons and heirs of God.
7 Dear Father, bless us with this grace,
While travelling through this wilderness;
Our sonship still to keep in view,
And honour thee in all we do.
532 148th W. Gadsby
“The ransomed shall return.” Isa. 35. 10
1 The ransomed of the Lord
Shall unto Zion come;
A faithful, loving God
Will surely bring them home;
He gave his life a ransom-price
And Zion shall in him rejoice.
2 The promise of the Lord
Shall stand for ever good,
And Zion shall record
The wonders of his love.
Redemption’s glorious work is done;
The ransomed shall to Zion come.
3 [The Holy, Wise, and Just,
His Well-Beloved gave;
And shall the man be cursed
That Jesus came to save?
Shall sin and Satan Jesus cheat,
Or prove the ransom incomplete?]
4 [O vanity extreme!
And base that heart must be
Whose tongue can dare proclaim
The ransomed damned shall be.
The debt is paid; the victory won;
The ransomed shall to Zion come.]
5 [They shall rejoice in him,
And in him they shall boast;
He saves from wrath and sin,
From guilt, law, and the curse.
To Zion they shall all be led,
And joy shall rest upon their head.]
6 ’Tis no uncertain sound
The gospel-trumpet gives;
The church in Christ is found,
And by and in him lives;
While Jesus lives to bring them home,
The ransomed shall to Zion come.
533 C.M. W. Gadsby
The Love of Christ. 1 John 3. 16; Eph. 5. 25
1 How condescending and how wise
Is the eternal God!
On wings of love, from heaven he flies,
The church to buy with blood.
2 He saw her rolling in her filth,
More beastly far than swine;
Her only clothing sin and guilt;
Exposed to wrath divine.
3 He came to save her soul from hell,
And bring her home to God;
Her debts and guilt upon him fell;
He made the payment good.
4 His life he gave a ransom-price,
Resolved to set her free;
And make her in his name rejoice,
To all eternity.
534 7s W. Gadsby
The Blood of Sprinkling. Heb. 12. 24; Isa. 53. 6
1 Mercy speaks by Jesus’ blood;
Hear and sing, ye sons of God;
Justice satisfied indeed;
Christ has full atonement made.
2 Jesus’ blood speaks loud and sweet;
Here all Deity can meet,
And, without a jarring voice,
Welcome Zion to rejoice.
3 Should the law against her roar,
Jesus’ blood still speaks with power,
“All her debts were cast on me,
And she must and shall go free.”
4 Peace of conscience, peace with God,
We obtain through Jesus’ blood;
Jesus’ blood speaks solid rest;
We believe, and we are blest.
535 8.7.4. W. Gadsby
Redeeming Love. Jer. 31. 3; Heb. 9. 12
1 O the love of Christ to sinners!
Who can make its wonders known?
Sin-born slaves, through grace, are winners
Of a bright celestial crown;
Jesus gives us
Endless glory and renown.
2 We, by nature, are disgraceful;
Nothing but the filth of hell;
All our righteousnesses hateful;
Who can half our baseness tell?
Satan’s captives,
And we loved his service well.
3 Jesus saw us sunk in ruin,
And, determined us to save,
Shed his blood, and brought us to him;
For our life his own he gave;
He redeemed us
From sin, Satan, and the grave.
4 Endless love he fixed upon us,
In eternity that’s past;
Nor will ever take it from us;
Endless love shall ever last;
Love redeemed us,
And will ever hold us fast.
536 L.M. W. Gadsby
“He hath made him to be sin for us.” 2 Cor. 5. 14, 21
1 Behold a scene of matchless grace,
’Tis Jesus in the sinner’s place;
Heaven’s brightest Glory sunk in shame,
That rebels might adore his name.
2 Tremendous clouds of wrath and dread,
In vengeance burst upon his head;
Ten thousand horrors seize his soul,
And vengeful mountains on him roll.
3 He sighed; he groaned; he sweat; he cried;
Through awful floods he passed and died;
All penal wrath to Zion due,
Infinite justice on him threw.
4 He rose in triumph from the dead;
Justice declared the debt was paid;
Then Christ with kingly grandeur flew,
And took his throne in glory too.
5 Come, saints, with solemn pleasure trace
The boundless treasures of his grace;
He bore almighty wrath for you,
That you might all his glory view.
537 148th W. Gadsby
Work and Righteousness of Christ. Rom. 3. 24-26
1 The work of Christ I sing,
And glory in his name;
Immortal life to bring,
The Lord of Glory came;
He gave himself for wretched me,
And sets my soul at liberty.
2 He magnified the law
And made an end of sin;
Without a single flaw,
A righteousness brought in.
Come, mourning souls, in Jesus trust;
His righteousness makes sinners just.
538 L.M. W. Gadsby
The Good Man. Acts 11. 24; Rom. 4. 8-11
1 By nature, none of Adam’s race
Can boast of goodness in God’s sight;
Sin plunged them all in sad disgrace;
Now nothing merely human’s right.
2 Good men there are; but, be it known,
Their goodness dwells in Christ their Head!
United to God’s only Son,
Their holiness can never fade.
3 In him they stand complete and just;
His righteousness he gives to them;
Of this they sin, of this they boast,
Nor law nor Satan can condemn.
4 The One-in-Three, and Three-in-One,
Sets up his kingdom in their breasts;
And there, to make his wonders known,
He ever lives, and reigns, and rests.
5 Life, light, and holiness divine,
From Jesus they by faith receive;
The Spirit makes his graces shine,
And gives them power in Christ to live.
539 148th W. Gadsby
“Rejoice in the Lord.” Joel 2. 23, 26; Ps. 32. 11
1 Christians, rejoice, and sing
Your Maker’s lovely praise;
He is your God and King,
Ancient of endless days;
He lives, he reigns, and sits above,
The King of kings, and God of love.
2 No place can him contain;
Immensity he fills;
He measures, with a span,
The world with all its hills;
In heaven he reigns your God and King,
And will you to his glory bring.
3 He saves you by his grace;
O matchless grace indeed,
That such a rebel race
From sin and Satan’s freed!
His mercy, truth, and justice join,
To make you in full glory shine.
4 The time will shortly come,
When you, with sweet surprise,
Will find yourself at home
With Christ, above the skies;
With him to live, with him to reign,
And never, never part again.
540 S.M. W. Gadsby
Jesus, King of Zion. Ps. 149. 2; John 1. 49
1 Jesus, the Lord, is King,
And be his name adored;
Let Zion with sweet pleasure sing
The honours of her God.
2 His laws are just and mild,
All pregnant with delight;
The church at large, and every child,
Shall prove his burden light.
3 Let Christians all attend
To his commanding voice;
His mercies never have an end;
Then be his ways our choice.
4 On Zion’s hill he reigns,
And still displays his love;
Bids saints remember all his pains,
And lift their hearts above.
541 S.M. W. Gadsby
Jesus, King in Zion. Jer. 8. 19; Ps. 2. 6; Zech. 9. 9
1 The Lord is Zion’s King;
Let Zion in him trust;
’Midst friends and foes his goodness sing,
And of his mercy boast.
2 He rules on Zion’s hill,
With laws of peace and grace,
Laws that bespeak his kindness still,
And human pride abase.
3 Let saints his sceptre own;
His righteous laws obey;
Acknowledge him the Lord alone,
And walk the heavenly way.
542 7s W. Gadsby
Christ our High Priest. Heb. 3. 1; 7. 26; 2. 17
1 Jesus is my great High Priest;
Bears my name upon his breast;
And that we may never part,
I am sealed upon his heart.
2 All my sins were on him thrown;
He for them did once atone;
He did all my debts discharge,
And has set my soul at large.
3 By his own atoning blood,
He my wounded spirit cured;
Washed and made me white as snow;
Cleansed me well from top to toe.
4 [He the vail has rent in twain;
Through his flesh I enter in;
And with him for ever rest,
In the Lord’s most holy place.]
5 He has bought me with his blood;
Reconciled my soul to God;
Made me meet for glory too,
And will bring me safely through.
543 7s W. Gadsby
“I am the way.” John 14. 6
1 Jesus is the way to God;
Jesus is the way to bliss;
In this way the church has trod,
Down from Adam’s day to this.
2 [Jesus is the living way;
All beside to ruin lead;
They are safe, and only they,
Who are one in Christ their Head.]
3 [Jesus is a holy way;
Leads to endless joys above;
Holy men, and only they,
Walk in this blest way of love.]
4 [Jesus is the narrow way;
Hagarenes have here no room;
Sons, and only sons are they,
Who can travel this way home.]
5 [Jesus is a humble way;
Pride and self must be brought down;
Nothing like a beast of prey
Ever can in this way run.]
6 [Jesus is the way of strength;
Yet the strong this way can’t come;
And the Lord will prove at length,
Weaklings have the victory won.]
7 [Jesus is the way of peace,
Paved from end to end with love;
Yes, this way abounds with grace,
And the needy it approve.]
8 All a helpless soul can need,
All a faithful God can give,
In this way is to be had;
Here the hungry eat and live.
544 8s W. Gadsby
The Path of the Just. Isa. 26. 7, 8
1 [By nature can no man be just,
Since all are conceivèd in sin;
No room is now left us to boast,
For works cannot God’s favour win;
But such who in Jesus believe,
Are justified freely by grace;
United to Jesus their Head,
He’s made unto them righteousness.]
2 The Lord is the path of the just,
And brighter and brighter shall shine,
To Adam revealèd at first;
To Abra’m made known in due time.
The saints saw the path in those days,
But still the path brighter did shine
When God gave to Moses his ways,
In shadows and types so sublime.
3 Now Jesus, the true Light, is come,
The path is far brighter than day;
Nor can that fair body, the sun,
Shine equal to Jesus, the Way;
The light that in Moses appeared,
Though great, was but dim at the best,
When with that divine Light compared,
With which the true church is now blest.
545 7s W. Gadsby
Christ All in All. Col. 3. 11
1 Truly that poor soul is just,
Who, by faith, in Christ can trust;
In him live, upon him rest,
As the Lord his Righteousness.
2 Sins as foul as hell he’ll find
Rising up against his mind;
Nor will Satan spare to say,
He has quite mistook the way.
3 Yet, through all the scenes of time,
Jesus as his Way shall shine,
Brighter than the blaze of day,
Suited to him as his Way.
4 When he feels his dreadful woes,
And the craft of Satan knows,
Faith shall trace in Christ, his Head,
All his helpless soul can need.
5 So his path shall brighter shine,
Faith increase, and fears decline;
He from faith to faith shall go,
Till he nought but Christ shall know.
6 And when he resigns his breath,
To the icy hand of death,
In the Lord, his Living Way,
He shall fly to endless day.
546 S.M. W. Gadsby
Christ a Sun. Mal. 4. 2; Ps. 84. 11; 2 Pet. 1. 19
1 Jehovah is my Sun;
He shines into my heart;
Though clouds do often interpose,
My Sun shall not depart.
2 This Sun has warmed my soul,
When chilled by sin and death;
Its beams have shone with strength and heat,
And made me strong in faith.
3 Whatever be my frame,
My Sun no change can know;
Though I am dark, he still remains
My light and glory too.
4 Nor death, nor sin, nor hell,
Shall make him cease to shine;
And, though I cannot always feel
His beams, he’s ever mine.
5 ’Tis no precarious light
That shines on Zion’s hill;
’Tis God, essential light itself,
And therefore cannot fail.
547 C.M. W. Gadsby
Christ the Believer’s Shield. Gen. 15. 1; Ps. 3. 3, 8
1 When foes within, and foes without,
Against my soul unite,
By faith, I wield my Shield about,
And put them all to flight.
2 Should hell against my soul conspire,
And send their darts like hail,
My Shield’s a match for all their power,
Nor shall they e’er prevail.
3 No fiery darts from Satan’s den
Can sons of God destroy;
Their Shield is Christ; by faith in him
They can them all defy.
4 Then let the weaklings all be strong;
Take up their Shield, nor fear;
They shall be conquerors all ere long,
And crowns of victory wear.
5 Nor shall it e’er be said at last,
Here’s one among the damned
That, by a precious faith in Christ,
Behind this Shield did stand.
548 11s W. Gadsby
Christ a Physician. Matt. 9. 12, 13; Mark 2. 17
A Physician, I learn, abides in this place,
Profound in his wisdom, abounding in grace;
His skill in all cases infallible is;
Effectual his medicines, nor ever did miss.
Poor sinners tormented with sickness or sore
Are heartily welcome to knock at his door;
He will not deceive them, nor spurn them away,
But freely will heal them by night or by day.
All plagues and distempers, all sickness and pain,
He cures without money; nor will he disdain
The vilest of sinners, that unto him go,
But surely will heal them, and perfectly too.
[The strong and the healthy, in vain ’tis to ask
To try this Physician; they’d think it a task;
They feel no disorder, no danger they see,
But boast of a heart that from sickness is free.]
[Nor will the afflicted to Jesus apply,
Till quacks give them up, and they think they must die;
When pockets are emptied, and carnal hopes past,
To Christ they will come, and he’ll cure them at last.]
549 104th W. Gadsby
David in the Cave. 1 Sam. 22. 1, 2; 18. 6, 7
[When Jesse’s young son was honoured of God,
The stripling began to publish abroad
The love of Jehovah; his strength and his might;
Which brought down Goliath in Israel’s sight.
What joy in the land at once did appear!
Hosanna was sung to David, we hear;
But soon he was forced into Adullam’s cave,
And thousands pursued him his life to bereave.
To Adullam’s cave the wretched all run;
Which David must have, their captain become;
And thus he is furnished with men, to be sure,
But, O be astonished! they’re helpless and poor.]
In David I see a greater by far;
’Tis Jesus, ’tis he who saves from despair;
No sinner dejected that flees to the Lamb,
Shall e’er be neglected, for David’s his name.
550 148th W. Gadsby
Christ the Nail in a Sure Place. Isa. 22. 23
1 My soul, rejoice and sing
Thy Father’s glorious praise;
And let his precious love
Employ thee all thy days;
Proclaim, with honour to his name,
That God is love, and still the same.
2 To save my soul from hell
Was his eternal will;
And, bless his precious name,
His purpose to fulfil,
He took the Lord, the great I AM,
And as a nail he fastened him.
3 [When deep calls unto deep,
And sins like mountains rise,
And the old prince of hell
Says, All the Bible’s lies,
This Nail is fastened in my heart,
Nor will it e’er from me depart.
4 My wicked heart has said,
Again, yea, and again,
That Christ my soul will leave
To perish in my sin;
But though I feel as cold as clay,
He will not, cannot go away.]
5 He’s fastened there as God,
As Shepherd, Priest, and King,
My Lord, my Life, my Head,
From whom all blessings spring;
As all I need, as all I have,
While here, and when beyond the grave.
551 7s W. Gadsby
Christ the Rock. Isa. 32. 2; 1 Cor. 10. 4; Song. 2. 14
1 Jesus Christ, the sinner’s Friend,
Loves his people to the end;
And that they may safe abide,
He’s the Rock in which they hide.
2 As a rock, he guards them well
From the rage of sin and hell.
Such a rock is Christ to me,
I am safe, though thousands flee!
3 Sheltered in his wounded side,
Now no ill can me betide;
From the tempest covered o’er;
One with him for evermore.
552 C.M. W. Gadsby
“The Lord is my helper.” Heb. 13. 6; Ps. 30. 10
1 The Lord’s my Helper and Support,
My Saviour and my Friend;
He bears my sinking spirits up,
And will my soul defend.
2 Though earth, and hell, and sin agree,
My comfort to destroy,
The Lord of glory fights for me,
Nor will he let me die.
553 C.M. W. Gadsby
The Breaker. Micah 2. 13; Jer. 23. 29
1 The Breaker is gone forth in love,
With power and skill divine;
Descending from the realms above,
To quell his foes and mine.
2 In love to Zion, he has broke
The powers of death and hell;
And her from Sinai’s dreadful yoke
Has broken off as well.
3 Though death, and law, and sin agree
This Breaker to arrest,
He breaks their bonds, himself sets free,
With Zion on his breast.
4 He breaks his children’s hearts in twain,
And brings proud nature down;
The hearts he breaks he heals again,
And on them puts a crown.
5 [He breaks through every darksome cloud,
And shows his lovely face;
Which makes the sinner sing aloud,
“Salvation is of grace.”]
6 [He breaks the traps and gins that lie
To catch poor pilgrims’ feet;
And, when they stumble, makes them fly
To him, their safe retreat.]
7 He’ll break the strings of nature soon,
And bid the prisoner fly
Beyond the reach of sin and gloom,
His glory to enjoy.
554 C.M. W. Gadsby
“I will make all my goodness pass before thee.” Exod. 33. 19
1 Though we walk through this wilderness
God’s promise is our stay;
His goodness he will make to pass
Before us in the way.
2 Goodness, immortal and divine,
The bliss of endless day,
The Lord our God will make to pass
Before us in the way.
3 The boundless treasures of his grace,
He surely will display,
And all his goodness make to pass
Before us in the way.
4 [Though hosts of enemies rise up,
To fill us with dismay,
The Lord will make his goodness pass
Before us in the way.
5 To keep our eyes on Jesus fixed,
And there our hope to stay,
The Lord will make his goodness pass
Before us in the way.]
6 To make his saints his glory view,
And sing their cares away,
The Lord will make his goodness pass
Before them in the way.
555 S.M. W. Gadsby
“I will proclaim the name of the Lord.” Exod. 33. 19
1 When God proclaims his name,
Then Zion hears with joy;
His grace, from age to age the same,
Shall all her needs supply.
2 When he descends to show
The wonders of his heart,
His presence lays proud nature low,
And guilty fears depart.
3 Rich mercy he proclaims
To sinners in distress;
And, by the most endearing names,
Reveals to them his grace.
556 S.M. W. Gadsby
The Name of the Lord. Exod. 33. 19; 34. 6
1 The Lord proclaims his name;
And sinners hear his voice;
His mercy ever stands the same,
And we’ll in him rejoice.
2 His name is gracious still,
And freely he bestows
The bounty of his sovereign will,
On all who feel their woes.
3 His patience long endures,
And savèd sinners know,
A God, long-suffering, still restores
Their joy and peace below.
4 The thousands whom he loves
He pardons and forgives,
Their persons he in Christ approves,
And will while Jesus lives.
5 Lord, help us to believe,
And make thy name our choice;
Thy mercy freely to us give,
And we’ll in thee rejoice.
557 8.8.6. W. Gadsby
“In his name shall the Gentiles trust.” Matt. 12. 21
1 How sweet and precious is the name
Of Jesus Christ, the Lord, the Lamb,
To sinners in distress!
A name just suited to their case;
Pregnant with mercy, truth, and grace,
With strength and righteousness.
2 [His name, as Jesus, suits them well;
He saves from sin, wrath, law, and hell,
From guilt and slavish fears.
His name is Wonderful indeed;
An able Counsellor, to plead,
Just suits a case like theirs.]
3 [Immanuel! thrice-blessèd name!
The God we trust is still the same!
An endless Father, He;
A most illustrious Prince of Peace;
A Tower, a precious Hiding-place,
Is Jesus Christ to me.]
4 [Yes, if his name be Lord of Hosts,
Of his almighty power I’ll boast;
He all my foes shall quell;
He’s all the helpless soul can need;
No ointment put on Aaron’s head,
Could give so sweet a smell.]
5 In him the Gentile church shall trust;
Of him shall sing; of him shall boast;
On him cast all their care;
He is their God, and they shall know
What his almighty power can do,
Nor death, nor danger fear.
558 7s W. Gadsby
The Name of Christ. Col. 1. 19; 2. 9, 10; Matt. 1. 21
1 Sweet the name of Christ must be,
From and to eternity;
For it pleased the Father well,
Fulness all in Christ should dwell.
2 Jesus is his name, and Christ;
He my Surety is, and Priest;
He has saved my soul from sin,
And I stand complete in him.
3 [Unctuous is his heavenly love;
He anoints me from above;
When his heavenly odours flow,
I have joy and peace below.]
4 Head o’er all is Christ to me,
And I shall his glory see;
Therefore in his name I’ll trust,
And of him will make my boast.
5 All a hungry soul can want,
Jesus’ name will richly grant;
Not a blessing God can give,
But with Christ the church shall have.
6 May I ever here confide,
Let whatever ills betide;
And if sufferings must ensue,
Gladly bear those sufferings too.
7 May this name be all my choice;
If reproached, let me rejoice;
And with pleasure keep in view,
What the Lord for me went through.
559 148th W. Gadsby
“Great is the Lord.” 1 Chron. 16. 25
1 The works of God proclaim
The greatness of his power;
Jehovah is his name;
The saints his name adore;
All creatures are at his control;
He rules and reigns from pole to pole.
2 Such his omnipotence,
And such his justice too,
A world he drowns at once,
Except a very few;
He sends his millions down to hell,
And yet is just and holy still.
3 But, O my soul! admire;
He looks with smiling face;
Though awful is his ire,
Yet boundless is his grace;
Mercy and justice here agree,
To save a guilty wretch like me.
4 That Zion might be free,
The angry powers of hell
As settled by decree,
Upon the Saviour fell;
’Twas in this way the Lord did show
What his almighty love could do.
5 [Justice unsheathed its sword,
“Awake,” the Father cries,
“And smite the Son of God,
My Fellow, from the skies;
Fall on him with thy wrathful power
Nor spare him in the trying hour.”
6 Justice obeyed the word;
The Lord a victim fell;
Shed all his vital blood;
Then spoiled the powers of hell;
He rose and triumphed o’er the grave,
And ever lives the church to save.]
7 Here I with wonder see
The Lord is great indeed;
Great is his love to me,
And all his chosen seed;
He’s great, and Zion shall record
The greatness of the mighty Lord.
560 8.7.4. W. Gadsby
“Awake, O sword, against my shepherd.” Zech. 13. 7
1 O thou mighty God and Saviour
Give us faith thy works to trace;
Heavenly Warrior, may we never
From thee turn away our face;
May we view thee,
Standing in our wretched place.
2 Armed with wrath and righteous vengeance,
Justice once unsheathed its sword;
Death and hell were its attendants,
And Jehovah gave the word:
“Smite the Shepherd;
Let my wrath on him be poured.”
3 All obeyed with fixed attention,
And in dreadful troops drew near;
Horrors we can never mention
Seized our Lord and Saviour there;
Armed with vengeance,
Free from either dread or fear.
4 Gaze, ye Christians, gaze and wonder;
See the mighty Hero fight;
He has burst their bands asunder,
And completely spoiled their might,
Yes, this Warrior,
Put the hosts of hell to flight.
5 Now the battle’s fought and gainèd;
Jesus, our victorious Lord,
Rushed into the hosts, and stainèd
All his garments in their blood;
But he conquered,
And redeemed the church to God.
561 C.M. W. Gadsby
“Every battle … is with confused noise.” Isa. 9. 5
1 Jesus our heavenly Warrior is,
He fights our battles well;
His wisdom, love, and power displays,
And conquers death and hell.
2 When this almighty Warrior stood
The church’s woes to bear,
Sin, Satan, and the curse of God,
In blazing wrath drew near.
3 He bore their every poisonous dart,
Nor from God’s vengeance fled;
Hell seized his agonisèd heart,
And, lo! he bowed his head.
4 He stained his garments in their blood,
And, O victorious King!
In triumph rose the conquering God,
Sweet victory to sing.
5 He satisfied the claims of law,
In that tremendous day;
Let saints from hence their comfort draw,
And sing their cares away.
6 O for a living faith to view
The victories of the Lamb;
And sweetly lean upon him too,
Nor fear to trust his name.
562 7s W. Gadsby
Fellowship with Christ’s Suffering. Phil. 3. 10
1 Jesus is the King of kings,
And in him are all my springs;
Jesus lived and died for me,
And from bondage sets me free.
2 That I might be saved from hell,
Vengeance on my Saviour fell;
Bathed in blood was Christ for me;
Loved me from eternity.
3 All the sorrows he endured,
Were by his own spouse procured;
Yet his tender, loving heart
Never will from her depart.
563 8.7.4. W. Gadsby
“Called unto the fellowship of ... Christ.” 1 Cor. 1. 9
1 Come, thou now exalted Saviour,
Bless us with a solemn frame;
Teach us now, henceforth, for ever,
To adore thy precious name;
Lovely Jesus,
Never let us stray again.
2 Lead us forth by thy sweet Spirit,
Now to feed on heavenly food;
And by faith may we inherit
The true riches of our God;
And with pleasure,
Trace the wonders of thy blood.
3 Into thy heart-breaking sorrows,
May our souls be sweetly led;
May we gaze upon the furrows
That within thy back were made;
And, believing,
Fellowship with Jesus have.
4 May we never rest, or glory
In a form, without the power;
Jesus, make us wise and holy,
Thee to love and to adore;
And, in living,
Live in thee for evermore.
5 [While in Meshech we must wander,
Lead us out of self to thee;
And, with a transporting wonder,
May we oft thy glory see;
And, when dying,
Sing of deathless victory.]
564 C.M. W. Gadsby
Glorying in the Cross of Christ. Gal. 6. 14
1 Dear Lord, forbid that we should boast,
Save in the cross of Christ,
Here may we confidently trust,
And solemnly rejoice.
2 A triune God is here displayed
In all his glorious hue;
Here sinners may approach and live,
Behold and love him too.
3 Here we have power to plead with God,
And call the Lord our own;
With pleasure view our Father sit
Upon a smiling throne.
4 Lose sight of Jesus and his cross,
And soon we fall a prey;
Our lust and pride, by power or craft,
Will carry us away.
5 But when, by faith, the cross we view,
Such is its mighty power,
Though earth and hell unite with sin,
We conquer and adore.
565 8s W. Gadsby
Deliverance from Guilt by Christ. 1 Thess. 1. 10
1 Rejoice, and let Christ be thy song,
For he is thy All and in All;
He leads my soul safely along,
In spite of the world, sin, or thrall;
Though poor in myself, yet in him
I’ve riches immense and divine;
Nor can I be brought guilty in,
For Jesus, my Lord, paid the fine.
2 Once I was enveloped in debt,
My poor mind was burdened with sin,
And strove hard to make matters straight,
That I the Lord’s favour might win!
But ah! my soul laboured in vain,
And only the debt did increase,
Which greatly increasèd my pain,
And filled me with shame and disgrace.
3 I looked to the law for some help,
And hoped it some mercy would show;
But O, my soul trembled, and felt
The law could but doom me to woe,
I saw it too just to forgive;
Too holy at sin to connive;
Then speechless I stood, as if dead,
Nor did I expect a reprieve.
4 But while I stood trembling with fear,
The Saviour of sinners came in,
Who smiled, and said, “Be of good cheer,
I surely will save thee from sin;
I’m Jesus, the First and the Last;
Thy debts have been chargèd on me –
The future, the present, the past –
And thou shalt for ever go free.”
566 8s W. Gadsby
Christ All and in All. Col. 3. 11; 1. 19; 2. 9
1 Ye famishing, naked, and poor,
Distressèd, tormented, forlorn,
In Christ is a suitable store,
For all that unto him will come;
He’s Bread, and the Bread of Life too;
Well suited the hungry to fill;
Nor one that unto him shall go,
But what will approve the Bread well.
2 Yes, he is the true paschal Lamb,
Of which all his Israel must eat;
Not sodden, but roast in the flame
Of Sinai’s most horrible heat.
This, this is the true fatted calf
The Father gave orders to kill,
That prodigals might have enough
When feasting on fair Zion’s hill.
3 [The Wine of the Kingdom is Christ,
Provided for beggars distressed!
Which makes broken hearts to rejoice,
When with it the soul is refreshed.
He’s Water to cleanse and to heal;
The thirsty are welcome to drink;
A River that never can fail;
A Fountain that never can sink.
4 It always is full to the brim,
Of water of life and of peace;
From which blessings flow like a stream,
As free as the sun runs its race.
He’s marrow and fatness as well,
A fulness of every good;
Nor Gabriel is able to tell,
The blessings that in him are stored.]
567 C.M. W. Gadsby
“Christ in you the hope of glory.” Col. 1. 27
1 Jesus, the Lord, my Saviour is,
My Shepherd, and my God;
My light, my strength, my joy, my bliss;
And I his grace record.
2 Whate’er I need in Jesus dwells,
And there it dwells for me;
’Tis Christ my earthen vessel fills
With treasures rich and free.
3 Mercy and truth and righteousness,
And peace, most richly meet
In Jesus Christ, the King of grace,
In whom I stand complete.
4 As through the wilderness I roam,
His mercies I’ll proclaim;
And when I safely reach my home,
I’ll still adore his name.
5 “Worthy the Lamb,” shall be my song,
“For he for me was slain;”
And with me all the heavenly throng
Shall join, and say, “Amen.”
568 104th W. Gadsby
Christ the Believer’s Song. Rev. 5. 12; 14. 3
Ye saints of the Lord, rejoice in your King;
His mercy record; his faithfulness sing,
His infinite power and wisdom proclaim;
His free grace adore, and sing “Worthy’s the Lamb!”
Complete and all pure in Jesus you are;
Your baseness he bore, and makes you all fair;
Nor Gabriel can boast of a robe more divine,
Than on you is cast, and in which you shall shine.
’Midst worlds in a blaze, and wrath streaming forth,
While millions shall gaze divested of hope,
In dread consternation, distracted with fear
Of just condemnation and utter despair,
True Christians shall stand, without fear or shame,
At Jesus’ right hand, in glory to reign,
The dread conflagration their joy can’t decrease,
Complete’s their salvation, and all is of grace.
Hallelujah, amen; salvation’s of God!
Repeat it again, and publish abroad
The love of your Saviour; what theme’s so complete?
He’ll leave you? No, never! his love is too great.
569 8s W. Gadsby
Christ and his Church. Eph. 5. 25-27; Jer. 31. 3
1 The Father, in eternal love,
His heart upon Zion did set;
Her name he enrollèd above;
Nor will he fair Zion forget,
He chose her in Jesus his Son,
And gave her to him for a wife;
Who freely accepted the same,
Though knowing she’d cost him his life.
2 He saw her polluted with sin,
Enveloped in debt and distress;
Determined her heart he would win,
Engagèd to save her by grace,
He took all her debts and her woes,
And for her was surely made sin;
He fought and he conquered her foes,
And with him she shall live and reign.
570 C.M. W. Gadsby
Christ and his Blessings a Gift. Eph. 1. 22; John 3. 16
1 The Lord on high his love proclaims,
And makes his goodness known;
To men deserving endless pains
He gave his only Son.
2 He gave his Son their life to be,
To save them from despair;
From death and hell to set them free,
In glory to appear.
3 All real good in Jesus dwells,
And freely is bestowed
On such as cannot help themselves,
And cry for help to God.
4 Then, mourning souls, dry up your tears;
Though wretched be your case,
His love shall banish all your fears;
He’ll save you by his grace.
571 148th W. Gadsby
“Behold my servant, whom I uphold.” Isa. 42. 1; 65. 1
1 Behold, with wondering eyes,
The Servant of the Lord;
On wings of love he flies,
His counsels to unfold!
He comes, he comes with truth and grace!
And Zion shall behold his face.
2 Behold him as your Head;
Your Husband, and your Friend;
Your Saviour, and your God,
Your Way, your Life, your End.
Behold him as your Shepherd dear,
And on him rest when danger’s near.
3 Behold him as your King,
Whose laws are peace and love;
Mercy and judgment sing,
And set your minds above.
Behold him as your great High Priest,
With Zion’s name upon his breast.
4 Your Counsellor to plead,
Your Prophet he to teach;
A Daysman he is made,
To make up every breach.
On him depend; before him fall;
Behold him as your All in All.
572 8.8.6. W. Gadsby
“Mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth.” Isa. 42. 1
1 Before the earth or seas were made,
Jesus was chosen as our Head,
The Father’s first Elect;
In him the church was chosen too,
And he engaged to bring them through;
Nor will he them neglect.
2 He undertook the care and charge,
And promised they should walk at large,
And all his glory view.
Anon the Father’s set time came,
Nor did the Saviour then disdain
The Father’s will to do.
3 “Behold him now,” the Father cries;
“Ye mourning souls, lift up your eyes
And view your Saviour dear.
In him my soul delighteth well;
My great commands he shall fulfil,
And banish all your fear.
4 “Ye tried, ye tempted sinners, look
To my Elect, who undertook
To ransom you with blood.
In him I’m ever, ever pleased,
And you shall of your pain be eased,
And see a smiling God.
5 “Whatever be your frame of mind,
You never will perfection find,
But in the Lord alone.
No spot nor wrinkle can I see
In them that unto Jesus flee;
For they and he are one.”
573 8.7.4. W. Gadsby
The One Thing Needful. Luke 10. 42; Acts 4. 12
1 Jesus is the one thing needful;
I without him perish must.
Gracious Spirit, make me heedful;
Help me in his name to trust;
And with pleasure,
In him, as my portion, boast.
2 In the councils of Jehovah,
He was needed much indeed;
There to stand (a mighty Lover!)
In the church’s room and stead,
As her Surety,
And her everlasting Head.
3 He is needful in all stations,
While in Meshech I reside;
All my springs and consolations
In him, as my Head, abide;
And in glory,
I shall sing to him that died.
574 7.6. W. Gadsby
The One Thing Needful. Luke 10. 42; Eph. 1. 3
1 What a precious, needful thing,
Is the Lord and Saviour!
Zion shall his mercy sing,
Now, henceforth, and ever.
In him a rich fulness dwells,
And is freely given;
Law and conscience Jesus quells;
Crooked things makes even.
2 Mercy from his bosom flows,
Free as any river;
He redresses all the woes
Of a weak believer.
Sinners in corruption’s pit
Know they greatly need him;
He and he alone is fit
From it to relieve them.
3 He is needful as our All;
May we cleave unto him;
Every blessing, great and small,
Flows to Zion through him;
Happy is the man indeed,
Who has such a Saviour;
Every blessing he can need,
Dwells in him for ever.
575 7s W. Gadsby
“Called of God.” Heb. 5. 4; 2 Tim. 1. 9; 1 Pet. 5. 10
1 Called to see God’s righteous law
Holy is without a flaw;
Called to feel its vengeful power,
And to tremble in that hour.
2 Called the cleansing blood to feel;
Called to know it me can heal;
Called to feel my guilt depart,
Through the Saviour’s bleeding heart.
3 Called, and called by grace divine,
In full glory I shall shine.
Called while here, to sing and tell,
Jesus has done all things well.
4 Called to part with flesh and sin,
And eternal life to win;
And, when Jesus bids me fly,
Sing his praise beyond the sky.
576 7s W. Gadsby
Saved by Grace. Eph. 2. 5, 8; Acts 15. 11
1 Saved, and saved alone by grace;
Saved to see my Saviour’s face;
Saved from Satan’s iron yoke,
And the law that I had broke.
2 Saved from sin, that hateful foe
That has millions plunged in woe,
Saved from all its reigning power;
Saved to serve my lusts no more.
3 Saved, nor can I be condemned;
Jesus Christ, the sinner’s Friend,
Took my place and vengeance bore,
Me to save for evermore.
4 Death, nor hell, nor world, nor sin,
Foes without, nor foes within,
Ever can my soul destroy;
I am saved eternally.
577 11s W. Gadsby
Free Grace. 1 Pet. 2. 24
Is Jesus my Saviour, my Husband, and Friend,
And my Elder Brother, who loves to the end?
Then of him, with pleasure, for ever I’ll sing;
He is my rich treasure, my God, and my King.
His love he fixed on me before time began,
Nor will he take from me the love he had then;
Determined to save me, he bore all my guilt;
And rather than lose me his own blood he spilt.
578 8s W. Gadsby
Free Grace. Rom. 5. 6-9; 3. 24
1 Free grace is the theme of my song;
A subject divinely sublime;
Though weak in myself, yet I’m strong,
For Jehovah-Jesus is mine.
He’s mine, and with pleasure I see,
We both are united in one;
And such is my Jesus to me,
I never can from him be torn.
579 C.M. W. Gadsby
The Love of God to his People. Jer. 31. 3; Ps. 3. 8
1 Salvation! O my soul, rejoice;
Salvation is of God;
He speaks, and that almighty voice
Proclaims his grace abroad.
2 How wonderful, how grand the plan!
All Deity’s engaged
To rescue rebel, ruined man
From Satan’s power and rage.
3 The Father loved us ere we fell,
And will for ever love;
Nor shall the powers of earth or hell
His love from Zion move.
4 ’Twas love that moved him to ordain
A Surety just and good;
And on his heart inscribe the name
Of all for whom he stood.
5 Nor is the Surety short of love;
He loves beyond degree;
No less than love divine could move
The Lord to die for me.
6 And O what love the Spirit shows!
When Jesus he reveals
To men oppressed with sin and woes,
He all their sorrows heals.
7 The Three-in-One and One-in-Three,
In love for ever rest;
And Zion shall in glory be,
And with his love be blessed.
580 8.8.6. W. Gadsby
Sinners Married to Christ. Rom. 7. 4; Jer. 3. 14
1 My soul with holy wonder views
The love the Lord the Saviour shows,
To wretched, dying man;
So strange, so boundless is his grace,
He takes the vilest of our race
With him to live and reign.
2 He’ll charm them with a holy kiss,
And make them know what union is;
He’ll draw them to his breast;
A smiling eye upon them cast,
Which brings them to his feet in haste,
Each singing, “I am blest!
3 “I’m blest, I’m blest, for ever blest;
My rags are gone, and I am dressed
In garments white as snow;
I’m married to the Lord the Lamb,
Whose beauties I can ne’er explain,
Nor half his glory show.”
581 8s W. Gadsby
Christ’s Love to his Spouse made Known. John 14. 21
1 I’ll speak forth the love of my Lord,
His praises my tongue shall employ;
He bought me with his precious blood,
Nor Gabriel is loved more than I;
Though pure, he for me was made sin;
Though rich, he for me became poor;
Though free, yet a debtor brought in;
For me he has paid the long score.
2 [These truths to my heart he proclaimed,
When helpless I stood and distressed,
When I at the bar was arraigned,
With law, sin, and terrors oppressed.
No hand to my help did appear;
The witness against me was true;
Which filled me with horror and fear,
Till Jesus, my Lord, came in view.]
3 He saw me distressed, and he said,
“Fear not, I procured thy discharge;
I’m Jesus, who lives, and was dead,
And now will I set thee at large.”
Not one in the court did object,
But all gave a smile when he spoke;
He then took the yoke off my neck,
And ravished my soul with his look.
4 What joy filled my soul, who can tell?
But surely I ne’er shall forget;
My Jesus has all things done well,
And therefore his love I’ll repeat.
To him all the glory belongs;
My soul shall speak well of his name;
He now is the theme of my songs,
And shall be for ever the same.
582 8.7.4. W. Gadsby
Love of Christ Immeasurable. John 3. 16; Eph. 3. 19
1 High beyond imagination
Is the love of God to man;
Far too deep for human reason;
Fathom that it never can;
Love eternal
Richly dwells in Christ the Lamb.
2 Love like Jesus’ none can measure,
Nor can its dimensions know;
’Tis a boundless, endless river,
And its waters freely flow.
O ye thirsty,
Come and taste its streams below.
3 Jesus loved, and loves for ever;
Zion on his heart does dwell;
He will never, never, never
Leave his church a prey to hell.
All is settled,
And my soul approves it well.
583 8.7.4. W. Gadsby
“I lay down my life for the sheep.” John 10. 15
1 O my soul, admire and wonder;
Jesus lived and died for thee;
He has broke the bands asunder,
And from bondage set thee free.
Sweet deliverance
Jesus Christ has wrought for me.
2 [I a slave to sin and Satan
Once did live, and liked it well;
But the God of my salvation
Died to save my soul from hell.
Precious Saviour
Let me ever with thee dwell.]
3 All the debts I had contracted,
He, in mercy, called his own;
And lest I should be neglected,
Drew me near his gracious throne;
Paid all charges,
Then, and for the time to come.
4 Soon I hope to see his glory,
And, with all the saints above,
Sing and tell the pleasing story,
In the highest strains of love;
And for ever
Live and reign with him above.
584 7s W. Gadsby
“In his love ... he redeemed them.” Isa. 63. 9
1 Jesus lived, and loved, and died,
Rose, and lives to intercede;
And with Zion on his breast,
He has said he’ll ever rest.
2 Long before this world was made,
Or that monster, Sin, appeared,
God was love, and loved the men
He designèd to redeem.
3 [Love constrained the Lamb to die,
For a wretch so vile as I;
Love, immensely great and free,
Christ has shown to worthless me.]
4 Once I rolled in guilt and sin,
Heeded not a heart unclean;
But I now with wonder tell,
Jesus saved my soul from hell.
585 148th W. Gadsby
No Help for Sinners but in Christ. Acts 4. 12
1 Where must a sinner fly,
That feels himself undone?
On what kind hand rely,
Eternal wrath to shun?
Can wit or reason help him out,
And bring a lasting peace about?
2 Reason no help can give,
But leaves him in distress;
Nor can he be reprieved
By works of righteousness;
The law as loud as thunder cries,
“The soul that sins against me, dies.”
3 [Should creatures all agree,
To give him settled rest,
They cannot set him free,
Nor cheer his troubled breast;
No human arm his case can reach,
Nor men, nor angels heal the breach.]
4 Salvation is of God;
Jehovah is his name;
The Saviour shed his blood;
The Lord of Life was slain;
And by his own atoning blood,
He made a precious way to God.
5 Here sinners may draw near,
With all their sin and guilt;
Nor death nor danger fear,
Since Jesus’ blood was spilt;
A door of hope is opened wide,
In Jesus’ bleeding hands and side.
586 148th W. Gadsby
Sinners Welcome to Christ. Dan. 9. 24; Mark 16. 15
1 Ye servants of the Lord,
Ye messengers of grace,
Go forth with one accord,
Proclaim a full release;
Jesus has made an end of sin,
And righteousness divine brought in.
2 With tidings great and grand;
Tidings immensely good;
Proclaim, through all the land,
Redemption through his blood.
Jesus has made an end of sin,
And righteousness divine brought in.
3 Ye sinners in distress,
The tidings are for you;
Salvation is of grace,
And full salvation too;
Jesus has made an end of sin,
And righteousness divine brought in.
587 S.M. W. Gadsby
Gospel Invitation. Rev. 22. 17; Isa. 55. 1
1 Come, whosoever will,
Nor vainly strive to mend;
Sinners are freely welcome still
To Christ, the sinner’s Friend.
2 The gospel-table’s spread
And richly furnished too,
With wine and milk, and living bread,
And dainties not a few.
3 [The guilty, vile, and base,
The wretched and forlorn,
Are welcome to the feast of grace,
Though goodness they have none.]
4 No goodness he expects;
He came to save the poor;
Poor helpless souls he ne’er neglects,
Nor sends them from his door.
5 His tender, loving heart
The vilest will embrace;
And freely to them will impart
The riches of his grace.
588 C.M. W. Gadsby
The Beggar. Mark 10. 46, 47; Ps. 34. 6; 72. 12
1 A limping beggar, clothed in rags;
Disgraceful and forlorn;
In self a mass of hateful dregs,
In Satan’s image born;
2 To Jesus comes, with all his woes,
And loud for mercy cries;
And mercy, like a river, flows
From Jesus’ heart and eyes.
3 He takes the rebel to his breast,
And, with a touch divine,
Heals him of all his wretchedness,
And makes his face to shine.
4 Himself he binds by oath and blood,
To take the wretch to bliss;
Then gives his soul a glimpse of God,
And kills him with a kiss.
5 Salvation unto God belongs!
Amen! we’ll bless his name;
And when we have immortal tongues,
We’ll still repeat the same.
589 8.8.6. W. Gadsby
The Beggar’s Needs all in Christ. 1 Sam. 2. 8
1 A beggar, vile and base, I come,
Without a friend, without a home,
And knock at mercy’s door;
A friendless, helpless wretch indeed,
Nor have I one good work to plead,
Yet crave a living store.
2 My wants are great and many too;
O Lamb of God, some pity show,
Or I must surely die;
No other hand can help but thee;
I’ve tried the rest, and plainly see
They cannot me supply.
3 But though my wants are very great,
In Jesus they most richly meet;
With him I’ve all the rest;
And wilt thou give thyself to me?
From sin and Satan set me free?
Then I’m completely blest.
4 Source of delight! Fountain of bliss!
In thee I all things do possess;
My treasure is divine;
With holy wonder I adore
The God who thus does bless the poor,
And make their faces shine.
590 148th W. Gadsby
The Prodigal. Luke 15. 11-24
1 Now for a song of praise,
To our Redeemer God;
Whose glorious works and ways
Proclaim his love abroad;
Ye prodigals, lift up your voice,
And let us all in him rejoice.
2 A sinner, saved by grace,
And God calls him his son,
From Jesus turned his face,
And from his Father ran;
Spent all he had with harlots base,
And brought himself into disgrace.
3 And now, in his distress,
A servant he becomes;
Some legalising priest,
Has hired him, it seems;
Then sends him forth to feed his swine,
And husks he now must eat, or pine.
4 So off the rebel sets,
And to the herd he goes;
Then tries to eat his husks,
But now he feels his woes;
With hunger pinched, he cried and said,
“My Father’s house abounds with bread.
5 “Alas! what can I do?
I starving am for want;
I’ll to my Father go,
And tell him my complaint;
I’ll tell him, too, how base I am,
Not worthy to be called his son,”
6 He said, and off he goes
Towards his Father’s house,
With neither shoes nor hose,
Nor any other dress,
Except his base and filthy rags,
Of sin and guilt the very dregs.
7 But O good news of grace!
The Father saw him come,
And, with a smiling face,
He ran to fetch him home;
He ran, and fell upon his neck,
And kissed him, for his mercy’s sake.
8 “Father,” the rebel cries,
“I’ve sinned against thy love;”
The Father then replies,
“Bring hither the best robe;
Yes, bring it forth, and put it on,
For this my son’s alive again.
9 “Put shoes upon his feet,
And on his hand a ring;
Bring forth the fatted calf,
And let us eat and sing;”
And now the Father’s house abounds
With joy, and sweet harmonious sounds.
591 11.8. W. Gadsby
The Man Blessed who Believes in Christ. John 14. 1-3
1 How blest is the man who in Jesus believes
And on him can cast all his cares;
A righteousness full and complete he receives,
That hides all his guilt, sin, and fears.
2 [No creature on earth is more happy than he,
Nor Gabriel himself is more blest;
He lives on the bounty of grace, rich and free –
A glorious, immortal repast.]
3 Whate’er be his lot, while on earth he resides,
His glory can never depart;
He’s one in the Lord, and in him he abides,
United together in heart.
4 The time is now fixèd, and soon it will come,
When Christ will his messenger send,
To fetch him from Meshech and carry him home;
And then all his sorrows will end.
592 8.8.6. W. Gadsby
“Mighty to save.” Isa. 63. 1; 19. 20; 43. 11
1 Mighty to save is Christ the Lamb;
Let all the saints adore his name,
And make his goodness known;
With one accord proclaim abroad,
The wonders of their Saviour, God,
Whose blood did once atone.
2 Mighty to save! nor all sin’s power
Can hold the sinner in that hour
When Jesus calls him home;
Nor Moses, with his iron rod,
Can keep the trembling soul from God,
When the set time is come.
3 [Mighty to save! he saves from hell;
A mighty Saviour suits me well;
A helpless wretch am I;
With sin oppressed, by law condemned,
With neither feet nor legs to stand,
Nor wings from wrath to fly.]
4 [Mighty to save! he saves from death;
O may I, with my latest breath,
His mighty power proclaim.
Ye sinners lost, and wretched too,
He came to save such worms as you,
And mighty is his name.]
5 [Mighty to save! let Zion sing
The honours of her God and King,
Whose love no change can know.
With cheerful hearts, and cheerful voice,
We’ll in the mighty God rejoice,
And sing his praise below.]
6 And when the icy hand of death
Shall steal away our mortal breath,
Our joy shall still increase;
Yes, with a loud immortal tongue,
We’ll sing, and Christ shall be our song,
In realms of endless peace.
593 8.7.4. W. Gadsby
A Mighty Saviour. Isa. 43. 11; Heb. 7. 25
1 Jesus is a mighty Saviour;
Helpless souls have here a Friend;
He has borne their misbehaviour,
And his mercy knows no end;
O ye helpless,
Come, and on his grace depend.
2 He, to save your souls from ruin,
Shed his blood upon the tree!
O ye needy, haste unto him;
His salvation’s full and free;
Vilest sinners
Shall his great salvation see.
3 [Whatsoe’er your age or case be,
None can save you but the Lamb;
If in prison, he can set free,
And a full release proclaim;
He is mighty,
And to save the lost he came.]
4 Yes, the very worst of sinners,
Who upon his grace rely,
Shall of endless bliss be winners;
And shall sing, beyond the sky,
Songs of praises
To the Lamb that once did die.
594 7s W. Gadsby
“My peace I give unto you.” John 14. 27; Eph. 2. 14
1 O my soul, with wonder tell,
Jesus has done all things well;
And, through his atoning blood,
I’ve a settled peace with God.
2 He bequeathed his peace to me,
As a gift divinely free;
And it is his righteous will,
That my soul in peace shall dwell.
3 [Love to such vile worms as I,
Brought the Saviour from the sky;
Every foe for them to quell,
Jesus conquered death and hell.]
4 [Gifts like this, so full and free,
Stand as firm as Deity;
God has sworn, nor can he lie,
It shall last eternally.]
5 Justice, mercy, truth, and love,
Every attribute of God,
Join to make this peace secure,
And it must and shall endure.
6 What a solid basis this!
Such a peace can never miss,
But produce a grateful mind,
To a God so vastly kind.
7 [Mourning souls who feel the smart
Of a guilty, treacherous heart,
And with mighty care and pain,
Struggle hard relief to gain;
8 Labour hard you may, and long,
But you’ll find your foes too strong;
Solid peace can ne’er be had,
Only through a Saviour’s blood.]
9 Jesus, mighty Prince of Peace,
Now proclaim a full release;
Set poor captive sinners free;
Give them solid peace in thee.
595 8s W. Gadsby
Free Grace. Eph. 1. 7; 2. 5-8; Rom. 5. 20
1 Free grace is the joy of my heart;
Its glories, with wonder, I trace;
To me it does freely impart
Rich blessings, just suiting my case;
No monster more wretched could be,
Nor less of God’s favour deserve;
Yet such is free grace unto me,
I never, no never can starve.
2 [Grace takes all my ruin and woe,
Nor murmurs my burdens to bear;
And grace in return makes me know
In Jesus I’m comely and fair.
In self I’m polluted and vile;
But grace sweetly speaks unto me,
It tells me, and that with a smile,
In Jesus I’m perfect and free.]
3 Its blessings, though rich and divine,
Are all without money and price;
A soul, though as wretched as mine,
May venture to hope and rejoice;
Its highest delight is to give
True riches to sinners undone;
Nor can it, nor will it deceive,
The soul that with Jesus is one.
596 C.M. W. Gadsby
Saved by Grace. Titus 2. 11-14; Eph. 2. 5, 8
1 God is a Spirit, just and wise;
His footsteps who can trace?
His love, more ancient than the skies,
Breaks forth in boundless grace.
2 In vast eternity he chose
A people for his praise;
And saves them from their guilt and woes,
By his almighty grace.
3 Redeemed, with Jesus’ blood redeemed,
His beauties called to trace,
No angel can be more esteemed
Than sinners saved by grace.
4 [Immortal love no change can know
Though clouds surround his face;
All Israel must to glory go,
As trophies of his grace.]
5 [Satan and sin may vex the mind,
And threaten with disgrace;
But, after all, the saint shall find
He’s saved, and saved by grace.]
6 The work begun is carried on,
Nor hell can it deface;
The whole elect with Christ are one
And must be saved by grace.
7 Where Jesus is, there they must be,
And view his lovely face;
And sit to all eternity,
In chanting forth his grace.
597 8s W. Gadsby
“I will in no wise cast out.” John 6. 37
1 Jehovah, the Saviour, appears,
A world to redeem from its woes;
From guilt, sin, wrath, bondage, and fears,
From Satan and all that oppose.
Adored be his name for his grace,
His faithfulness, justice, and truth;
He saves, and he smiles in the face,
Nor scorns neither aged nor youth.
598 148th W. Gadsby
“A peculiar people.” Titus 2.14; 1 Pet. 2. 9
1 Peculiar are the saints,
And God does them esteem;
Though numerous are their wants,
They all things have in him;
He is their treasure and their joy,
Nor can they ever starve or die.
2 [Loved from eternity,
And chosen in the Lamb,
The eternal One-in-Three,
Jehovah, Great I AM,
Himself has bound, by holy ties,
To take them up beyond the skies.]
3 [Peculiar is the grace,
Which makes their bliss secure;
Its beauties none can trace,
Nor know its saving power;
None but this little favoured few
Can know what endless love can do.]
4 Bought with the blood of Christ,
(Peculiar price indeed!)
Their God becomes their Priest,
And they from sin are freed;
Peculiar must the blessing be,
Which makes insolvent wretches free.
5 [Their birth is from above;
Peculiar indeed;
Begotten, not of blood,
But of immortal seed;
From Christ, their Head, their life proceeds,
And to him it most surely leads.]
6 They live, and live to God,
A life that’s known by few;
Their Father’s staff and rod,
Support and comfort too;
Christ is their Life, nor can they die,
For hell can ne’er their life destroy.
599 148th W. Gadsby
“But ye are come to mount Zion.” Heb. 12. 22
1 Ye sons of God, be wise,
And learn your Father’s will;
By faith lift up your eyes
To yonder shining hill;
No smoke, no thunderbolts are there,
Nor wrath to sink you in despair.
2 [A pleasant mount indeed,
Where God unfolds his grace
To all the chosen seed,
And, with a smiling face,
Speaks peace to every troubled breast,
And bids the weary in him rest.]
3 To worship on this ground,
Is not a legal task;
A solid peace is found,
And faith has all it asks;
There Jesus sits with smiling face,
And rules and reigns the God of grace.
600 8.7.4. W. Gadsby
“Mercy and truth are met together.” Ps. 85. 10
1 Truth and mercy meet together,
Righteousness and peace embrace;
Each perfection of Jehovah
Meets and shines in Jesus’ face;
Here the Father
Can be just and save by grace.
2 What a field of consolation!
Here no jarring notes are found;
Zion has a full salvation,
And shall all her foes confound;
Each believer
Has for hope a solid ground.
3 Justice has no loss sustainèd;
Truth remains in perfect light;
Not an attribute is stainèd;
All in one grand cause unite;
Savèd sinners
Must and shall in God delight.
4 Here’s a cord which can’t be broken;
O my soul, with wonder tell;
God himself the word has spoken,
Zion in her Lord shall dwell;
And with Jesus
Live in spite of earth and hell.
5 [O ye much-esteemèd sinners,
Who in Jesus Christ are found,
Rest assured you shall be winners,
Soon with glory shall be crowned;
And for ever
Shall the praise to Christ redound.]