To E. M., Tuesday Morning.
Much-beloved and longed-after in the affections of Jesus Christ,
I fear lest when with you I did not give you a clear idea of what I meant
about the believer having spiritual power. I have no idea that we possess in
the least an independent power. Apart from Christ, we have a power
to do evil—but none to do good; yet after union with Him by the Spirit,
and after He has been revealed in the soul through faith, it is our
privilege to live by faith on His power, which works against our own evils,
(Luke 10:19) and brings forth His good fruit in us. (John 15:5; Phil. 1:11)
It is the privilege of faith to take hold of Him by the power of the Spirit
for the continued exercise of faith and every other grace, that there may be
strength and vigor in the soul.
But then it is asked, "Have we power thus to live in His
strength? and have we power thus to take hold of Him?" Yes, we have, through
the Spirit, and by reason of our union with Him. He himself says, "Come unto
me." He says, "Labor for that labor which endures unto everlasting life." He
says further, "Abide in me;" and that in so doing there shall be "much
fruit." He does not say these things to mock us. His servant says, "Lay hold
on eternal life," "fight the good fight of faith," "put on the Lord Jesus
Christ," "walk in Him," &c., &c. He does not say these things for nothing;
or only to make us feel we have no power—but to stir us up to prove wherein
our strength lies. I would much rather be hourly seeking to have these
blessed exhortations fulfilled in me than be defining them to a
hair's-breadth, and turning back from these messages of the Lord, saying, I
have no power. That is a wrong use of creature inability. It has robbed many
a soul of the secret of strength, which is to live in another.
In living upon Jesus, we do not become stronger in
self—but more independent of self, and more happily dependent upon Him who
never was a barren wilderness to those who trust in Him, and who says, "From
me is your fruit found."
I do not know whether I have made clear to your mind what
I wish, namely, that I have no conception of a creature power or self-acting
power in the believer; but I believe in the privilege of faith, to go out
upon Jesus and find in Him all we need, to rejoice in Him alone, and that
even in times of most sensible poverty and barrenness, as Hab. 3:17, 18.
Hart's hymn, 88, sets forth the activity of faith very sweetly, and hymn 79,
verse 3, shows the very climax, where it is truly, "Not I—but Christ lives
in me."
So if I were questioned—Have you any spiritual power? the
most conclusive answer would be, "Christ is my power," and by faith I have
the privilege and benefit thereof. I am all powerlessness—but He is power in
me and for me, therefore I rather "glory in my infirmity, that His power may
rest upon me." "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." May
the Lord bring us more into union-privilege and union-power, which is
blessed indeed.
From your own most loving but unworthy,