Don Fortner quotes


Prayer is not wrestling with God, trying to get him to grant mercy and grace, which he is reluctant to bestow. Prayer is bowing before the God of all grace and laying hold of his willingness to freely bestow the mercy and grace we need.



That which gives this sinner hope before God is neither the depth of my experience, nor measure of my knowledge, nor the strength of my faith, nor the growth in grace I may have received since God saved me, but the accomplishments of the Lord Jesus Christ as my Surety, Substitute, Representative, Mediator, and Advocate with the Father.



Eternal life is not what you know about Christ but knowing Christ Himself, the Christ of God revealed in Holy Scripture (John 17:3).



Nothing in all the world is more reasonable than a saved sinner's willing consecration of himself to Christ. In fact, anything less is utterly irrational (Romans 12:1-2).



In the Book of God, Christ is not merely the center of all. — He is All! The message of Holy Scripture is one. — It is "Jesus Christ and him crucified." If Christ is not preached, the Scriptures are not faithfully and truthfully expounded.



When we at last see all things clearly, God's elect will be made to see that those things we most ardently desired on earth would have been fatal to our souls, had we gotten them; and those we most sought to avoid, those which caused us greatest pain, sorrow, and distress were absolutely necessary to our souls' eternal welfare.



Our heavenly Father is too wise to err, too strong to fail, and too good to do wrong. — Oh, that I might learn to trust him!


Grace is unconditional and free. That is to say, God looks for nothing in the sinner, requires nothing of the sinner, and receives nothing from the sinner, which causes him to be gracious. Nothing in us moved God toward us; and nothing in us can move God away from us. Grace is unconditional and free. All the sin that is in us by nature could not prevent God from being gracious to us; and all the evil that is in us now cannot prevent him from continuing to be gracious. Grace is unconditional and free. Therefore, our Savior says, "I give unto them eternal life, and they shall NEVER PERISH."



I am not my own. I belong to the Son of God. He chose me in everlasting love. He made me for himself. He bought me with his own precious blood. He saved me by his almighty grace. He subdued my heart by his mercy and causes me to surrender myself voluntarily to his dominion. I have nothing of my own. I am his. All that he has put into my hands, my time, my talents, my property, even my family, he has put into my hands to use for him, his kingdom, his people, his glory.



Those who imagine that they know the will of God for their lives are in for a crude awakening. No one knows the will of God for his entire life! We must daily, (constantly!), lift our hearts to our heavenly Father upon the throne of grace and seek his will. He promises that as we do he will direct our paths in his will (Proverbs 3:5-6).



We worship one God in the trinity of his sacred Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as he is revealed and embodied in the Lord Jesus Christ, our God-man Mediator (1 John 5:7; Colossians 2:9).

Sinners are not saved by believing in the righteousness of Christ, but by believing Christ who is our righteousness.



If I cannot come to God calling him my Father, I will come to him as one who is fatherless, calling him the Father of the fatherless. If I cannot come to him with grace, I will come for grace. If I cannot come with faith, I will come for it. If I cannot come to him with life, I will come to him for life, suing for mercy at his sovereign throne in the name of his darling Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the one name he always honors!



When the heart is won, all is won. If the heart is not won, nothing is won. Therefore, the Lord God says, "My son, Give me your heart."



There is no question that those who are born of God, having experienced the power of his grace, are made his willing servants. Yet, everything in the worship and service of God is voluntary. Nothing will ever be accepted of God that is not given and done with a willing heart. I pity those who profess faith in Christ who yet have not a willing heart to worship him, give to his cause, and serve him. My heart aches for them, because their religion, I fear, is a delusion.



The grace of God that brings salvation does not merely give out the lesson, but effectually teaches all to whom it brings salvation to "live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world" (Titus 2:11-12).



Why will you Die when life is to be had freely? Why will you perish under the wrath of God, when he "delights in mercy"? Why will you rush headlong to Hell, when the Door is open in Heaven and God himself bids you "Come up here"? Why will you go on carrying the guilt of sin, when the Lord God is a God who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin? Will you die for thirst, with the Water of Life before you? Will you perish for want of bread, with the Bread of Life on the table? Will you be forever lost? If so, there is but one reason. The Son of God declares it to be this: — "You will not come to me that you might have life!" Oh, may God be pleased to save you from yourself, for Christ's sake!



That which is the most vital aspect of gospel truth is the point most commonly assailed by Satan and most readily compromised by religious leaders more interested in the approval of men than the glory of God - Particular and Effectual Redemption. Deny this glorious gospel truth, and the whole gospel is denied, the hope of sinners is destroyed, and the blood of Christ is trampled underfoot!



The one true and living God is the absolute sovereign of the universe. He has no rival. That means that he always has his way, does what he pleases, performs what he has purposed, and can, therefore, be trusted to accomplish all that he has promised. His will is as irresistible as it is immutable, infallible, wise and good. — "This is our God. — He will save us! This is the Lord. — We will be glad and rejoice in his salvation!"



The confidence we have in God's promises, the peace we find in his faithfulness, the joy afforded us by his goodness, and the assurance we find in his grace and salvation are either founded upon and arise from God's absolute, universal sovereignty or they are the vain delusions of religious emotionalism and no more.



The day of judgment is used by preachers and religious leaders to abuse, terrorize, and manipulate people. It is misunderstood by most; but when that great day is understood in the context of God's character and absolute justice, it is a source of great comfort, hope, and joy for all who trust Christ.



Justice is God's righteousness giving us what we deserve. Mercy is God's kindness withholding from us what we fully deserve. Grace is God's goodness giving us what we do not deserve.



Let us never question the wisdom, goodness and righteousness of our God in providence. Rather, let us seek grace to submit to his will, learn from the events of time to set our hearts upon Christ and eternity, and seek to glorify our God in all things, trusting him implicitly with and in all things.



The sin-atoning sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ is the most crucial issue of Divine Revelation. Satan's assault has been against this grand, foundational gospel doctrine from the beginning, because the fiend of Hell knows that compromise here is fatal to the souls of men. Deny particular, effectual redemption, and you have denied the entire gospel.



We believe, according to the plainest testimony of Holy Scripture that the Lord Jesus Christ actually put away the sins of God's elect when he died as our Substitute upon the cross.


The Son of God did not merely provide for sinners the possibility of redemption. - He actually obtained eternal redemption by the merits of his blood, and obtained it for a specific people, — his people whom he came to save.



If ever it should come to pass that one sinner for whom Christ died, for whom he satisfied the justice of God, whose debt he paid, should perish at last in Hell, the very justice and truth of God must perish with that sinner.



We who have experienced God's free, saving grace in Christ, who are the objects of his eternal love, sovereign election, blood redemption, and immaculate mercy ought to be consecrated entirely to him, constantly devoting ourselves to his will, his glory, and his service. Nothing in all the world could be more reasonably expected (Romans 12:1-2).



Heaven is a world, a state, a condition of blessed, glorious, eternal, satisfying light. The inheritance of God's saints is called the inheritance of light (Colossians 1:12). All the light of Heaven's glory is Christ, God's Urim (Rev. 21:23; Isaiah 60:19-20). Soon, my brother, my sister, we will safely arrive in our glorious, heavenly, eternal home with Christ. Once we have reached Canaan's fair and happy land, we shall perfectly walk in light forever! All the lingering darkness of infidelity, doubt, and fear that vexes us here will be completely dispelled in the twinkling of an eye! Our very souls will be radiant with the beams of light from Christ, which shall forever strike our hearts with wonder, and joy, and praise!



Many attempt to interpret the Word of God upon the basis of logical consistency, assuming that God is logically consistent with them. They interpret the Scriptures philosophically rather than biblically. Thus, they often add to the Word of God, attempting to make it say what it does not, in fact, say. We must not do such a thing. If we reverence the Book of God, where God is silent we must also be silent. — "The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law" (Deuteronomy 29:29). Reason must bow to Divine Revelation.



Poor mortals of earth, still so much blinded by sin, so long as we are encumbered with this body of flesh, we shall never be able to fathom the unfathomable, unveil the veiled, or comprehend the incomprehensible. Yet, proud flesh ever tries to put the incomprehensible God into the microscopic box of human reason! Multitudes dispute about things about which they know less than nothing, thinking they are doing God's service, while the glory of God, the comfort and edification of the saints, and needs of eternity bound sinners are altogether neglected. What a roar of laughter there must be in Hell!



The Lord Jesus speaks to his people in the midst of great sorrow, tribulation, poverty, and persecution. Knowing the trials we must face in this world, he gives this one word of exhortation - "BE FAITHFUL!" God requires nothing from us but this - "Be faithful!" In your daily conversation, in the place of your calling, in your home, with your property, with your gifts and talents, in the house of God, "Be faithful!" Faithfulness is a lifelong thing! "Be faithful unto death, and I will give you a crown of life."



The local church exists to do corporately what every believer does individually. - To worship the triune God. - To celebrate the praise of our heavenly Father who has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light. - To show forth the glories of Christ in redemption. - To honor the blessed Spirit of grace by whom we are born again. - This we do by our songs of praise, our supplications before the throne of grace, and by the preaching and hearing of the Word of the Gospel.



Any altar of religious unity upon which the Word of God is sacrificed is a cursed altar at which immortal souls are slaughtered.



Let us never forget who we are and whose we are. We are the sons and daughters of God. We are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ. Everything we say and do reflects, either positively or negatively, upon the name and honor of God our Savior, the gospel of his grace, and his church.



The church of God has many critics, but no rivals. This is the family of God, the kingdom of Heaven, the temple of the Holy One, the place where Christ's manifests forth his glory, spreads his table, and meets with his people. Blessed beyond description are those people who are privileged to be a part of this family! Truly, as Paul puts it, this is "a habitation of God through the Spirit!"



There are two great fools in the world: Those who take nobody's advice and those who take everybody's advice.



The preaching of the gospel of the glory of God is the noblest of all callings. Every man born of God ought to be willing to give himself to the work, regardless of cost, if God calls him to it. But that man who is anxious to be a preacher, who wants to preach, and sets out to be a preacher knows nothing of the "burden of the Word of the Lord," and probably has not been called of God to this great work. He who runs without being sent, runs to ruin.



Christ's claims dominion as King over the lives of his people, not over our hearts and souls alone, but over our entire lives-our time-our possessions-our families-our entire lives. And nothing can be more reasonable than that he should (Rom.12:2; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 19-20).



Kind words, thoughtful compliments, and deeds of mercy are always appropriate. Happy are those who are the recipients of them. Happier far are those who bestow them!



Nothing is more important to your soul's well being than the worship of God in the assembly of his saints. Nothing is more destructive to your soul's well being than the neglect of public worship.



Worship is the response of our hearts to the greatness and glory of our God. Let us pray that the Lord our God will reveal his greatness and his glory in Christ that we may worship him today.



Our God instructs us to treat aging believers with respect. "The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness." Old saints may not be able to do what they once did; but they may be more useful in the kingdom of God than ever before by the wisdom they have to give. In their old age they are greatly freed from the illusions of youth and fullest in experience. Be wise, "rise up before the hoary head, and honor the face of the old man."



God's holiness is the infinite excellence of his being which sets him apart from all his creatures. Our holiness is the boundless gift and work of his matchless grace in Christ which sets us apart from all others.



Living in holiness is neither more nor less than living as one separated unto the Lord, consecrated to Christ, living in the pursuit of him.



Holiness is not a moral virtue acquired by discipline and work, but the devotion and consecration of the believer to his Redeemer that flows from faith in him who so loved us that he devoted himself to us and gave himself for us.



We rejoice to know that God sees no sin in his people in so far as his law and justice is concerned (Numbers 23:21) and that he will not impute sin to his elect (Romans 4:8), because he imputed our sins to his dear Son and punished them to the full satisfaction of his holy justice. The Lord God ever sees us in Christ, perfect, accepted, and righteous (Ephesians 1:6). Yet, we must never imagine that such grace means that it does not matter what we do, or how we live. That which David did in the matter of Uriah the Hittite "displeased the Lord" (2 Samuel 11:27). Let us ever seek to "walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing" in all things (Colossians 1:10) doing that which pleases him (1 Corinthians 7:32).



Yes, the Son of God has come to save poor sinners. He has put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. He has provided a fountain for the cleansing of our souls, and bathes us in it. He has provided the garments of salvation, and puts them on us. He has obtained eternal redemption for us, and gives it to us.


I sometimes hear sermons and read articles that appear to have been specifically inspired by the great fear that some of the non-elect might get saved. The gospel is so thoroughly fenced and guarded that the preacher or writer has forgotten to put in even a small gate or narrow door. What a pity! What a waste! The gospel of Christ does not need defending, but proclaiming. Let us ever throw the Door open and urge sinners to enter in by Christ the Door, knowing that all who enter in were brought in by God's free, sovereign, irresistible grace.



Believers love one another. As Shem and Japheth covered their father's sin, believers seek to cover the faults, failures, weaknesses, and sins of their brethren. As Ham exposed his father's sin, so the sons of Ham (all the cursed) delight in uncovering, exposing, and discussing the faults, failures, weaknesses, and sins of others.-"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God."



"The Best Gift" The Holy Spirit tells us to "covet earnestly the best gift" (1 Corinthians 12:31). Then, he proceeds to describe it. The best gift, the gift we ought to covet is not a gift that calls attention to me, but the one gift that turns my attention away from me to others. The best gift is the gift that does the most good and best serves the interest of men's souls. The best gift is the gift that most fully sets forth the person and work of Christ, most promotes the glory of God, and most reflects the Spirit of grace.

The best gift God ever put in the heart of a man, the best gift any man ever exercised in this world, (the best, most laborious, unselfish, self-sacrificing, patient, gentle, kind, forgiving, and most beneficial to others) is love. Oh, how I covet that gift!



No sinner will ever come to Christ for salvation until he must, until he finds himself in such desperate need and so utterly helpless that he has no other option and no other hope. And, blessed be our all-glorious Savior, he still heals them that have need of healing (Luke 9:11).



Friends are too rare to lose. Fellowship is too sweet to break. We should never make any conditions for our friendship and fellowship with any man or woman which God has not made for their acceptance with him.


All believers acknowledge their sin in all things; but none are content with it. We rejoice to know that we are freed from sin and without sin before God, but we long to be freed from sin and altogether without sin in our persons!



God once forsook his darling Son, when he was made to be sin for us. But, since Christ has put away our sins, God will never forsake any sinner for whom Christ died, because he can never have any reason to do so!



Two of the most encouraging, most delightful, most inspiring and most neglected words in the English language are-"Thank you." To use them without sincerity is hypocrisy. To use them sincerely is but common courtesy. To use them sparingly is a reflection of horrible, self-centeredness, and pride.



Thanksgiving to God, like all other aspects of faith and worship is a work of the heart. As John Trapp put it-"Hearty thanks must be given to God: such as comes not from the roof of the mouth but the root of the heart."



There are only two kinds of preachers-Those who use and those who are used-Those who take and those who give-Those who promote their own cause and those who promote the cause of Christ.



The strangest thing about the human body is that when you pat a person on the back, the head swells up.



If we are not faithful in small things, we would never be faithful if trusted with larger things. If we are not faithful in those things which are unseen and unobserved by men, our show of faithfulness in those things that men see and observe, is nothing more than a display of hypocrisy.


Our only rule of faith and practice is the Word of God. We have no creed to defend, no denomination to maintain, and no confession to bind our minds. "What do the Scriptures teach?" That is and must be our only concern. If the plain teachings of Holy Scripture appear to destroy or contradict our understanding of any doctrine, let us relinquish the doctrine or acknowledge the fact that our minds are both depraved and microscopic and bow to the revelation of God.



Disappointments?-That which others look upon as disappointments believers ought to look upon as indications of divine direction, as one of our heavenly Father's means of graciously ordering our steps in his wise, unerring, adorable and good providence.



Mercy and love, kindness and encouragement, forgiveness and patience are things we all constantly want and need from others. Shall we not constantly bestow them upon others?



Our thoughts are never lower and self-righteousness never greater than when we engage in the hellish practice of trying to determine who is saved and who is lost. Our Lord told us plainly that we can never distinguish tares from wheat. That is his business. Our business is to preach the gospel. Let us be taken up with and have our every thought consumed with the glories of Christ, let us expend all our energy in the great work of preaching our all-glorious Christ to eternity bound sinners. Nothing else is of any real value to the needs of men's souls.



Let us ever live in the immediate reality of eternity. Eternity is, for the believer, a day with no sunset and, for the unbeliever, a night with no sunrise. "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him."



Saul's son, Jonathan, was a remarkable man. Grace had made him a man of much greater character than his father. He was a man of remarkable faith and courage (I Samuel 14:6-14). He was a gentle and gracious man, a man of self-sacrificing generosity and loyalty. And he was a man of magnanimous love (I Samuel 18:1-3). Knowing that David was God's chosen, anointed king, Jonathan wanted him to be king, though the only way David could wear the crown would be for him to die. How I pray for grace to love God's elect as Jonathan loved David, "as his own soul!"



Envy and malice are the quick sighted eyes, slander the sharp tongue, and gossip the communication of self-centered, wicked people.



Self-centered people live in a very small world inhabited by only one person. They are motivated in their actions by the lowest of all base motives (self). And they are corrupted by the company they keep. John Newton once wrote, "I have read of many wicked popes, but the worst pope I ever met with is Pope Self."



The best answer that can be given to slander is always the most difficult to give– silence.



Our worst days are never so bad and plunge us so low that we are beyond the reach of God's grace. Our best days are never so good and lift us so high that we are beyond the need of God's grace.



Always presume that evil suspicions about a brother or sister in Christ are completely false and that evil reports are as well. Of that love which our Savior exercises toward us and we are to exercise toward one another, it is written, "Love thinks no evil."



The valley is the place where the ground is richest, to which all the rain and dew of Heaven ultimately descends, and trees grow tallest. May our God be pleased to make his SON to shine in your valley.



Depression is only a pretty word for unbelief. It is not as much a mental disorder as it is a spiritual disorder. For me to be depressed because of my circumstances is for me to look upon my God as either being without care or without the ability to care for me. Either is a horribly shameful degradation of his character.



If you would find freedom from the bondage and misery of self-pity devote yourself to the service of others.



Self-denial is not merely denying yourself of things, but the denial of self. It is indispensable. It is the first lesson in the school of grace. Without it, there is no possibility of living in the blessed joy of peace and contentment before God



What our God has done for us and with us in the past is but a foretaste of what he shall do for us and with us in the future.



The Word of God never tells me how others ought to treat me, only how I ought to treat others.



No man is ever more like Christ in behavior than in the exercise of forgiveness.


I sometimes hear sermons and read articles that appear to have been specifically inspired by the great fear that some of the non-elect might get saved. The gospel is so thoroughly fenced and guarded that the preacher or writer has forgotten to put in even a small gate or narrow door. What a pity! What a waste! The gospel of Christ does not need defending, but proclaiming. Let us ever throw the Door open and urge sinners to enter in by Christ the Door, knowing that all who enter in were brought in by God's free, sovereign, irresistible grace.



Faith in Christ is not the consent of my mind to a proposition, but the commitment of my life to a Person.


Self-centered people live in terribly unhappy and bitter company.



"Self-Pity" Believers should never wallow in self-pity. The moment we begin to feel sorry for ourselves, we are paralyzed. We have every reason to "rejoice in the Lord always," counting our blessings, not our woes. But, as John Flavel once wrote, "Our tears so blind our eyes that we cannot see our mercies."



Worship is more than an act of devotion and more than a religious ceremony. Worship is the submission and consecration of ourselves and of all things to the will and glory of our God.



The gospel's best defense is itself. Let us simply and boldly proclaim the gospel of God's free and sovereign grace in Christ. The naked, unadorned gospel of Christ is "the power of God unto salvation." Everything else is a hindrance.



Men make plans, plans that may or may not be executed. The Lord our God has a purpose, a purpose of grace, a purpose that shall be executed.



The only way to live in this world sensibly is "set your affection on things above," to live in the constant, immediate prospect of eternity.



When you are tempted to think things are just too great, that you just can't go on…



"Consider Him" Keep looking away to Christ. Because of his great love for you, he refused to give up his race. He refused to quit on you. "For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest you be wearied and faint in your minds. "You have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin." May God give us grace not to quit on him. The snail, by patient perseverance, finally reached the ark, and we shall too, as we look away to Christ.



Faith in Christ does not induce God to bestow his saving grace upon us. Rather, faith in Christ is the evidence that God has bestowed his saving grace upon us.



It is the preaching of the gospel that is the power of God unto salvation, not protecting, defining, defending, and explaining it, but preaching it. The gospel preached is its own best defense and explanation. So let us preach the gospel of Christ incessantly.



Many preach about the gospel, defending, explaining, and guarding it. Many preach about preaching the gospel. It is my determination to preach the gospel of God's free and sovereign grace in Christ every time I preach to eternity bound sinners.



When Satan reminds me of the blackness of my sins, Christ reminds me of the efficacy of his precious blood.



It is not the work of a faithful pastor to fill the pews, but to fill the pulpit.



"Let none of you imagine evil against his brother in you heart." (Zechariah 7:10)



Trust the Lord your God, wait upon him, and hope in his Word. That is the best counsel any man can give to another in any circumstance. ? O for grace to heed that wise counsel!



In 1771 John Berridge wrote to his friend and fellow-laborer in the gospel, Rowland Hill, "Avoid all controversy in preaching, talking, or writing, and wage no war but with the devil. Preach nothing down but the devil and nothing up but Jesus Christ." Happy is the preacher who follows that wise counsel and blessed are those who hear him.



Justification is a work of God wrought for us, entirely outside our experience, without our works or experience. We receive the benefits of that accomplished work by faith in Christ (Romans 5:10-11); but the work itself was accomplished for us by Christ's sacrifice (Hebrews 9:13).



The physical aspects of our Savior's agony at Calvary are not recorded in Holy Scripture to evoke sympathy for the Lord Jesus Christ, but to display man's hatred of God.



All forms of man-made religion urge its adherents to show their religious devotion (holiness) to others by doing certain things before them. The Lord Jesus (Matthew 6) tells believers never to attempt to show their devotion to him by doing things before men. The only thing he tells us to show is love to others.



We rejoice in the blood and righteousness of Christ and adore his doctrine, but it is the Lord Jesus Christ himself that we trust, love and worship. ? "Unto you that believe, HE is precious."



All who are kept by God are well kept all the time.



My relationship with the eternal God does in great measure determine what I do. But what I do does not in any way, or to any degree determine my relationship with God.



The believer is a mystery to others and to himself. He is sanctified, yet he feels himself to be the chief of sinners. He loves God's law, yet he wrestles with an inward desire to have his own way. He has great sorrow and heaviness of heart, yet he rejoices in the Lord always. His spirit longs to be with Christ, yet his flesh clings to the earth. He knows that he is secure in Christ, yet he continually examines himself, whether he be in the faith.



As Christ is the believer's all before God, so Christ is God's all to the believer.



The Word of God is not preached, if the gospel of God's free and sovereign grace in Christ is not preached (1 Peter 1:25).



No one can be saved without God's election; but election is not salvation. Christ is God's Salvation.



Everything God requires of and gives to needy sinners is in his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, our Mediator.



Grace experienced makes people gracious. Mercy enjoyed makes them merciful. Forgiveness received makes them forgiving. And faith bestowed makes them faithful.



Freedom from the law does not mean, nor does it promote licentiousness. Our freedom in Christ is "the glorious liberty of the sons of God." It is liberty to worship and serve the Lord our God without fear.


Free will, works religion is worse than man-centered religion. It is religion that deifies man, putting him in the place of God, and worships him.



My relationship with God does in great measure determine what I do; but what I do does not in any measure determine my relationship with the eternal God. That is a matter of pure, free grace.



The legalist lowers the standard of God's law to the level of his obedience (disobedience). The believer refuses to compromise God's holy law, knowing that it can only be fulfilled and established by faith in Christ



The reason most people feel "unfulfilled" and unhappy is that they spend their lives trying to make themselves happy. Happiness is found in seeking the happiness of others.



God commands his servants to speak to the hearts of his people (Isaiah 40:1); but no man can speak to the heart of another man, unless God the Holy Spirit speaks through that man. So pray for the man who preaches the gospel to you. Oh, may God speak through his servant!



Without Christ's cleansing blood and covering righteousness, religion is but an empty shell. All the doctrines, ceremonies, professions and works of Christless religion are but the empty husks that swine eat. They can never satisfy!



Godliness is not manifest in the garments with which we adorn our bodies, but in the grace that adorns our souls.



Either God is totally sovereign, ordaining, ruling, and disposing of all things as he will, or he has no control over anything and faith in him is an utter absurdity.



No one can be saved without God's election; but election is not salvation. Christ is God's Salvation.



Christ is the gospel, not Calvinism. It is not believing the doctrines of grace that obtains God's salvation, but trusting the Lord Jesus Christ.



The Word of God is not preached, if the gospel of God's free and sovereign grace in Christ is not preached (1 Peter 1:25).



Everything God requires of and gives to needy sinners is in Christ.



As Christ is the believer's all before God, so Christ is God's all to the believer.



Electing love is in Christ.
Adoption is in Christ.
Accomplished redemption is in Christ.
Forgiveness is in Christ.
Acceptance with God is in Christ.
Righteousness is in Christ.
Justification is in Christ.
Sanctification is in Christ.
Preservation is in Christ.
Salvation is in Christ.


If you are without Christ, you are without life, without hope, without God.



Any sermon which leaves sinners looking at themselves, their works, their feelings, their achievements, their failures, their sins, or even their faith, rather than looking to Christ, ought never to have been preached. The object of preaching is to turn the eyes of sinners to the sinners' Substitute.