The Young Lady's Guide to the
Development of Christian Character
by Harvey Newcomb, 1843
The spirit of Christianity, at the present day, is
distinguished for its enterprises of benevolence. Whoever drinks
deeply into the spirit of his Master, will find his soul going out in
fervent desire for the melioration of human wretchedness, and the salvation
of perishing souls. Whatever tends to the accomplishment of these objects
will, therefore, be regarded as of deep interest. Indifference towards the
enterprises of love, which the benevolent spirit of this age has brought
into existence, must, therefore, indicate a destitution of the spirit of
Christ, without which we are none of his. It is important, then, that we
should know what we can do towards advancing these enterprises; for
obligation is coextensive with ability. Christ commended the woman who
poured the ointment on his head for doing "what she could." If you do
more than any within the circle of your acquaintance, and yet leave undone
anything that you can do, you do not discharge your obligations. You have
entered into the service of the Lord, and he requires you to do what you
can. It, then, becomes a matter of serious inquiry, "What can I do?"
It is an interesting fact that the benevolent operations to which I have
alluded have, to a great extent, been sustained by the energy of female
influence. This influence is felt in every department of society
wherever Christianity has elevated your gender to the station which properly
belongs to them. Yet, where correct principles prevail, it will be exerted
in an unostentatious, noiseless manner, without assuming to act in a sphere
which "nature itself teaches" does not belong to woman. I will, therefore,
endeavor to point out some of the principal channels through which female
influence may, with propriety, be put forth for the promotion of benevolent
I. You may make your influence felt in the Bible
Society. The object of this society is,
as you know, to furnish the Holy Scriptures to the destitute. The spirit of
Christ is a spirit of the most expansive benevolence. If you possess it, and
value the sacred treasure contained in God's word as you ought, you will
feel a thrilling interest in this cause; your heart will overflow with
compassion for those poor souls who do not possess the word of life. What,
then, must be your emotions, when you consider that many hundreds of
millions of your fellow-beings, as good by nature as yourself, are destitute
of the Bible?
The population of the whole world is estimated at
seven hundred and thirty-seven million people. Of these, five hundred
and nine million are heathen, and one hundred and fifty-six million
are Roman and Greek Catholics; nearly all of whom are destitute of the
word of God. This leaves but seventy-two million who are called
Protestants; but a vast number of these, even in our own highly-favored
land, are living without the Bible. Can you say, with the Psalmist, "O, how
love I your law! It is my meditation all the day"? How, then, must your
heart bleed, in view of these facts! "But," perhaps you reply, "what can
I do for these perishing millions?" I answer, Do what you can. This
is all that God requires of you. You can become a member of the Bible
Society; you can contribute, at least, your mite; you can act as a visitor
and collector, both to ascertain and supply those families which are
destitute of the word of life, and to obtain the means of supplying others;
and you can exert an influence upon others, to induce them to enlist in this
heavenly enterprise. This may seem to you very insignificant; but it will
not appear so, if you contemplate the aggregate of similar benefactions.
In a mountainous region, in the south-western part of the
state of New York, there are innumerable little rills, running in different
directions, some, whose sources are within a mile of each other, taking
opposite courses. Interspersed throughout the same region are a multitude of
little lakes, opening their placid bosoms to the sun, as his rays fall
obliquely upon them through the mountains, converting the little ripples
which play upon their surface into the appearance of a thousand sparkling
gems. The careless observer, as he gazes with rapture upon the broad surface
of the lovely lake, takes no notice of the little rill that murmurs its
quiet way through the forest. Yet, while the beautiful lake, in apparent
self-delight, opens its fair bosom to the admiring gaze of the passing
stranger, the modest rill is patiently pursuing its unwearied course along
the sides of the mountains, through deep ravines, and across the verdant
valley, mingling with sister rills, increasing in size, swelling into
streams, until stream meets stream, and river meets river, forming, in one
direction, the noble Susquehannah, in another, the majestic St. Lawrence,
and, in a third, the mighty Mississippi—pouring incessantly a flood of
waters into the ocean. So, while a few splendid acts of love may, like the
quiet lake, contribute to the self-delight of their authors, and draw upon
them the admiring gaze of the multitude, it is the aggregate of the
little rills that must form the great streams of benevolence, which are
to flow on and fertilize the earth, and fill it with the knowledge of the
Lord, as the waters cover the face of the great deep.
II. You
can make your influence felt in the Tract enterprise.
The circulation of Christian tracts has been greatly owned and blessed of
God. It seems to be almost the only means of reaching some particular
classes of people, who never wait upon God in his house. It is a cheap
method of preaching the gospel both to the rich and the poor. For a quarter
of a cent, a sermon may be obtained, containing a portion of divine truth
sufficient, with God's blessing, to lead a soul to Christ. Engage actively
in the various forms of this department of benevolent labor. The
distribution of a tract to every family in a town once a month, when
properly conducted, may be the means of doing great good. It furnishes an
easy introduction into families where God is not acknowledged; and the
matter contained in the tract will assist in the introduction of religious
conversation. It will enable you to ascertain and relieve the needs of the
poor, without seeming to be obtrusive. It will soften your own heart, and
excite your compassion, in view of the objects of distress with which you
meet. It also furnishes a convenient opportunity for collecting children
into Sabbath schools.
In distributing tracts, endeavor, as far as courtesy and
propriety will admit, to engage those with whom you meet in direct personal
conversation with regard to the concerns of their own souls; and when you
meet only with the female members of the family, and circumstances favor it,
pray with them. Thus you may be the instrument of saving many precious
souls. Your labor will also reflect back upon yourself, and warm your own
heart. You will get a deeper sense of the dreadful condition of impenitent
sinners; and this will be the means of exciting a spirit of prayer in their
behalf. Those engaged in this work should meet every month, after finishing
the distribution, report all cases of interest, and spend a season in prayer
for the divine blessing upon their labors. If you are a tract distributor,
where the monthly distribution is sustained, begin your distribution early
in the month, and always finish it before the middle; and never neglect to
make a written report to the superintendent, as soon as you have finished
Endeavor always to have these little messengers of truth
in your possession, whether at home, abroad, or on a journey, so that you
may avail yourself of every opportunity that presents of scattering the
"good seed." I was instructed, recently, by an anecdote of that benevolent
lady, Mrs. Fry, who, having taken a coach to visit a friend, and forgetting
her tract, stopped the coachman at her friend's door until she could obtain
a tract for him. This shows the persevering principle with which she carried
out her benevolent desires for the good of immortal souls.
III. You can make your influence felt in the
Missionary cause. This cause must be
near the heart of every Christian. The spirit of missions is in unison with
every feeling of the new-born soul. It is the spirit of universal
benevolence—the same which brought our Lord from heaven to suffer and die
for perishing sinners. His last command to his disciples, before ascending
up again into heaven, was, that they should follow his example, in the
exercise of this spirit, until the whole world should be brought to a
knowledge of his salvation. But more than eighteen hundred years have passed
away, and yet, at least, two thirds of the inhabitants of this fallen world
have never heard the gospel; and probably not more than one seventieth part
of them have really embraced it. This is a mournful picture, and calculated
to call forth every feeling of Christian sympathy, and awaken a burning zeal
for the honor and glory of God. O, think how Jesus is dishonored by his own
people, who thus disregard his last, parting request!
But here, again, you may inquire, "What can I do?"
You can do much. Perhaps you may go yourself on this errand of mercy; but,
if not permitted this privilege, you can help those who do go. Although your
means may be limited, yet there are many ways in which you can do much for
this cause with little means. By regulating your expenses upon Christian
principle, you may save much, even of a small income, for benevolent
purposes. But you may also exert an influence upon others. In your
fellowship with other Christians, you may stir up a missionary spirit. To
aid you in this, become acquainted with what has been done, and what is now
doing, for the conversion of the heathen. Read missionary reports. Make
yourself familiar with the arguments in favor of the cause. By this means,
you may become a zealous and successful advocate of the claims of hundreds
of millions of perishing heathen. As an opportunity occurs once a month for
all to contribute to this cause, you know not what effect such efforts may
have upon the amount contributed.
IV. You can make your influence felt in behalf of the
poor. By frequenting the abodes of
poverty and distress, you may minister to the needs of the afflicted, and
call into exercise the feelings of Christian sympathy in your own bosom. By
this means, also, you will be prepared to enlist others in the same cause.
In large towns, much is done for the poor by the aid of benevolent
associations; and you may assist in this department. But perhaps there is no
way in which you can do so much for them as by assisting them with your own
hands in their afflictions, and aiding them with your advice. Be careful,
however, that you do not make them feel that you are conferring an
It is often objected against rendering assistance to the
poor, that they are improvident, lacking in industry and economy; and that
relieving their necessities has a tendency to make them indolent, and
prevent them from helping themselves. This may be true to some extent; for
intemperance has brought ruin and distress upon many families, and we cannot
expect either industry, economy, or any other virtue, in a drunkard. But
there is much suffering even among the virtuous poor. Sickness and
misfortune often bring distress upon deserving people.
The only way we can realize the sufferings of the poor is
to suppose ourselves in their situation. Let a wealthy gentleman and lady,
with five or six small children, be suddenly deprived of all their property,
and compelled to obtain a support for their family by daily labor, in the
lowest employments; would they think they could live comfortably upon a
laboring man's wages, with perhaps the addition of a trifle laboriously
earned with the mother's needle? Yet such is the situation of thousands of
families, even in this land of plenty. I have met with families of small
children, in the severity of winter, destitute of clothing sufficient to
cover them, and without shoes. And, upon inquiry into their circumstances
and means of support, I could not see how the parents could make any better
But, even supposing the wretchedness of the poor is
brought on them by their own vices, is it agreeable to the spirit of Christ
to refuse to relieve their distresses? Has not sin brought upon us all our
wretchedness? If the Lord Jesus had reasoned and acted upon this principle,
would a single soul have been saved? But he has commanded us to be merciful,
even as our Father who is in heaven is merciful. And how is he
merciful? "He is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil."
And are we to suppose that the poor in our day are any worse than they were
when Christ was upon earth? Yet he greatly honored the poor, in appearing
himself in a condition of extreme poverty. At his birth, his parents could
provide him no better bed than a manger in a stable; and while wearing out
his life in the service of a lost world, he had no place to lay his head!
Yet, poor as he was, he set an example of giving. At the last supper, when
he told Judas, "what you do—do quickly," his disciples supposed he had sent
him to give something to the poor; from which we may infer that he was in
the habit of alms-giving. He also exhorted others to give to the poor; and
similar exhortations are frequent in the apostolical writings. But, even on
the principle upon which the world acts, shall we neglect the sufferings of
a deserving woman, because her husband is intemperate and wicked? Or should
we allow the children to grow up without instruction, in ignorance and vice,
because their parents are wicked? Be, then, the devoted friend of the poor;
and seek to relieve distress wherever you find it, or whatever may be its
It may be necessary, however, to use some caution against
indiscriminate giving; so as not thereby to encourage idleness and
dissipation. As a general principle, it is not best to give to beggars;
as, by so doing, we encourage a practice that is demoralizing in the
extreme. The more deserving poor are retiring, and unwilling to make known
their needs. It is better to seek out such, as the objects of your love,
than to give indiscriminately to those that ask for it. Still, it may be
well to follow those who seek your charity to their places of residence, and
ascertain their circumstances, lest there might be suffering which you could
relieve. But there is not much confidence to be placed in those whose
sensibilities have been blunted by the habit of begging; and we are very
liable to be imposed upon by them. The best way in which you can help
such people is to furnish them with employment; and this will test their
honesty. If they are deserving aid, they will be willing to labor for
V. You may make your influence felt in the cause of
Temperance. A false delicacy prevails
among many ladies in relation to this subject. They seem to think that, as
intemperance is not a common vice of their own gender, they have no concern
with it. But this is a great mistake. No portion of society suffer so much
from the consequences of intemperance as females. On them it spends its
fury. The heart sickens when we contemplate the condition of the drunkard's
wife. We turn from the picture with horror and disgust. But is there no
danger that females themselves may fall under the power of this monstrous
vice? Does not every town, village, and hamlet, furnish appalling evidence
that they are not proof against it? But, independent of this, it is scarcely
possible to dry up the secret elements of this wasting pestilence without
the aid of female influence. If the curtain were lifted from the
domestic history of the past generation, it would doubtless appear that many
of the intemperate appetites which have exerted such a terrific influence
upon society were formed in the nursery. But, besides the formation of early
habits, females exert a controlling influence over the public sentiment of
the social circle. Here is the sphere of your influence. If young ladies
would, with one consent, set their faces against the use of all intoxicating
liquors, their influence could not fail to be felt throughout society. Make
yourself acquainted with the subject, and lose no suitable opportunity of
advocating the cause, or of doing whatever is right and proper for a lady to
do in advancing it.
VI. You may make your influence felt in every circle
in which you move, by directing conversation towards profitable subjects.
The ability to converse is a talent put into
our hands to cultivate for the glory of God; and we shall be called to
account for the manner in which we improve it. To be able to converse well
upon important subjects is an attainment worthy of great effort. And to give
a right direction to the conversation of any circle in which we move,
requires some skill, along with a spiritual and prayerful frame of mind. It
is well, before going into company, to seek the aid of the Holy Spirit, that
our social fellowship may be profitable both to ourselves and others. And,
by imitating the example of the Savior, we may improve circumstances and
occasions, to direct the conversation in which we engage towards profitable
subjects. Endeavor, by your own conversation, to give the lie to the
sentiment that ladies cannot be interested in anything but frivolous
chit-chat. But more of this hereafter.
VII. You may make your influence felt in bringing
people within the sound of the gospel.
There are multitudes, even in this Christian land, who live like the
heathen. They do not appreciate the privileges they might enjoy. They live
in the habitual neglect of public worship and the means of grace. This is
especially the case with the poor in large towns. Poverty depresses their
spirits, and they seem to feel that "no man cares for their souls." It is
impossible to conjecture how much good one devoted female may do by
gathering these people into places of worship. A lady can much more readily
gain access to such families than a gentleman; and, by a pleasing address,
and a humble and affectionate demeanor, she may secure their confidence, and
persuade them to attend public worship. In this way she may be the means,
under God, of saving their souls.
VIII. You may, with God's blessing, make your
influence felt by those who are living in a careless state.
That it is the duty of Christians to warn such of their
danger, and direct them to the Savior, will appear from several
1. The apostle Peter says, "Christ suffered for us,
leaving us an example that we should follow his steps." And what was his
example with reference to the subject under consideration? The spirit of
Christ, in the great work of redemption, manifests itself in compassion for
sinners, and zeal for the glory of God. "While we were yet sinners, Christ
died for us." And in the near prospect of his agonies, his prayer was,
"Father, glorify your name." It was, that mercy might be extended to the
guilty, consistently with the honor of God, that he laid down his life.
Behold him, deeply feeling the dishonor done to God by ungrateful and
rebellious men, constantly reproving sin, weeping over the impenitence and
obstinacy of his countrymen, and even exerting his power to drive out those
who were profaning the temple. And he says, "If any man will come after me,
let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." To follow
Christ is to imitate his example. Hence, unless we follow Christ in his
general spirit, we have no right to be called after his name. And this we
must do to the extent of our ability, and at the expense of any
personal sacrifice, not excepting, if need be, even our own lives.
This is the true spirit of the gospel; and, if it were carried out in the
life of every professor of the religion of Jesus, who can estimate the
results which would follow?
2. We are required to love God with all our heart,
soul, mind, might, and strength. When we love a friend, we are careful
of his honor. If we hear him defamed, or lightly spoken of, or see him
ill-treated, it gives us pain. We take part with him, and vindicate his
character. But we see God dishonored, and his goodness abused, continually.
Multitudes around us habitually cast off his authority, and refuse to honor
him as the moral Governor of the universe. What can we do more for his honor
and glory than to seek to reclaim these rebellious subjects of his
government, and bring them back to loyalty and obedience?
3. We are required to love our neighbor as ourselves.
We profess to have seen the lost condition of impenitent sinners. We think
God has taken our feet from the "horrible pit and miry clay." We profess to
believe that all who have not embraced Christ are every moment exposed to
the horrors of the second death. Can we love them as ourselves, and make no
effort to open their eyes to their awful danger, and persuade them to flee
from it?
4. The business of reclaiming a lost world is
committed to the church, in conjunction with the Holy Spirit. It is
the business of the church to apply "the truth" to the consciences of the
impenitent. It is the office of the Spirit to make it effectual to their
salvation. "The Spirit and the bride [the church] say, Come."
And even the hearer of the word is allowed to say, "Come." The
Scriptures recognize the conversion of the sinner as the work of the
Christian. "He who converts a sinner from the error of his way, shall
save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins." "Others save
with fear, pulling them out of the fire." "Then will I teach
transgressors your ways, and sinners shall be converted unto
you." It is true, we cannot, of our own power, convert souls. But, if we are
faithful in the use of the means of God's appointment, he may employ us as
instruments for accomplishing this great work. Everyone, who has truly come
to Christ, knows the way, and can direct others to him. And in no
way, perhaps, can the truth be rendered more effectual than by personal
application to the conscience. David did not understand Nathan's parable
until the prophet said, "You are the man!"
As this is a plain, positive duty, it cannot be neglected
with impunity. God will not bless his children while they refuse to obey
him. "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me." Were you
to spend all your time on your knees, while living in the neglect of a plain
duty, I do not see how you could obtain a blessing. We cannot expect to
enjoy the presence of God while we refuse to point sinners to Christ. It is
probable that the neglect of this duty is one of the principal causes of
spiritual barrenness in the church. If, then, Christians wish their own
hearts revived, they must persuade others to come to Christ. "He who waters,
shall be watered also himself." If we wish to maintain constant communion
with God, we must live in the habitual exercise of the spirit of Christ.
The primitive Christians carried out the example of
Christ, in this particular, in a manner worthy of our imitation. In the
eighth chapter of Acts, we read that the church at Jerusalem were all
scattered abroad, except the apostles. "And those who were scattered abroad
went everywhere, preaching the word." And afterwards, in the eleventh
chapter, nineteenth verse, we hear of them as far as Cyprus, where they had
traveled, preaching the word as they went. It is to be particularly remarked
that these, or at least most of them, were the private members of the
church; for the apostles still remained at Jerusalem. And what was the
result of these joint labors of the whole church? Revivals of religion
immediately spread all over the land of Judea and its vicinity. And so might
we see revivals spreading over this land, and continuing with increasing
power, and multitudes of sinners converted, if the church, as one,
united in Christ, would come up to her duty. Nor would it stop here: the
fire thus kindled would burn brighter and brighter, and extend, with
increasing rapidity, until it spread over the whole world. Should not all
Christians, then, consider themselves placed, to some extent at least, in
the situation of watchmen upon the walls of Zion? And, if they neglect to
warn sinners, will they be guiltless of the blood of souls? How can they
meet them at the bar of God? (Ezek. 33:1-9.)
Few people are aware of what they might accomplish—if
they would do what they can. I once knew a young lady, who was
the moving spring of nearly every benevolent enterprise in a town of seven
or eight thousand inhabitants. The Bible Society of the town appointed a
number of gentlemen as visitors, to ascertain who were destitute of Bibles,
and make collections to aid the funds of the society. But the time passed
away in which the work was to have been accomplished, and nothing was done.
The books were handed over to this lady. She immediately called in the
assistance of a few friends in whom she could confide; and, in a very short
time, the whole town was visited, collections made, and the destitute
supplied. She imparted life and energy to the tract cause, putting into
operation and sustaining, with the aid of a few friends, the monthly
distribution. There had been, for some time, a small Temperance Society in
the town; but its movements were slow and inefficient. She undertook to
impart to it new life and vigor. The plans and efforts which she, in
conjunction with her friends, put in operation, produced a sensation which
was felt in every part of the town; and, in a few months, the number of
members was increased from about fifty to three hundred.
The amazing influence of one Christian, who lives out the
spirit of Christ, is illustrated, in a still more striking manner, in the
life of a lady who died, not long since, in one of the principal cities of
the United States. I am not permitted to give her name, nor all the
particulars of her life; but what I relate may be relied upon, not only as
facts, but as far below the whole truth. She had been, for a
long time, afflicted with a drunken husband. At length, the sheriff came,
and swept off all their property, not excepting her household furniture, to
discharge his drinking-bills. At this distressing crisis, she retired
to an upper room, laid her babe upon the bare floor, kneeled down over it,
and offered up the following petition: "O Lord, if you will in any way
remove from me this affliction, I will serve you, upon bread and
water, all the days of my life." The Lord took her at her word: her
besotted husband immediately disappeared, and was never heard of again until
after her death. The church would now have maintained her, but she would not
consent to become a charge to others. Although in feeble health, and
afflicted with the sick headache, she opened a small school, from which she
obtained a bare subsistence; though it was often no more than what was
contained in the condition of her prayer—literally bread and water.
She had also another motive for pursuing some regular employment: she wished
to avoid the reproach which would have arisen to the cause of Christ, from
her being maintained upon the bounty of the church, while engaged in the
system of Christian activity which she adopted. She remembered the duty of
being diligent in business, as well as fervent in spirit. She was a
lady of pleasing address, and of a mild and gentle disposition. "In her lips
was the law of kindness." Yet she possessed an energy of character, and a
spirit of perseverance, which the power of faith alone can impart.
When she undertook any Christian enterprise, she was discouraged by no
obstacles, and appalled by no difficulties. She resided in the most wicked
and abandoned part of the city, which afforded a great field of labor. Her
benevolent heart was pained at seeing the ale-shops open on the holy
Sabbath. She undertook the difficult and almost hopeless task of closing
these sinks of pollution on the Lord's day, and succeeded. This was
accomplished by the mild influence of persuasion, flowing from the lips of
kindness, and clothed with that power which always accompanies the true
spirit of the gospel. But she was not satisfied with seeing the front doors
and windows of these moral pest-houses closed. She knew that little
confidence could be placed in the promises of men whose consciences would
permit them to traffic in human blood. She would, therefore, upon the
morning of the Sabbath, pass round, and enter these shops through the
dwellings occupied by the families of the keepers, where she often found
them engaged secretly in this wickedness. She would then remonstrate with
them, until she persuaded them to abandon it, and attend public worship. In
this manner she abolished almost entirely the sale of liquors on the
Sabbath, in the worst part of the city.
She also looked after the poor, that the gospel might be
preached to them. She carried with her the numbers of those pews in the
church which were unoccupied; and, upon Sabbath mornings, she made it her
business to go out into the streets and lanes of the city, and persuade the
poor to come in and fill up these vacant seats. By her perseverance and
energy, she would remove every objection, until she had brought them to the
house of God. She was incessant and untiring in every effort for doing good.
She would establish a Sabbath school, and superintend it until she saw it
flourishing, and then deliver it into the hands of some suitable person, and
go and establish another. She collected together a Bible class of
apprentices, which she taught herself. Her pastor one day visited it, and
found half of them in tears, under deep conviction. She was faithful to the
church and to impenitent sinners. She would not allow sin upon a brother. If
she saw any member of the church going astray, she would, in a kind, meek,
and gentle spirit, yet in a faithful manner, reprove him. She was the first
to discover any signs of declension in the church, and to sound the alarm,
personally, to every conscience. It was her habitual practice to reprove
sin, and to warn sinners wherever she found them. At the time of her death,
she had under her care a number of pious young men preparing for the
ministry. These she had looked after, and brought out of obscurity. As soon
as their piety had been sufficiently tested, she would bring them to the
notice of her Christian friends. She persuaded pious teachers to give them
gratuitous instruction, and pious booksellers to supply them with books. In
the same way, she procured their board in the families of wealthy
Christians; and she formed little societies of ladies, to supply them with
clothing. There was probably no person in the city whose death would have
occasioned the shedding of more tears, or called forth more sincere and
heartfelt grief. Her memory was long and deeply cherished in the heart of
her pastor;* who declared that he should not have felt as severely the loss
of six of the most devoted men in his church.
* Mr. Patterson, of Philadelphia, who has gone to that
"better land," where he has, no doubt, met the hearty greetings, not only of
this dear fellow-laborer, but of scores whom he has been instrumental in
plucking as "brands from the burning."
And why may you not "go and do likewise"? It is amazing
to see what can be accomplished by a single individual, by earnest effort
and untiring perseverance, accompanied with a simple and hearty dependence
upon God. If the individual members of the church would do what they can,
what a tremendous shock would be felt in Satan's kingdom! What a glorious
triumph would await the church! Therefore, "whatever your hand finds to do,
do it with your might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor
wisdom, in the grave, where you go."
But the work of directing sinners to Christ is one of
vast responsibility. How distressing the consequences, when the weary
traveler is directed in the wrong way! How deeply so, if his way lie through
the forest, where he is exposed, if night overtakes him, to stumble over
precipices, sink in the mire, or be devoured by wild beasts! Yet what is
this, in comparison with leading astray the soul that is inquiring for the
way of salvation? "He who wins souls is wise." I cannot, however, pursue
this subject here; but must refer you to a little work, entitled "Friendly
Counsel," in which I have given directions more in detail.
1. Avoid every appearance of ostentation.
Suppress every rising of self-delight on account of
what you do, and of the success which attends your efforts. Such feelings
are abominable in the sight of God; and, if indulged, will make you appear
contemptible in the eyes of men. The Pharisees were active in many religious
duties. They made long prayers, and were so particular in outward things as
to pay tithes of the most common herbs. They also gave to the poor. But all
this they did that they might have praise of men. They chose public places
to pray; and when they were about to give anything to the poor, they caused
a trumpet to be sounded before them, to give notice of their approach. All
this was done to feed the pride of the carnal heart. And, notwithstanding
their loud professions, and apparent good deeds, the heaviest curses the
Lord Jesus ever pronounced were directed against them. Be modest,
unobtrusive, and courteous, in all you do and say. Let the love of Jesus
animate your heart, and the glory of God be your object. Make as little
noise as possible, in everything you do. Never speak of what you have done,
unless you see that some good can be accomplished by it. "When you give your
alms, let not your left hand know what your right hand does." Keep yourself
out of view, and give all the glory of your success to God.
2. Great prudence and discretion are necessary in
everything. Do nothing rashly. When you
have any enterprise in view, first sit down and consider the matter
seriously. Pray over it. Look at it in all its bearings, and inquire what
good will be likely to result from it. When you have satisfied yourself on
this point, inquire whether you have reasonable ground to hope for success.
Then summon all your wisdom to contrive a judicious plan of operations. When
this is done, proceed with energy and perseverance, until you have either
accomplished your object, or become convinced that it is impracticable. Pay
especial regard to the feelings and advice of those who act with you. Keep
as much in the background as you can without hindering your efforts; and,
whenever you can do it, put others forward to execute the plans you have
devised. This will save you from becoming the object of jealousy, and also
serve to mortify your pride.
3. Be resolute and persevering.
When satisfied you are in the way of duty, do not be
moved by ridicule. If some good people disapprove your conduct, thinking
that you attempt too much, let it lead you to a candid and impartial
reexamination of your course. If by this you become convinced that you are
wrong in the particular matter in question, confess it, and change your
conduct. But, if this review of the affair confirms you in the opinion that
your course is right, pursue it with decision and firmness. There are some
well-meaning people, of limited views, and excessive carefulness, who
disapprove the best of measures, if these measures happen to be at variance
with their long-established customs; or, more frequently, if they were not
consulted before the particular enterprise was undertaken.
Upon this will greatly depend your success in all things. Feel that of
yourself you can do nothing, but that you can do all things through Christ
strengthening you. Before undertaking anything, pray that God would give you
wisdom to direct, and strength to perform; and if it is anything in which
the efforts of others will be required, pray that he would incline their
hearts to engage in the work. Before you go out on an errand of mercy—first
visit your closet, and commit yourself to the direction of the Lord. Pray
that he would give you wisdom, courage, and discretion; and that he would
keep down the pride of your heart, and enable you to do all things for his