An AI summary, comparison and contrast of:

New Covenant Theology (NCT)

Covenant Theology (CT)

Dispensational Theology (DT)

1. Key Features of Each Theology

New Covenant Theology (NCT)

Covenant Theology (CT)

Dispensational Theology (DT)

2. Points of Comparison


New Covenant Theology

Covenant Theology

Dispensational Theology

View of Covenants

Old Covenant is obsolete; New Covenant is central.

Emphasizes unity under Covenant of Grace.

Views history as divided into dispensations.

Role of the Law

Mosaic Law fulfilled in Christ, replaced by the law of Christ.

Moral law (Ten Commandments) still binding.

Mosaic Law applies to Israel, not the Church.


Balance between continuity and discontinuity.

Strong continuity.

Strong discontinuity.

Israel and the Church

Church fulfills God's promises to Israel.

Church is the continuation of Israel.

Israel and Church remain distinct.


Christ-centered, New Testament clarifies Old.

Redemptive-historical approach.

Literal interpretation, especially in prophecy.

3. Points of Contrast

4. Commonalities