Pithy gems from Theodore Cuyler, 1822-1909
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Tears never yet saved a soul. Hell is full of weepers weeping over lost opportunities, perhaps over the rejection of an offered Savior.
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A sermon in shoes, is more eloquent than a sermon in words!
~ ~ ~ ~The demand of the day is for a higher standard and style of Christian life. Every follower of Christ must represent His religion purely, loftily, impressively, before that multitude of Bible-readers whose only Bible is the Christian.
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Sufficient to each day are the duties to be done and the trials to be endured. God never built a Christian strong enough to carry today's duties, and tomorrow's anxieties piled on the top of them!
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Faith is trusting Jesus to lead us-and going where He leads.
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A new year is upon us-with new duties, new conflicts, new trials, and new opportunities. Start on the journey with Jesus-walk with Him, and work for Him. This year may be the last year of our lives! A happy year will it be to those who, through every path of trial, or up every hill of difficulty, or over every sunny height-march on in closest fellowship with Jesus!