With the rope around my neck!

(Joseph Alleine, "A Soliloquy of an Unregenerate Sinner")

What misery have my sins brought upon me! Oh, what miserable state I am in! Sold under sin, cast out of God's favor, accursed from the Lord, cursed in my body, cursed in my soul, cursed in all that I have. My sins are unpardoned, and my soul is within a step of death!

Alas! What shall I do?

Where shall I go?

Which way shall I look?

God is frowning on me from above,
Hell is gaping for me beneath,
conscience is smiting me within,
temptations and dangers are surrounding me without.

Oh, where shall I fly?

What place can hide me from Omniscience?

What power can secure me from Omnipotence?

Alas, what shall I do?

Shall I go on in my sinful ways? Why then, certain damnation will be my end!

Shall I be so besotted and mad as to go and sell my soul to the flames for a little ale or a little ease; for a little pleasure or gain or comfort to my flesh?

Shall I linger any longer in this wretched state? No, If I tarry here I shall be miserable forever!

What then, is there no help?

Is there no hope?

Is there any remedy for such woeful misery?

Is there any mercy after such provoking iniquity?

Lord Jesus, I come to You with the rope around my neck! I am worthy to die and to be damned. Take me for Yourself forever. I give myself to You, I come to You, as the only way to the Father, as the only Mediator. I have destroyed myself-but in You is my help. Save, Lord-or else I perish!

Too long have I served the world; too long have I hearkened to Satan; but now I renounce them all, and will be ruled by Your dictates and directions, and guided by Your counsel.