Short quotes from the Puritan Thomas Manton

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The more affected we are with our sinful misery-the fitter we are for Christ's marvelous mercy.

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God has a bottle for all the tears of His people-and a book wherein He records all their sorrows!

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If Christ shall be precious to you-then you must be vile in your own eyes!

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It is easy for Him who made all things out of nothing to help His redeemed children.
The Almighty Creator, ruler, and governor of the world-what can He not do?

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A man's greatest care should be for that place where He dwells longest; therefore eternity should be in his scope!

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By the same divine power by which Christ made all things-He preserves and sustains all things.
All creatures owe their continuance and preservation to Him.

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Hell and damnation are no vain scarecrows!

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It is a hard matter to enjoy the world, without being entangled with its cares and pleasures!

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A man who is satisfied with his own righteousness, does not prize Christ.

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Sin is sweet in commission, but bitter in its wages.

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Excess in food and drink clouds the mind, chokes good affections, and provokes lust. Many a man digs his own grave with his teeth! "Put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony!" Proverbs 23:2

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Christ does not save us because we are holy-but that we may be holy!