I labor under a complication of disorders!
(John Newton)
I have often detected the two vile abominations - self-will and self-righteousness insinuating themselves into all that I do!
God has mercifully convinced me that I labor under a complication of disorders - summed up in the word, SIN.
He has graciously revealed Himself to me as the infallible Physician - and has enabled me, as such, to commit myself to Him, and to expect my cure from His hand alone.
Yet how often, instead of thankfully accepting His prescriptions - I have foolishly and presumptuously ventured to prescribe to Him, and to point out how I would have Him to deal with me!
How often have I thought that something was necessary for me - which He saw best to deny; and that I could have done better without those dispensations which His wisdom and grace have appointed to work for my good!
Thankfully, He is never weary of me - nor has He left me to my own management!
How inconsistent I am! To acknowledge that I am blind, to entreat Him to lead me - and yet to want to choose my own way, all in the same breath!
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For further reading: William Nicholson's insightful article, "The Furnace of Affliction!"