Do you ask why He is angry?

(Edward Payson, 1783-1827)

"God is angry with the wicked every day!" Psalm 7:11

Do you ask why He is angry?

I answer:

He is angry to see rational, immortal and accountable beings - spending twenty, forty, or sixty years in trifling and sin; serving numerous idols, lusts, and vanities, and living as if death were an eternal sleep!

He is angry to see you forgetting your Maker in childhood, in youth, in manhood - and making no returns for all His benefits.

He is angry to see you casting off His fear and rebelling against Him - who has nourished and sustained you.

He is angry to see you laying up treasures on earth - and not in Heaven.

He is angry to see you seeking everything in preference to the one thing needful.

He is angry to see you loving the praise of men more than the praise of God; and fearing those who can only kill the body, more than Him who has power to cast both soul and body into Hell.

He is angry to see that you disregard alike His threatenings and His promises, His judgments and His mercies. 

He is angry that you bury in the earth the talents He has given you, and bring forth no fruit to His glory.

He is angry that you neglect His Word and His Son, and perish in impenitency and unbelief.

These are sins of which every person, in an unconverted state, is guilty. And for these things God is angry - daily angry, greatly and justly angry! And unless His anger is speedily appeased, it will most certainly prove your everlasting destruction!