Alas, what an amount of powerless machinery we have in the so-called religious world!

(Archibald Brown, "What Our Churches Need!")

Alas, what an amount of powerless machinery we have in the so-called religious world!
Powerless, because it has no unction of the Spirit.
Powerless, because it is the work of man--not the working of God through the man.
Powerless, because it is dry and artificial.
Powerless, because it is done by men who have never "tarried until they were endued with power from on high."

Instrumentality is almost worshiped--while the Holy Spirit is well-near ignored!

O, I wish that it were more realized by us all, that apart from the blessed Spirit, our acquirements and preparations are nothing, and can do nothing! God's church is hindered, not helped, by any instrumentality that lacks the Holy Spirit.