A fire-escape from Hell!
(Arthur Pink, "The Doctrine of Sanctification" 1937)
Christ is usually set forth as a fire-escape from Hell, but not as the great Physician to deal with the malady of indwelling sin, and to fit for Heaven.
Much is said upon how to obtain forgiveness of sins - but little is preached on how to be cleansed from its pollutions. The necessity for His atoning blood is set forth - but not the indispensability of experimental holiness.Consequently, thousands who mentally assent to the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice, know nothing about heart purity.
The precious blood of the Lamb not only delivers from Hell, but it also fits us for Heaven.
By our union with Christ we receive a new and holy nature, whereby we are capacitated for holy living - which holy living is determined and regulated by our practical and experimental fellowship with Him.