The law of Christian life

(J.R. Miller, "Intimate Letters on Personal Problems" 1914)

Love never gets its debts paid off. "Do not owe anyone anything, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law." Romans 13:8

Paul implies that we never can pay off all love's debts, or even if we do get them paid off at the close of some happy day — we shall find them waiting at our door in the morning, as clamorous as ever. Of course, LOVE is the law of Christian life. We cannot be Christlike — unless we love. But oh! is not love tremendously costly sometimes?

There is no other life, like that of love. Nothing brings us so much happiness — as living for others, giving out our lives in sweet helpfulness, whatever the cost may be. The sweetest happiness which we can get in the world, comes from adding a little to the happiness of others.

"By this all men will know that you are My disciples — if you love one another." John 13:35