How many of us have sacrificed our children to the idols!
(James Smith, "Affliction Regarded" 1865)
"They shed innocent blood — the blood of their sons and daughters whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; so the land became polluted with blood!" Psalm 106:38
We may plead guiltless as to the shedding of the blood of the body — but there is the blood of souls! How many of us have sacrificed our children to the idols of the present Canaan — fashion, custom, dress, amusements, and worldly conformity in general!
Look at the poor example we give them!
Look at the worldly company we choose for them!
Look at the carnal practices we allow them to indulge in!
O how many of our children have been sacrificed to custom, fashion, and the various idols of the world!