There, in the solitudes of that voiceless ocean — a plunge is heard!

John MacDuff, "God's Words of Comfort to His People" 1872)

"You will trample our sins under Your feet — and throw them into the depths of the ocean!" Micah 7:19

The picture here is of an ocean — not near the shore — but far beyond sight of land, in the midst of a wide wilderness of waters — the illimitable horizon stretching on every side; and when the sounding line is let down — it cannot fathom the depth, or reach the bottom!

There, in the solitudes of that voiceless ocean — a plunge is heard! The surface is ruffled only for a moment; then the waves resume their usual calmness. The load, whatever it is — is never more seen. It is buried somewhere in these dark caverns! No spirit of the deep can ever come up from the silent caves to tell its story! Ships cross and recross where it fell — but no distinguishing marker is left on the unstable highway, to mark the spot. The sea can be tempted by no bribe, to give up the secret of its keeping — all trace is lost from sight and memory forever!

That is a picture of what God does for all His redeemed people!

"You will trample our sins under Your feet — and throw them into the depths of the ocean!"