Our Profession
by J. C. Ryle
"Seeing then that we have a great High Priest, who has
passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our
profession." (Hebrews 4:14)
A careful reader of the Epistle to the Hebrews can hardly
fail to observe that the words "let us" are found no less than four times in
the fourth chapter. In the first verse you will read, "let us fear,"-in the
eleventh verse, "let us labor"-in the fourteenth verse, "let us hold
fast"-and in the sixteenth verse, "let us come boldly to the throne of
grace." We should take note of this.
Now why did the Apostle Paul write in this way? He did it
because the Hebrew Christians, to whom he wrote, were a peculiar people, and
occupied a peculiar position. They were not like Gentile converts, who had
been brought up to worship idols, and had never received any revelation from
God. The Jews were a people who had enjoyed the special favor of God for
fifteen hundred years. All through that long period they had possessed the
law of Moses, and an immense amount of spiritual light, which had not been
given to any other nation on earth. These privileges had made them very
sensitive and jealous at the idea of any change. They needed to be
approached very gently and delicately, and to be addressed in a peculiar
style. All this Paul, himself born a Jew, remembered well. He puts himself
on a level with them, and says, "Let us-I speak to myself as well as to you,
lest I should offend you."
But this is not all. I might add that the Jewish
Christians had very peculiar trials to undergo. I suspect they were far more
persecuted and ill-used after their conversion than the Gentile Christians
were. No doubt it was a hard thing for a Gentile to turn from idols. But it
was a much harder thing for a Jew to profess that he was not content with
the ceremonial law of Moses, and that he had found a better priest, and a
better sacrifice, even Jesus of Nazareth, and the blood of the cross. This
also Paul remembered well, and he cheers and encourages them by placing
himself by their side, and saying, "Let us fear"-"let us labor"-"let us hold
fast"-" let us come boldly"-"I am as you are, we are all in the same boat."
I shall confine myself in this paper to the text which
heads it, and I shall try to answer three questions.
I. What is this profession of which Paul speaks?
II. Why does Paul say, "Let us hold fast"?
III. What is the grand encouragement which Paul gives us
to "hold fast"?
Before I go any further, I ask my readers to remember
that the things we are about to consider were written by inspiration of the
Holy Spirit for the benefit of the whole Church of Christ in every age down
to the end of the world. They were meant to be used by all true Christians
in England, and by all classes, whether high or low, rich or poor, in
London, or Liverpool, or in any part of the earth. The Epistle to the
Hebrews is not an old worn-out letter which only suits the Jews of eighteen
centuries ago. It is meant for you and I.
We all need to be exhorted to "hold fast our profession."
I. Let us begin by considering what is meant by "our
When Paul uses this expression, there can be little doubt
about his meaning. He meant that public "profession" of faith in Christ and
obedience to Him, which every person made when he became a member of the
Christian Church. In the days of the Apostle, when a man or woman left
Judaism or heathenism, and received Christ as a Savior, he declared himself
a Christian by certain acts. He did it by being publicly baptized, by
joining the company of those who had been baptized already, by publicly
promising to give up idolatry and wickedness of all kinds, and by habitually
taking part with the followers of Jesus of Nazareth in all their religious
assemblies, their ways, and their practices. This is what Paul had in view
when he wrote the words, "Let us hold fast our profession."
Profession in those days was a very serious matter, and
entailed very serious consequences. It often brought on a man persecution,
loss of property, imprisonment, and even death. The consequence was that few
people ever made a Christian profession in the early Church unless they were
thoroughly in earnest, truly converted, and really believers. No doubt there
were some exceptions. People like Ananias and Sapphira, and Simon Magus, and
Demas, crept in and joined themselves to the disciples. But these were
exceptional cases. As a general rule, it was not worth while for a man to
profess Christianity if his heart was not entirely in his profession. It
cost much. It brought on a man the risk of a vast amount of trouble, and
brought in very little gain. The whole result was, that the proportion of
sincere, right-hearted, and converted people in the Church of the Apostle's
days was far greater than it ever has been at any other period in the last
eighteen centuries. There was a very deep meaning in Paul's words when he
said, "Let us hold fast our profession."
In the days in which we live, "profession" is a very
different thing. Millions of people profess and call themselves Christians,
whom the Apostle would not have called Christians at all. Millions are
annually baptized, and added to the rolls and registers of churches, who
have little or no real religion. Many of them live and die without ever
attending a place of worship, and live very ungodly lives. Many more only go
to a church or chapel occasionally, or once on Sunday at the most. Many
others pass through life without ever becoming communicants, and live and
die in the habitual neglect of that Holy Sacrament which the Lord commanded
to be received. Most of these people are reckoned Christians while they
live, and are buried with Christian burial when they die. But what would
Paul have said of them? I fear there can be no doubt about the answer. He
would have said they did not deserve to be reckoned members of any Church at
all! He would not have addressed them as "saints and faithful brethren in
Christ Jesus." He would not have called upon them to "hold fast their
profession." He would have told them they had no profession to hold fast,
and that they were "yet dead in trespasses and sins" (Eph. 2:1). All this is
sorrowful and painful, but it is only too true. Let those deny it who dare.
Let us, however, thank God that there are not a few to be
found in every part of Christendom who really are what they profess to
be-true, sincere, earnest-minded, hearty, converted, believing Christians.
Some of them, no doubt, belong to churches in which their souls get little
help. Some of them have very imperfect knowledge, and hold the truth in its
vitals, with a mixture of many defective views. But they have all certain
common marks about them. They see the value of their souls, and really want
to be saved. They feel the sinfulness of sin, and hate it, and fight with
it, and long to be free from it. They see that Jesus Christ alone can save
them, and that they ought to trust only in Him. They see that they ought to
live holy and godly lives, and in their poor way they try to do it. They
love their Bibles, and they pray, though both their reading and their
praying are very defective. Some of them, in short, are in the highest
standard of Christ's school, and are strong in knowledge, faith, and love.
Others are only in the infants' room, and in everything are weak and poor.
But in one point they are all one. Their hearts are right in the sight of
God; they love Christ; their faces are set towards heaven, and they want to
go there. These are those in the present day to whom I wish in this paper to
apply Paul's exhortation, "Let us hold fast our profession." Let us cling to
it, and not let it go.
Now I cannot forget that we meet thousands of people in
daily life who are always saying, "I make no profession of religion." They
not only say it, but rather glory in saying it, as if it was a right, wise,
and proper thing to say. They seem even to despise those who make a
profession, and to regard them as hypocrites and impostors, or, at any rate,
as weak and foolish people. If this paper happens to fall into the hands of
any person of this kind, I have somewhat to say to him, and I invite his
best attention.
I do not deny that there are many hypocrites in religion.
There always were, and there always will be, as long as the world stands. As
long as there is good gold and silver coin in the realm, so long there will
be forging, coining, and counterfeit money. The very existence of bad coins
is an indirect proof that there is something which it is worth while to
imitate, and that there is such a thing as good current money in
circulation. It is just the same with Christianity! The very fact that there
are many false professors in the churches is an indirect proof that there
are such people as true-hearted and sound believers. It is one of Satan's
favorite devices, in order to bring discredit on Christianity, to persuade
some unhappy people to profess what they do not really believe. He tries to
damage the cause of our Lord Jesus Christ in the world by sending out wolves
in sheep's clothing, and by raising up men and women who talk the language
of Canaan, and wear the coat of God's children, while they are inwardly
rotten at heart. But these things do not justify a man in condemning all
religious profession.
I tell those who boast that they make no profession, that
they are only exhibiting their own sorrowful ignorance of Holy Scripture.
The hypocrisy of some unhappy people must never prevent us doing our own
duty, without caring what men may say or think of us. We must never be
ashamed of showing ourselves boldly on Christ's side, by honoring His word,
His day, and His ordinances, by speaking up for Christ's cause on all proper
occasions, and by firmly refusing to conform to the sins and the follies
of the children of this world. The words of our Lord Jesus Christ ought
never to be forgotten: "Whoever shall be ashamed of Me and of My words, of
him shall the Son of man be ashamed when He shall come in His own glory, and
in His Father's, and of the holy angels" (Luke 9:26). If we will not confess
Christ upon earth, and openly profess that we are His servants, we must not
expect that Christ will confess us in heaven at the last day.
In short, the very last thing that a man should be
ashamed of is the "profession" of religion. There are many things unhappily
of which most people seem not ashamed at all. Ill-temper, selfishness, lack
of charity, laziness, malice, backbiting, lying, slandering, intemperance,
impurity, gambling, Sabbath-breaking,-all these are terribly common things
among men, and of most of them are people who do not seem a bit
ashamed-though they ought to be! Those who habitually "do such things will
not inherit the kingdom of God" (Gal. 5:21). But of Bible-reading, praying,
holy living, and working for the good of bodies and souls, no one ever need
be ashamed. These may be things which many laugh at, dislike, and despise,
and have no taste for, but they are the very things with which God is well
pleased. Once more, I repeat, whatever men may say, the very last thing of
which we ought to be ashamed is our "profession" of faith in Christ, and
obedience to Christ.
II. Let us, in the second place, consider, Why Paul says,
"Let us hold fast our profession."
The answer to this question is
threefold, and demands the serious attention of all who hope that they are
really sincere in their Christian profession.
(a) For one thing, OUR HEARTS are always weak and
foolish, even after conversion. We may have passed from death to life, and
be renewed in the spirit of our minds. We may see the value of our souls, as
we once did not. We may have become new creatures; old things may have
passed away, and all things may have become new. But believers must never
forget that until they die they carry about with them a weak, foolish,
and treacherous heart. The roots of all manner of evil are still within
us, although cut down to the ground by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Whether
we like to acknowledge it or not, there are within us, at our very best,
latent dislike of trouble, secret desire to please man and keep in with the
world, carelessness about our private Bible-reading and our prayers, envy
and jealousy of others, laziness about doing good, selfishness and desire to
have our own way, forgetfulness of the wishes of others, and lack of
watchfulness over our own besetting sins. All these things are often lying
hidden within us, and below the surface of our hearts. The holiest saint may
find to his cost some day that they are all there alive, and ready to show
themselves. No wonder that our Lord Jesus said to the three Apostles in the
garden, "Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit truly is
willing, but the flesh is weak" (Mar. 14:38). I have no doubt that Paul had
the heart in view, when he wrote those words, "Hold fast." "Let us therefore
hold fast our profession."
(b) For another thing, the world is a source of immense
danger to the Christian. From the day that we are converted, we are living
in a most unhealthy atmosphere for religion. We live and move and have our
being, in the midst of a vast multitude of people who are utterly without
vital Christianity. In every rank of life we meet with hundreds who, however
moral and respectable, seem to care for nothing but such things as
these,-What shall I eat? What shall I drink? What can I get? What can I
spend? How shall I employ my time? What profit can I make? What amusement
can I have? What pleasant company can I enjoy! As for God, and Christ, and
the Holy Spirit, and the Bible, and prayer, and repentance, and faith, and
holy living, and doing good in the world, and death, and resurrection, and
judgment, and heaven and hell--they are subjects which never appear to come
across them except in sickness, or at a funeral.
Now to live constantly in the midst of such people, as a
Christian must do, is sure to be a great trial to him, and requires constant
watchfulness to prevent his getting harm. We are incessantly tempted to give
way about little things, and to make compromises and concessions. We
naturally dislike giving offence to others, and having frictions and
collisions with relatives, friends, and neighbors. We do not like to be
laughed at and ridiculed by the majority, and to feel that we are always in
a minority in every company into which we go. I fear that too many are
‘laughed out of heaven’ and ‘laughed into hell’. It is a true saying of
Solomon, "The fear of man brings a snare" (Pro. 29:25).
I once knew a brave sergeant of a cavalry regiment, who,
after living to the age of fifty without any religion, became for the last
few years of his life a decided Christian. He told me that when he first
began to think about his soul, and to pray, some months passed away before
he dare tell his wife that he said his prayers; and that he used to creep
upstairs without his boots at evening, that his wife might not hear him, and
find out what he was doing!
The plain truth is, that "the whole world lies in
wickedness" (1Jo. 5:19), and it is vain to ignore the danger that the world
causes to the believer's soul. The spirit of the world, and the tone of the
world, and the tastes of the world, and the air of the world, and the breath
of the world, are continually about him every day that he lives, drawing him
down and pulling him back. If he does not keep his faith in lively exercise,
he is sure to catch infection, and take damage, like the travelers through
the Campagna at Rome, who take a fever without being aware of it at the
time. The most mischievous and unsanitary gas is that which our bodily
senses do not detect. We have reason to pray continually for an increase of
that faith of which John says, "that it gives us the victory over the world"
(1 John 5:4). Happy, indeed, is that Christian who can be in the world and
yet not of the world, who can do his duty in it, and yet not be conformed to
it, who can pass through it unmoved by its smiles or its frowns, its
flattery or its enmity, its open opposition or its playful ridicule, its
sweets or its bitters, its gold or its sword! When I think what the world
is, and see what harm it has done and is doing to souls, I do not wonder
that Paul says, "Hold fast." "Let us hold fast our profession."
(e) For one thing more, the devil is a constant enemy to
the Christian's soul. That great, sleepless, and unwearied foe is always
laboring to do us harm. It is his constant object to wound, hurt, vex,
injure, or weaken--if he cannot kill and destroy. He is an unseen enemy who
is always near us, "about our path, and about our bed," and spying out all
our ways, prepared to suit his temptations to the special weak points of
every man. He knows us far better than we know ourselves. He has been
studying one book for 6000 years-- the book of fallen human nature, and he
is a spirit of almost boundless subtlety and cunning, and of boundless
malice. The best of saints has little idea how many vile suggestions in his
heart come from the devil, and what a restless adversary stands at his right
This is he who tempted Eve at the beginning, and
persuaded her that she might disobey God, eat the forbidden fruit and not
die. This is he who tempted David to number the people, and to cause the
death of 70,000 of his subjects by pestilence in three days. This is he who
tried to tempt our Lord in the wilderness immediately after His baptism, and
even quoted Scripture to gain his end. This is he who opposed our Lord all
throughout His three years' ministry, sometimes by possessing the bodies of
unhappy men and women in a most mysterious manner, and at last by putting it
into the heart of one of His Apostles to betray Him. This is he who
constantly opposed the Apostles after our Lord's ascension, and tried to
stop the progress of the gospel.-This is he of whom Paul testifies that even
"Satan is transformed into an angel of light," and that false teachers are
his agents (2Co. 11:14).
Does any reader of this paper foolishly suppose that the
devil is asleep, or dead, or less mischievous now than in old time? Nothing
of the kind! He is still "walking about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he
may devour." He is still "going to and fro in the earth, and walking up and
down in it" (1Peter 5:8; Job 1:7). It is he who goes among heathen nations
and persuades them to shed oceans of blood in the worship of idols, or
murderous wars. It is he who goes to and fro among fallen Churches,
persuading them to throw aside the Bible, and satisfy people with ‘formal
worship’ or groveling superstitions. It is he who walks up and down in
Protestant countries, and stirs up party spirit, and bitter political
strife, setting class against class, and subjects against rulers, in order
to distract men's minds from better things. It is he who is continually
going to the ears of intellectual and highly educated men, persuading them
that the old Bible is not true, and advising them to be content with
Atheism, Theism, Agnosticism, Secularism, and a general contempt for the
world to come. It is he, above all, who persuades foolish people that there
is no such person as a devil, and no future judgment after death, and no
hell. In all this fearful list of things I firmly believe that the devil
lies at the bottom, and is the true root, reason, and cause. Can we suppose
for a moment that he will let true Christians go quietly to heaven, and not
tempt them along the way?
Away with the silly thought! We have need to pray against
the devil, as well as against the world and the flesh. In the great trinity
of enemies which the believer should daily remember, the devil perhaps is
the greatest because he is the least seen. Nothing delights him so much (if,
indeed, he can be delighted at all) as to injure a true Christian, and make
him bring discredit on his religion. When I think of the devil, I do not
wonder that Paul said, "Hold fast." "Let us hold fast our profession."
Now I suspect that some reader of this paper may be
secretly thinking that I am an alarmist, and that there is no need of such
watchfulness, carefulness, and "holding fast." I ask such a person to turn
with me to the Bible for a few moments, and to consider seriously what that
blessed book teaches.
I ask him to remember that Judas Iscariot and Demas both
began well, and made a good profession. One was a chosen Apostle of our Lord
Jesus Christ, a constant companion of our blessed Savior for three years. He
walked with Him, talked with Him, heard His teaching, saw His miracles, and
up to the very night before our Lord was crucified was never thought a worse
man than Peter, James, or John. Yet this unhappy man at last let go his
profession, betrayed his Master, came to a miserable end, and went to his
own place. The other man whom I named, Demas, was a chosen companion of the
Apostle Paul, and professed to be of like mind with that eminent man of God.
There can be little doubt that for some years he journeyed with him, helped
him, and took part in his evangelistic labors. But how did it all end? He
gave up his profession, and the last Epistle Paul wrote contains this
melancholy record: "Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world"
(2Ti. 4:10). We never hear of him again.
To every one who thinks I have dwelt too much on the
Christian's dangers, I say this day, Remember Demas, remember Judas
Iscariot, tighten your grasp, "hold fast your profession," and beware. We
may appear to men to be very good Christians for a season, and yet prove at
last to be stony-ground hearers, and destitute of a wedding garment.
But this is not all. I ask every believer to remember
that if he does not "hold fast," he may pierce himself through with many
sorrows, and bring great discredit on his character. We should never forget
David's awful fall in the matter of the wife of Uriah, and Peter's
thrice-repeated denial of his Master, and Cranmer's temporary cowardice, of
which he so bitterly repented at last. Are we greater and stronger than
they? "Let us not be high-minded, but fear." There is a godly fear which is
of great use to the soul. It was the great Apostle of the Gentiles who wrote
these words: "I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection; lest,
after I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway" (1Co. 9:27).
Does any Christian reader of these pages desire much
happiness in his religion, and much joy and peace in believing? Let him take
an old minister's advice this day, and ': hold fast his profession." Let him
resolve to be very thorough, very decided, very watchful, very careful
about the state of his soul. The more boldly he shows his colors, and
the more uncompromising and firm he is, the lighter will he find his heart,
and the more sensibly will he feel the sun shining on his face. None are so
happy in God's service as decided Christians. When John Rogers, the first
martyr in Queen Mary's time, was being led to Smithfield to be burned, the
French Ambassador reported that he looked as bright and cheerful as if he
were going to his wedding.
Does any Christian reader of these pages desire much
usefulness to others in his religion? Let me assure him that none do so much
good in the long run of life, and leave such a mark on their generation, as
those who "hold fast their profession" most tightly, and are most decided
servants of Christ. Few men, perhaps, did more for the cause of the
Protestant Reformation, and shook the power of Rome more completely in this
country, than the two noble bishops who were burned back to back at one
stake in Oxford, and would not let go their faith to save their lives. I
need not say that I refer to Ridley and Latimer. The careless, thoughtless,
irreligious world takes notice of such men, and is obliged to allow that
there is something real and solid in their religion. The more light shines
in our lives, the more good shall we do in the world. It is not for nothing
that our Lord says, in the Sermon on the Mount, "Let your light so shine
before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which
is in heaven" (Mat. 5:16).
Let us gather up all these things in our memories, and
never forget them. Let it be a settled principle in our minds, that it is of
immeasurable importance to our happiness and usefulness to "hold fast our
profession," and to be always on our guard. Let us dismiss from our minds
the crude modern idea that a believer has only got to sit still, and "yield
himself" to God. Let us rather maintain the language of Scripture, and
strive to "mortify the deeds of our body," to "crucify our flesh," to
"cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit," to wrestle, to
fight, and live the soldier's life (Rom. 8:13; Gal. 5:24; 2Co. 7:1; Eph.
6:12; 1Ti. 6:12; 2Ti. 2:3). One might think that the account of the armor of
God in the Epistle to the Ephesians ought to settle the question of our
duty. But the plain truth is, men will persist in confounding two things
that differ, that is justification and sanctification. In justification, the
word to be addressed to man is, Believe, only believe. In sanctification,
the word must be, Watch, pray, and fight. What God has divided, let us not
mingle and confuse. I can find no words to express my own deep sense of the
immense importance of "holding fast our profession."
III. In the last place, let us consider what
ENCOURAGEMENT there is to Christians to hold fast their profession.
The Apostle Paul was singularly fitted, both by grace and
nature, to handle this subject. Of all the inspired writers in the New
Testament, none seems to have been so thoroughly taught of God to deal with
the conflicts of the human heart as Paul. None was better acquainted with
the dangers, diseases, and remedies of the soul. The proof of this is to be
seen in the seventh chapter of his Epistle to the Romans, and the fifth
chapter of his Second Epistle to the Corinthians. Those two chapters ought
to be frequently studied by every Christian who wishes to understand his own
Now what is the ground of encouragement which Paul
proposes? He tells us to "hold fast our profession," and not let it go,
because "we have a great High Priest who is passed into the heavens, Jesus
the Son of God."
That word "High Priest" would ring with power in the ears
of a Jewish reader far more than it would in the ears of Gentile Christians.
It would stir up in his mind the remembrance of many typical things in the
service of the tabernacle and temple. It would make him recollect that the
Jewish high priest was a kind of mediator between God and the people-that he
alone went once every year into the Holy of Holies on the day of atonement,
and had access through the veil to the mercy-seat-that he was a kind of
arbitrator between the twelve tribes and God, to lay his hand on both (Job.
9:33)-that he was the chief minister over the house of God, who was intended
"to have compassion on the ignorant and them that were out of the way" (Heb.
5:2). All these things would give the Jews some idea of what Paul meant when
he said, "Let us hold fast," because we have got a great High Priest in
The plain truth is, that the Christian is meant to
understand that we have a mighty, living Friend in heaven, who not
only died for us, but rose again, and after rising again took His seat at
the right hand of God, to be our Advocate and Intercessor with the Father
until He comes again. We are meant to understand that Christ not only died
for us, but is alive for us, and actively working on our behalf at this very
day. In short, the encouragement that Paul holds out to believers is, the
living priesthood of Jesus Christ.
Is not this exactly what he meant when he told the
Hebrews that Christ is "able to save them to the uttermost who come unto God
by Him, because He ever lives to make intercession for them" (Heb. 7:25) Is
not this what he meant when he told the Romans, "If, when we were enemies,
we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being
reconciled, we shall be saved by His life" (Rom. 5:10) Is not this what he
meant when he wrote that glorious challenge, "Who is he who condemns? It is
Christ who died, yes, rather, who has risen again, who is even at the right
hand of God, who also makes intercession for us" (Rom. 8:34) Here, in one
word, is the believer's fountain of consolation. He is not only to look to a
Savior who died as his Substitute, and shed His blood for him, but to a
Savior who also after His resurrection took His seat at God's right hand,
and lives there as his constant Intercessor and Priest.
Let us think for a moment what a
wonderful and suitable High Priest is the High Priest of our
profession, a million times superior to any high priest of the family of
Jesus is a High Priest of
almighty power, for He is very God of very God, never slumbering,
never sleeping, never dying, and eternal. The Jewish high priests were "not
allowed to continue by reason of death" (Heb. 7:23), but Christ being raised
from the dead dies no more. Our great High Priest never grows old, and never
dies (Rom. 6:9).
Jesus is a High Priest who is
perfect Man as well as perfect God. He knows what our bodies are,
for He had a body Himself, and is acquainted with all its sinless weakness
and pains. He knows what hunger, and thirst, and suffering are, for He lived
for thirty-three years upon earth, and knows the physical nature of an
infant, a child, a boy, a young man, and a man of full age. "He has suffered
Himself, being tempted" (Heb. 2:18).
Jesus is a High Priest of
matchless sympathy. He can be "touched with the feeling of our
infirmities" (Heb. 4:15). His heart was always overflowing with love, pity,
and compassion while He was on earth. He wept at the grave of Lazarus. He
wept over unbelieving Jerusalem. He had an ear ready to hear every cry for
help, and was ever going about doing good to the sick and the afflicted. One
of His last thoughts on the cross was one of care for His mother, and one of
His first messages after His resurrection was one of "peace" to His poor
fallen Apostles. And He is not changed. He has carried that wonderful heart
up to heaven, and is ever watching the weakest lamb in His flock with
merciful tenderness.
Jesus is a High Priest of
perfect wisdom. He knows exactly what each of us is, and what
each of us requires. "He will not allow us to be tempted above that which we
are able to bear" (1Co. 10:13), nor allow us to remain in the furnace of
suffering one moment beyond the time that is required for our refining. He
will give us strength according to our day, and grace according to our need.
He knows the most secret feelings of our hearts, and understands the meaning
of our feeblest prayers. He is not like Aaron, and Eli, and Abiathar, and
Annas, and Caiaphas, an erring and imperfect high priest in dealing with
those who come to Him, and spread out their petitions before Him. He never
makes any mistakes.
I challenge every reader of this paper to tell me, if he
can, what greater consolation and encouragement the soul of man can have
than the possession of such a High Priest as this? We do not think enough of
Him in these days. We talk of His death, and His sacrifice, and His blood,
and His atonement, and His finished work on the cross; and no doubt we can
never make too much of these glorious subjects. But we err greatly if we
stop short here. We ought to look beyond the cross and the grave, to the
life, the priesthood, and the constant intercession of Christ our
Lord. Unless we do this, we have only a defective view of Christian
doctrine. The consequences of neglecting this part of our Lord's offices are
very serious, and have done great harm to the Church and the world.
Young men and women in all our churches, and generally
speaking, all new believers, are taking immense damage for lack of right
teaching about the priestly office of Christ. They feel within themselves a
daily craving after help, and grace, and strength, and guidance in running
the race set before them along the narrow way of life. It does not satisfy
them to hear that they ought to be always looking back to the cross and the
atonement. There is something within them which whispers that they would
like to have a living friend. Then comes the devil, and suggests that they
ought to go to earthly priests, and make confession, and receive absolution,
and keep up the habit of doing this continually. They are often far too
ready to believe it, and foolishly try to supply the hunger of their souls
by extravagantly frequent reception of the Lord's Supper, and submitting to
the spiritual directorship of some clergyman. All this is little better than
religious opium-eating and dram-drinking. It soothes the heart for a little
season, but does no real good, and often results in bringing souls into a
state of morbid superstitious bondage. It is not the medicine which
Scripture has provided.
The truth which all believers, and especially young men
and women in these days, have need to be told is the truth of Christ's life
in heaven, and priestly intercession fox us. We need no earthly confessor,
and no earthly priest. There is only one Priest to whom we ought to go with
our daily needs, even Jesus the Son of God. It is impossible to find one
more mighty, more loving, more wise, more ready to help than He is. It is a
wise saying of an old divine, that "the eyes of a believer ought to be fixed
on Christ in all his dealings with God. The one eye is to be set on His
oblation, and the other on His intercession." Let us never forget this. The
true secret of holding fast our profession is to be continually exercising
faith in the priestly office of Christ, and making use of it every day.
He who acts on this principle will find it possible to
serve God and be a Christian in any position, however hard it may be. He
need not suppose for a moment, that he cannot have true religion without
retiring from the world, and going into a monastery, or living like a hermit
in a cave. A young woman must not suppose that she cannot serve God in her
own family, because of unconverted parents, brothers, and sisters, and that
she must go into some "Religious House;' so called, in company with a few
like-minded women. All such ideas are senseless and unscriptural; they come
from beneath, and not from above. At school or in college, in the army or
the navy, in the bank or at the bar, in the merchant's house or on exchange,
it is possible for a man to serve God. As a daughter at home, or a teacher
in a high school, or an assistant in a house of business, a woman can serve
God, and must never give way to the cowardly thought that it is impossible.
But how is it all to be done? Simply by living the life of faith in the Son
of God, by continually looking back to Him on the cross, and to the fountain
of His blood for daily pardon and peace of conscience, and by daily looking
up to Him at the right hand of God interceding for us, and daily drawing
from Him supplies of grace in this world of need. This is the sum of the
whole matter. We have a great High Priest who is passed into the heavens,
and through Him it is possible not only to begin, but to "hold fast" our
I will now conclude this paper by addressing a few words
of direct practical exhortation to every
reader into whose hands it may happen to fall.
(a) Do you belong to that huge class of so-called
Christians who make no profession of religion at all? Alas! it is a pity
this class should be so large; but it is vain to shut our eyes to the fact
that it is very large. These of whom I speak are not atheists or infidels;
they would not for a moment like to be told they are not Christians. They go
to places of worship, they think Christianity a very proper thing for
baptisms, weddings, and funerals. They say grace before and after dinner;
they like their children to have some religion in their education. But they
never seem to get any further; they shrink from making a "profession." It is
useless to tell them to "hold fast," because they have nothing to hold.
I ask such people, in all affection and kindness, to
consider how unreasonable and inconsistent their position is. Most of them
believe the Apostles' Creed. They believe there is a God, and a world to
come after death, and a resurrection, and a judgment, and a life
everlasting. But what can be more senseless than to believe all these vast
realities, and yet to travel on towards the grave without any preparation
for the great future? You will not deny that you will have to meet the Lord
Jesus Christ, the Judge of all, when the last trumpet sounds, and you will
stand before the great white throne. But where will you be in that awful
day, if you have never professed faith, love, and obedience to that Judge
during the time of your life upon earth? How can you possibly expect Him to
confess and own you in that hour, if you have been afraid or ashamed to
confess Him, and to declare yourself boldly upon His side, while you are
upon earth?
Think of these things, I beseech you, and change your
plan of life. Cast aside vain excuses and petty reasons for delay. Resolve
by the grace of God to lay firm hold on Jesus Christ, and to enlist like a
man under His banners. That blessed Savior will receive you just as you are,
however unworthy you may feel yourself. Wait for nothing, and wait for
nobody. Begin to pray this very day, and to pray real, lively, fervent
prayers, such as the penitent thief prayed upon the cross. Take down your
long-neglected Bible, and begin to read it. Break off every known bad habit.
Seek the company and friendship of thoroughgoing Christians. Give up going
to places where your soul can get nothing but harm. In one word, begin to
make "a profession," fearing neither the laughter nor the scorn of man. The
word of the Lord Jesus is for you as well as another: "He who comes to Me I
will never cast out" (John 6:37). I have seen many people on their
death-beds, but I never met with one who said he was sorry he had made a
"profession" of religion.
(b) In the last place, do you belong to that much smaller
class of people who really profess Christian faith, and Christian obedience,
and are trying, however weakly, to follow Christ in the midst of an evil
world. I think I know something of what goes on in your hearts. You
sometimes feel that you will never persevere to the end, and will be obliged
some day to give up your profession. You are sometimes tempted to write
bitter things against yourself, and to fancy you have got no grace at all. I
am afraid there are myriads of true Christians in this condition, who go
trembling and doubting toward heaven, with Despondency, and Much-Afraid, and
Fearing in the Pilgrim's Progress, and fear they will never get to the
Celestial City at all. But oddly enough, in spite of all their groans and
doubts and fears, they do not turn back to the city from which they came
(Heb. 11:15). They press on, though faint, yet pursuing, and, as John Wesley
used to say of his people, "they end well."
Now, my advice to all such people, if any of them are
reading this paper, is very simple. Say every morning and evening of your
life, "Lord, increase my faith." Cultivate the habit of fixing your eye more
simply on Jesus Christ, and try to know more of the fullness there is laid
up in Him for every one of His believing people. Do not be always poring
down over the imperfections of your own heart, and dissecting your own
besetting sins. Look up. Look more to your risen Head in heaven, and try to
realize more than you do that the Lord Jesus not only died for you, but that
He also rose again, and that He is ever living at God's right hand as your
Priest, your Advocate, and your Almighty Friend. When the Apostle Peter
"walked upon the waters to go to Jesus," he got on very well as long as his
eye was fixed upon his Almighty Master and Savior. But when he looked away
to the winds and waves, and reasoned, and considered his own strength, and
the weight of his body, he soon began to sink, and cried, "Lord, save me."
No wonder that our gracious Lord, while grasping his hand and delivering him
from a watery grave, said, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" Alas!
many of us are very like Peter--we look away from Jesus, and then our hearts
faint, and we feel sinking (Mat. 14:28-31).
Think, last of all, how many million of men and women
like yourself have got safely home during the last eighteen hundred years.
Like you, they have had their battles and their conflicts, their doubts and
their fears. Some of them have had very little "joy and peace in believing,"
and were almost surprised when they woke up in Paradise. Some of them
enjoyed full assurance, and strong consolation, and have entered the haven
of eternal life, like a gallant ship in full sail And who are these last
that have done so? Those who have not only held their profession between
finger and thumb, but have grasped it firmly with both hands, and have been
ready to die for Christ, rather than not confess Him before men. Take
courage, believer. The bolder and more decided you are, the more comfort you
will have in Christ.
You cannot have two heavens, one here, and the other
hereafter. You are yet in the world, and you have a sinful body, and there
is always near you a busy devil. But great faith shall always have great
peace. The happiest person in religion will always be that man or woman who
can say, with a true heart, like Paul, "The life that I live in the flesh, I
live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me."
In myself I see nothing good, but I keep ever looking to Jesus, and
by His grace I hold fast my profession (Gal. 2:20).
And now I cannot leave this great and solemn subject
without offering to all who read it a parting word of warning about
the times in which we live. I will try to explain briefly what I mean.
I believe, then, that for three centuries there has not
been an age in which it has been so needful to urge professing Christians to
"hold fast" as it is at this time. No doubt there is plenty of religion of a
certain sort in these days. There are many more attendants on public worship
all over the land than there were thirty years ago. But it may well be
doubted whether there is any increase of vital Christianity. I am greatly
mistaken if there is not a growing tendency to "hold fast" nothing in
religion, and a disposition to hold everything as loosely as possible.
"Nothing fast! Everything loose!" seems the order of the day.
How is it in matters of faith and doctrine? It used to be
thought important to hold clear and distinct views about such points as the
inspiration of the Scriptures, the atonement, the work of the Spirit, the
personality of the devil, the reality of future punishment. It is not
thought so now. The old order of things has passed away. You may believe
anything or nothing on these subjects, so long as you are earnest and
sincere. Holding fast has given way to holding loose.
How is it in matters of worship and ritual? It used to be
thought important to be content with the plain teaching of the Prayer Book.
It is not thought so now. You must have the Lord's Table called an altar,
and the sacrament called a sacrifice, without the slightest warrant in the
Prayer Book, and a ceremonial fitted to these novel views. And then if you
complain, you are told that you are very narrow and illiberal, and that a
clergyman ought to be allowed to do and say and teach anything, if he is
only earnest and sincere. Holding fast has given way to holding loose.
How is it in the matter of holy living? It used to be
thought important to "renounce the pomps and vanity of this wicked world,"
and to keep clear of races, theater-going, balls, card-playing, and the
like. It is not thought so now. You may do anything and go anywhere you
please, so long as you keep Lent, and occasionally attend early Communion!
You must not be so very strict and particular! Once more I say, holding fast
has given way to holding loose.
This state of things, to say the least, is not
satisfactory. It is full of peril. It shows a condition of Christianity
which, I am certain, would not have satisfied Paul or John. The world was
not turned upside down by such vague, loose doctrine and practice eighteen
centuries ago. The souls of men in the present day will never receive much
benefit from such loose Christianity either in England or anywhere else.
Decision in teaching and living is the only Christianity which God has
blessed in the ages that are past, or will continue to bless in our own
time. Loose, vague, misty, broad Christianity may avoid offence and please
people in health and prosperity, but it will not convert souls, or supply
solid comfort in the hour of sorrow or sickness, or on the bed of death.
The plain truth is, that "sincerity and earnestness" are
becoming the idol of many English Christians in these latter days. People
seem to think it matters little what opinions a man holds in religion, so
long as he is "earnest and sincere;" and you are thought uncharitable if you
doubt his soundness in the faith! Against this idolatry of mere
"earnestness" I enter my solemn protest. I charge every reader of this paper
to remember that God's written Word is the only rule of faith, and to
believe nothing to be true and soul-saving in religion which cannot be
proved by plain texts of Scripture. I entreat him to read the Bible, and
make it his only test of truth and error, right and wrong. And for the last
time I say, "Hold fast, and not loose-hold fast your profession."