Charles Simeon, "There is no principle in the heart more adverse to the peace and happiness of mankind, than pride!"

Who makes you different from anyone else?

It has such an amazing appetite that it can feed both on grace and garbage!

There is not a more powerful principle in our fallen nature!


The most lovely Christian

A truly humble man

If God left us!

We have been admiring our vile selves

Satan's apes

Can you think of all this, and still be proud

High, supercilious thoughts of yourselves!

Do not be proud of your fine feathers!

The most hidden, secret, and deceitful of all lusts

The mother and mistress of all the sins!

The most secret, subtle, and insinuating of all sins!!


Paul's highest attainment

Paul's estimate of himself

A holy man will follow after humility

Deeply rooted in the heart of fallen man!

The only suitable dress for a saved sinner

Behold, I am vile

How can I flaunt myself proudly?

The poor worm is secretly indulging self-applause!

If I had my deserts

As many heads as a Hydra, as many lives as a cat!

Christ is exalted—and Self is abased

The loathsome moral leprosy

Pride cannot live beneath the cross

Pope Self

Selfishness withers and dies beneath Calvary

Everything short of Hell—is a mercy

The very acme of humility

Of all sins, it is the most secret, subtle and insinuating

If you are not as wicked as others!

To an angel's eye, it must be the ugliest thing on earth

It is only the humble who can feel the value of a Savior

Such a dead dog as me!

God beholds him with pleasure and delight

God's most stubborn enemy

A rare grace

Had he known me better

God's palace

The boaster

As many heads as a Hydra—and as many lives as a cat

Nothing is so subtle, so secret, so insinuating

That white devil

Vain-glory, self-delight and pride

But when the mower comes

The peacock of pride


That monstrous creature within us

Lumps of animated dust

A proud sinner fighting against a holy God

Broken people

The worst viper in the human heart

Humble souls

Are you seeking great things for yourself?

The great design of God

A lump of vanity

The garment which the Savior always wore!

It cleaves to us like our skin

If this does not humble you

Shame on you, O silly heart!

That sweet grace

To nourish a serpent in the bosom!

God's view of Pride and Humility

They tempt the devil to fall in love with them

It is a creature of many lives

Well-colored dirt

It is a large family

The seven-headed monster

You will have a much lower opinion of yourself

Pride, that ancient sin, creeps into our hearts like a serpent

A tumor and swelling in the mind

Proud, dogmatic, and self-important

That man will never be a proud man!

Notice their humility

This sinner, not the Pharisee

The rarest and most beautiful of graces

They influence us more than we can imagine

The Monster Pride

You are a filthy pauper!

Like a weed upon a dung-heap

The worst kind of pride

Stripped of his peacock feathers

The devil's sin

Unseen, and unsuspected

The unsaved man's motto

It is mercy that he is out of Hell

All are more or less deeply infected with it!

A common, old, subtle, and most soul ruining sin

It will even make the cross of Christ—a pedestal on which to erect its deformed visage

Is any spot too low for me to creep into and lie in?

The great idol

The very first letter in the alphabet of Christianity

It pulls down the plumes of his pride

He is tossed from vanity to vanity

A great lesson

A vile, creeping, insinuating thing, which will twist itself like a serpent into our hearts!

Building monuments to yourself

This most hateful disposition

He must increase—but I must decrease

Low views of yourself

The soil where graces thrive best

It is nothing else but human folly

A proud sinner and a humble Savior

The great master-scar of the soul

Thousands imagine that they are humble

That nasty weed!

It is a heavenly grace

Especially beautified

A pound of grace

The highest grace that can adorn the Christian character

The flattery of his brethren is distasteful to him

We know but little

The foulest filth under the cleanest cloak

The wretched worm of the earth!

A most soul-ruining sin

The most holy men


The strong man sinks down into a babe

The drop of water—and a giant being

The idol SELF must be dethroned

A delicious poison

The flame of vainglory!

The leaven of pride

A proud Christian

The most incongruous of all things

Man—that puny worm of the dust

What have I to be proud of?

Like coins from the same mint

When a proud heart meets with flattering lips



The parent of numberless sins?

Low in the deep valley of humility

The queen of the Christian graces

It will engraft itself upon our holy things

The idol 'self' must fall


Self-Righteous and Proud?

But how shall we attain this humble frame of spirit?

Behold my talents, my eloquence, and my zeal

The first lesson of a Christian

When men have ridden the high horse

The humble Christian

To keep me from getting puffed up

"By the grace of God I am what I am."

A high esteem of yourself?

That hideous idol SELF in his little shrine

There is a 'boasting bump' on all our heads?

A truly humble man

O what a way of learning religion

A heap of ostentatious service

Pride, worldliness, and covetousness

The heart of God's child

Holy posture

A vile, creeping, serpentine thing...


The less you think of yourselves—the more will you esteem Christ

Do you seek great things for yourself?


Who shall have the glory—the worm or Jesus?

What a sin-killing, self-abasing sight

Well, my proud friend....

A filthy, stinking bag of worms

This disclosure is revolting to our pride

The idol, SELF, falls prostrate before Jesus Christ

Perhaps in the time of our humiliation

The humble heart

Self dies

The image and reflection of Christ


If Mr. Pride gets a wound in the head

Oh lovely posture

A mass of pollution,
a den of filthiness,
a seething mass of putrefaction

Three steps in the Christian's life

Pride cannot live beneath the cross

Thousands imagine that they are humble

A proud Christian?

The pasture of worms

Pithy gems on Pride & Humility

When I die I shall then have my greatest grief and my greatest joy

A subtle enemy


Where pride cannot live

The best cure for pride


The sin before us is a very old one

Proud Christians

A flower that will adorn any garden

Mark him down as a proud man

All the miseries, vexations, and complaints


Pride and Humility


That demon of pride


Dr. Ives


Pride eats at the root of all happiness

The trial of prosperity?

The Destroyer

The bane of all true godliness?


That dear, idolized creature

We are all born proud

The greatest sinner that you know

O Lord I desire to be humbled

The highest grace that can adorn the Christian character

Pride, self-conceit, and self-exaltation

Pride and Worldliness

The Touchstone of Humility

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