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The afflictions of the godly!

Why do our hearts grow so cold?

Octavius Winslow, "Love at the Foot of the Cross"

(You will find it helpful to LISTEN to the Audio, as you READ the text below.)

Revelation 2:4,"You have forsaken your first love."

Beloved, why do our hearts grow so cold in their affections towards Jesus?

The influence of the world will chill it.

The encroachments of temporal engagements, upon the study of God's Word and the devout transactions of the prayer-closet, will chill it.

The society of cold and worldly professors will chill it.

Unfitting levity of spirit will chill it.

Trifling with sin will chill it.

Carnal pursuits will chill it.

An idolatrous love of the creature will chill it.

Fretting against the Lord, murmuring at His dealings, rebellion against His authority and chastenings—will chill it.

Alas! How much there is to produce deep and sad declension in the love of our hearts to the Lord. How easily its warm flowing current, chills and congeals.

Oh that our hearts should so soon grow cold in their affections towards Him—whose love to us is ever so warm, that He ransomed us from Hell with His own heart's blood!

Let shame and confusion of face cover us. Let deep humiliation and tender holy contrition, prostrate us beneath the cross—that we should for one moment gaze coldly upon so divine and gracious, so lovely and precious a Redeemer.

"Remember the height from which you have fallen.
 Repent and do the things you did at first.
 If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place!"

    Revelation 2:5



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