What a place must that be!

(adapted from Mary Winslow's, "Life in Jesus")

Let us keep our eye and our hearts upon our blessed home.

Earth is but a stage erected as our passage
to the place Jesus has gone to prepare for us.

What a place must that be! which Infinite
 power and love has engaged to provide!

Oh, let us not lose sight of heaven for a moment.

How prone are we to allow our minds and hearts
(treacherous hearts!) to become entangled with
the baubles of a dying world. No wonder Christ
exhorted us to watch and pray.

Heaven is our home; our happy home.

We are but strangers and pilgrims here.

Try and realize it.

Let us keep ourselves ready to enter with Him
to the marriage supper of the Lamb. In a little
while, and we shall see Him, not as the 'Man
of sorrows,' but the 'King in His beauty.'

Then let us fight against earth and all
its false attractions, for it passes away.