"There is not a condition into which a child of God can fall, but there is a direction and rule in the Word, in some measure suitable thereunto." Thomas Gouge

The Bible is a stable, infallible revelation of God's mind and will." John Owen

"Apply the commands and warnings of Scripture to yourself, as if God had delivered them to you by name." Thomas Gouge

"We must be careful to read Scripture, hear it, lodge it in our hearts, and apply it closely to our consciences. Only then it will be profitable to our hearts." Robert Harris

"Though men's hearts were as hard as rocks, the Word is a hammer which can break them!" Edward Reynolds

The Golden Key! The Golden Thread!

The mariner's chart as he sails the sea of life

The Works and the Word of God

The Bible

God's love-letter

A panacea

Jellyfish Christianity

This incomparable book!

The choicest, sweetest, wisest and strongest Christian!

Christ in the Old Testament

It profits us nothing

When we eat an apple

Their constant pleasure-ground!

Just a little bit, and off you go!

This book

The Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible!

The All-Sufficient Word of God

A man who hears many sermons

To what end do you read?

Never let us read any portion of God's Word without looking up for divine teaching

If you feel your tongue itch to talk nonsense

I have much more to say to you

This heavenly light of truth

A head full of froth!

The error of textualism

A needed book!

Gather your manna fresh every morning!

These words which I command you today!

Knowledge of the original Hebrew and Greek

They are all head—but no feet!

Do you understand what you read?

A shelf in my head!

Search the Scriptures

An unerring chart by which to steer
through the dangerous sea of life!

The Christian's compass and chart, by which he is steered safely over the tempestuous ocean of life!

What a treasure!

I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food!

Look unto Jesus in the Scriptures

The great means of sanctification

Ignorant formal Christianity

Why are those blessed, who hear and obey the Word of God?

What stupid blockheads!

Experimental knowledge

The Bible is always a new book to those well acquainted with it

The diamond in that ring!

The one indispensable book!

The Bible is designed to be an experimental and a practical book

What unsearchable riches there are in this golden mine!

This Book is the most valuable thing the world affords!

Modern science and the Bible do not agree!

The Babylonian books of the present day!

That spiritual chemistry which turns all metals into gold!

How to read the Bible

Walking Bibles

Profiting from the Scriptures

A life-giving stream for parched pilgrim!

A sort of second edition of the written Scriptures

I would rather have a crooked creed and a straight Bible

That master-key

The Benefits of Meditation

The necessity of daily Bible reading

The one book for all ages and all nations, for all classes of men and all states of society, for all capacities of intellect and all necessities of the soul!

If you feel your tongue itch to talk nonsense

Self-elevated little popes!

The words of Jesus

A refreshing cordial to a weary traveler

A peculiar, indescribable, invincible power

Dig into these golden mines

Meditate, practice, pray

Sacred nourishment

The sin of sacrilege!

As your Biblical knowledge widens

We need to re-study our Bibles

Nothing is more helpful and practical in Christian living

Academic studies

Treasure for your soul

Nothing is more helpful and practical in Christian living!

I began to read the Holy Scriptures upon my knees

Thomas Watson's choice excerpts on Scripture

A gracious taste!

The purpose of the Bible

Consider carefully how you listen!

The Scriptures are sufficient

Search the Scriptures!

The infallible umpire

Reading the Bible is like eating fish!

Secretly, quietly, insidiously, plausibly

Everything that was written in the past

The Bible!

The more the Bible is studied!

The difficulties & mysteries of Scripture

Theological systems

A football to be kicked from man to man!

Eat into the very soul of the Bible

A love-letter sent to you from God!

Petty wars over abstruse points and unimportant questions

Theology itself

Reading the Scriptures

The Bible is no lazy man's book

A plain book designed for plain people

The Christian's interpreter

From such folly deliver us, O Lord!

In this precious Book!

He wounded the old serpent three times

A lamp for my feet

A lamp for my feet!

Let me tell you a little secret

A book for the unsuccessful

Human guidance?

The one, precious, all absorbing theme!

Too many novels

The doctrine which is according to godliness

The art of meditation

The religion of the Bible

Doctrine is useless!

A strict, close, assiduous, diligent search

Alas! Who can conceive what it is to lie down in everlasting burnings?

The book for the afflicted

Drinking deeply from the well of God's holy Word

Sola Scriptura

Is the Bible the Word of God?

The believer's rule of life

The key which fits every lock

The love of the truth

The door of the Word can only opened with the key of diligence!

The best and the only sufficient expositors of Scripture!

Wrought with divine power

A jelly-fish Christianity

The foundation of all true knowledge of God

All doctrine, all experience, all precept

You are either in the Word—or in the world!

The power of divine teaching

The 'Illuminated' Bible!

An excellent way of commenting upon the Bible!

Heavenly dew

Heavenly wisdom

Hidden treasure!

Fly to the Word of God!

Beware of light reading!

We hold and teach

Suck out the sweetness of a truth

A hundred doctrines floating in the head

Read as an act of worship

Of what value is all our knowledge of truth?

Extract the honey from the Word!

There has been too much trifling with Jehovah!

I would rather have my soul soaking in a few verses all day!

Babylonian books!

I would recommend all parents to get this kind of Bible

Shut up!

Truth, distorted and exaggerated!

More scarce and precious than a bar of gold!

The light, frivolous, frothy literature of the day

Reading God's Word

The Bible cannot quicken, nor sanctify, nor comfort!

A heavenly standard for the regulation of all our conduct

Our only rule of faith and practice!

Do not be led astray by all kinds of strange teachings!

Especially beware of light reading!

It has an influence over the life

Hands up, everyone who has a Bible!

The essential doctrines of the gospel

The best sermons

The instructions and writings of spiritual men

The very substance, marrow, soul, and scope of the whole Scriptures!

My meditation of Him shall be sweet!

The study of the Bible cannot save you!

Theological controversies and disputes

This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?

The value of choice devotional reading

A sweet power

Christ's love-letters

God's promises!

Why is it there is so much error in the Church of God?

The dark pit of ignorance!

Private devotions!

Heads & Legs!

Thus Says the Lord!

How to understand Scripture!

Sound theologians!

Biblical knowledge

Darkness of ignorance, dungeons of falsehood, chains of superstition!

Divine guidance

A respectable old book, containing a great deal of truth — but truth mixed up with error and fables!


The grand repository of truth!

The hen which does not sit on her eggs!

Pure, unalloyed, perfect truth!

Bow to the Word!

Why should we conceal the truth from them?

The Word of God has in it an efficacy which no other book in the world has

Are you hungry?


The Scriptures point to Me!


Love was the interpreter!

The Bible!

Read Your Bible!

The practice of truth is the most profitable reading of it


A master in theology

The Key to Bible study

Suck the honey out of it!

There are so many lean Christians who devour hundreds of sermons

The truths which we know will never affect our hearts

Theological studies

Bible reading

The best books

The Talking Book

People never reject the Bible because they cannot understand it

Prayerful study

A little secret

Reading the Bible 

God's books!

Jellyfish Christianity

The best commentator!

The truths that I know best

Useless doctrine?

The Key!

Truth, distorted and exaggerated

Never neglect the Word

The Bible, the Word of God

Dear friends, why do you make your house like Hell?

Do we love the Word?

There can be no true progress in vital and practical godliness without it!

The Bible is like a sealed book!

A book full of Christ!

Reading and Meditation

The Word of God

The choicest, sweetest, wisest and strongest Christian!

Why I Believe the Old Book

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