This cruel foe will surely seize you!

(Henry Law, "The Gospel in Numbers" 1858)

Satan claims the sinning soul as his. He has
commission to destroy all who are sin-stained.

His eye is keen.

His steps have lightning speed.

His hate is bitter.

He delights to slaughter souls, and
drag them to the beds of flames!

Ah! sinner, tremble!

This cruel foe will surely seize you—unless
you reach some shelter higher far than earth;
some fortress stronger than human arm can

Where shall you flee? Is there a refuge?

Draw near, you guilty sons of men. You need
not die! Approach, all you whom sin oppresses,
whom conscience terrifies, and whom torturing
memory scares.

You may be safe! Flee, all who tremble, lest
your souls should perish! You may have peace.
Fears may be lulled. Anguish may proceed to
joy. You may face every foe, and laugh to
scorn their every threat.

There is a Refuge! It is Christ the Lord.

God has been pleased, in wondrous love, in
overflowing grace, to set Jesus as a sheltering
sanctuary. The word is pledged, that all in Him
are everlastingly secure. "There is therefore
now no condemnation to those who are in
Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1.

Flee to Him! Flee!

Rush to Jesus!

The vilest sinner, nestling in His arms, is safe.
He is as safe as the inhabitants of the highest
heaven; as safe as Jehovah on His throne!