Then she pounded the tent peg through his head!

(Thomas Watson, "The Doctrine of Repentance")

"The deceitfulness of sin." Hebrews 3:13

SIN is a mere cheat. While it pretends to please us,
it beguiles us! Sin does as Jael did. First she brought
the milk and butter to Sisera—then she pounded
the tent peg through his head!
(Judges 5:26).

Sin first courts—and then kills!

Sin is first a fox—and then a lion!

Those locusts in Revelation 9 are fit emblems of
sin: "They had gold crowns on their heads . . .
They had tails that stung like scorpions, with
power to torture people!"

Judas pleased himself with the thirty pieces
of silver—but they proved deceitful riches.
Ask him now how he likes his bargain!