Would he not stab it with a thousand wounds?

(Brooks, "The Golden Key to Open Hidden Treasures")

Sin never appears so odious, as when we behold it in the
red glass of Christ's sufferings. Can we look upon sin as
the occasion of all Christ's sufferings; can we look upon
sin as that which made Christ a curse, and which made
Him forsaken of His Father, and which made Him live
such a miserable life, and which brought Him to die such
a shameful, painful, and cruel death—and our hearts not
rise against it?

Shall our sins be grievous unto Christ—and shall they
not be odious unto us? Shall He die for our sins—and
shall not we die to our sins? Did not He suffer for sin
—that we might cease from sin?

If one would kill our father—would we hug and embrace
him? Surely not! We would be revenged on him. Sin has
killed our Savior—and shall we not be revenged on it?

Can a man look upon that snake which has stung his
dearly-loved wife to death—and preserve it alive, warm
it at the fire, and hug it in his bosom? Would he not
stab it with a thousand wounds?
It is sin which has
stung our dear Jesus to death, which has crucified our
Lord, clouded His glory, and shed His precious blood!
Oh, how should this stir up our indignation against sin!

Ah, how can a Christian make much of those sins, which
have killed his dearest Lord! how can he cherish those sins
which betrayed Christ, and bound Christ, and condemned
Christ, and scourged Christ, and which violently nailed
Him to the cross, and there murdered Him!

It was neither Judas, nor Pilate, nor the Jews, nor the
soldiers—which could have done our Lord Jesus the
least hurt—had not our sins, like so many butchers
and hangmen, come in to their assistance!

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We have compiled a selection of "CHOICE EXCERPTS" from
"The Golden Key to Open Hidden Treasures" by Thomas Brooks.