He leaps into a sea of wrath!
(Brooks, "The Golden Key to Open Hidden Treasures")
Christ went through heaven and hell, life and death,
sorrow and suffering, misery and cruelty—and all to
bring us to glory! And shall we not prize Him?
When in a storm, the nobles of Xerxes had to lighten
the ship to preserve their king's life—they leaped
into the sea! But our Lord Jesus Christ, to preserve
our lives, our souls—He leaps into a sea of wrath!
Oh, whenever we cast an eye upon Christ's sufferings,
let us stand and wonder; yes, let us be swallowed up
in a deep admiration of Christ's love, and of His
Father's impartial justice!
A daily eyeing of the cross of Christ, would . . .
scatter a Christian's fears,
arm him against temptations,
support him under afflictions,
weaken his sins,
strengthen his graces,
cheer his soul, and
mend his life!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
We have completed the publishing of "The Golden
Key to Open Hidden Treasures" by Thomas Brooks.
The choice chapters are:Hell is a place of endless, easeless,
and remediless torment