When Adam fell

(Thomas Brooks, "Paradise Opened" 1675)

Adam's first estate was a state of perfect knowledge,
wisdom and understanding. It was a perfect state of
holiness, righteousness and happiness. There was
nothing within him, but what was desirable and delectable;
there was nothing without him, but what was amiable and
commendable; nor was there anything around him, but
what was serviceable and comfortable. Adam, in his
innocent estate, was . . .
  the epitome of wisdom and knowledge,
  the image of God,
  the delight of heaven,
  the glory of the creation,
  the world's great master,
  the Lord's great darling.

But when Adam fell—we fell.
When he lost all—we lost all.
There are five things we lost in our fall:
1. Our holy image—and so became vile;
2. Our divine sonship—and so became children of Satan;
3. Our friendship with God—and so became His enemies;
4. Our communion with God—and so became strangers;
5. Our happiness—and so became miserable.

Sin and death came into the world by Adam's fall.

"For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned
 through that one man, how much more will those who
 receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the
 gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man,
 Jesus Christ." Romans 5:17

O sirs! what a wonder is this—that the great God,
who was so transcendently dishonored, despised,
provoked, incensed, and injured by poor base sinners;
should so freely, so readily, so graciously, condescend
to vile forlorn sinners—as to own them, as to love them,
and as to enter into a covenant of grace and mercy
with them! This may well be the wonder of angels,
and the astonishment of men!