From a burning hell葉o a blissful heaven!

(J. C. Philpot, "Daily Portions")

What is to be compared with the salvation of the
soul? What are riches, honors, health, long life? What
are all the pleasures which the world can offer, sin
promise, or the flesh enjoy? What is all that men call
good or great? What is everything which the eye has
seen, or the ear heard, or has entered into the carnal
heart of man用ut side by side with being saved in
the Lord Jesus Christ with an everlasting salvation?

For consider what we are saved from,
as well as what we are saved unto.

From a burning hell葉o a blissful heaven!

From endless wrath葉o eternal glory!

From the dreadful company of devils and damned
spirits, mutually tormenting and tormented葉o the
blessed companionship of the glorified saints, all
perfectly conformed in body and soul to the image
of Christ, with thousands and tens of thousands of
holy angels; and, above all, to seeing the glorious
Son of God as He is, in all the perfection of His beauty,
and all the ravishments of His presence and love!

To be done forever with . . .
  all the sorrows, troubles, and afflictions of this life;
  all the pains and aches of the present clay tabernacle;
  all the darkness, bondage, and misery of the body of
    sin and death.

To be perfectly holy in body and soul, being in both
without spot, or blemish, or any such thing預nd ever
to enjoy uninterrupted communion with God!

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind
 has imagined what God has prepared for those
 who love Him!" 1 Corinthians 2:9