My Ishi!

(Gleanings from the Inner Life of Ruth Bryan)

"You will call Me Ishi--(my husband). Hosea 2:16

"You will be called Hephzibah--(My delight is in her)
. . . for the Lord will take delight in you."
Isaiah 62:4

Christ is most precious. He is my Ishi! I, His Hephzibah!
What love! What wonders, for a worm so vile! But He has
borne my vileness away--and is Himself my loveliness!

Christ, the Beloved of my soul, is my perfection, and His
blood is my purity. However great my guilt, His precious
blood is more than a match for it all. This has been like
solid rock to my soul. "Praise the Lord, O my soul!