Spiritual health and strength

("The Marvelous Riches of Savoring Christ,
The letters of Ruth Bryan
" 1805-1860)

"My flesh is real food and My blood is real drink.
 The one who eats My flesh and drinks My blood
 lives in Me, and I in him." John 6:55-56

It is a present act--"eats" and "drinks."

Is the very life and death, person and work of Jesus
--the daily feast of your soul? Are you eating His flesh,
and drinking His blood? Let us see to it, that we are
seeking spiritual health and strength in no other
way than by the continual, daily feeding on Christ!

There is an ever fresh, ever full, sweetness in
heaven's precious Lamb! Oh, this precious truth!
It is gospel wine to my poor soul!

We have such a Christ that we little think how far His
glories and His matchless love surpass what we have
ever yet conceived. We do not make half enough of
Him--heaven's brightest gem, and richest treasure!
Oh, that the precious Comforter may reveal Him more
and more--that we may count all other things but filth
and dross.