Mapped, arranged, and provided for

Octavius Winslow, "Morning Thoughts")

"He knows the way that I take!" Job 23:10

Untried, untrodden, and unknown as your future path
may be, it is, each step--mapped, arranged, and
provided for
, in the everlasting and unchangeable
covenant of God! To Him who leads us, who accepts
us in the Son of His love, who knows the end from
the beginning--it is no new, or uncertain, or hidden
way! We thank Him that while He wisely and kindly
veils all the future from our reach; all that future--its
minutest event--is as transparent and visible to Him
as the past. Our Shepherd knows the windings along
which He skillfully, gently, and safely leads His flock. 
Oh, it is a thought replete with strong consolation,
and well calculated to gird us for the coming year--
that the Lord knows and has ordained each step of
the untrodden path upon which I am about to enter!

The infinite forethought, wisdom, and goodness which
have ordained each step of our new path--have also
provided for its every necessity.

Each difficulty in the new year has been anticipated.

Each need will bring its appropriate and adequate supply.

Each perplexity will have its guidance.

sorrow will have its comfort.

Each temptation will have its shield.

Each cloud will have its light.

Each affliction will suggest its lesson.

Each correction will impart its teaching.

Each mercy will convey its message of love.

The promise will be fulfilled to the letter,
"As your days, so shall your strength be!"