Carnal, careless, and covetous

(William Plumer, "Vital Godliness: A Treatise
on Experimental and Practical Piety" 1864)

One must judge of his own state by the fruit he bears.
When our fruit is unto holiness, we know that the end
shall be everlasting life. Everyone who hopes that he is
converted to God, should examine himself and prove his
own fruit. In judging of piety, there is no substitute for
a holy life. We are Christ's disciples--if we do whatever
He commands us. We are the servants of the wicked
one--if we do the works of the flesh. We may boast of
discoveries, of raptures, and ecstasies--but all is in vain
if a consistent life is not the result. A godly life is the
infallible evidence of conversion.

Many professors of religion are carnal, careless,
and covetous
. In them no change of life appears
to prove a change of heart. They are much like their
worldly neighbors, except that they attend church.
They are spots and blemishes in Christian feasts.
They are a grief and a shame to godly people. The
church has their names, but the world has their
hearts. The number of such is painfully large.