Beautiful bubbles! Piety and morality

John Angell James)

True religion consists of two parts--piety and morality.

piety, I mean a right state of heart towards God, that
is, the existence of supreme love, arising out of faith in our
Lord Jesus Christ, manifested by delight in God's nature,
reverence for His character, obedience to His commands,
gratitude for His services, and all those acts of worship
which He has enjoined in His word. True piety is the real,
intelligent and cordial submission of the whole man, to
the will of God as revealed in Scripture.

, I mean all those moral duties which we owe
to our fellow-creatures and to ourselves.

True religion is a right state of the soul, not only towards
God, but also towards man. It must follow us everywhere,
and influence us in all things, and at all times.

True religion gives an elevation and dignity to the whole
character, and exalts even the commonest duties of life
into acts of piety.