The city was full of idols!

(J. C. Ryle, "Athens")

"While Paul was waiting for them in Athens,
 his spirit was troubled within him when he
 saw that the city was full of idols!" Acts 17:16

Man will have a religion of some kind, for human
nature, corrupt as it is, must have a god. But it will
be a religion without light, or peace, or hope.

The feelings with which we regard sin, heathenism,
and false religion
are a subject of vast importance.
It is a sorrowful fact, that most professing Christians
regard the semi-heathen districts of our country with
apathy, coolness, and indifference. But Paul was deeply
troubled when he saw that the city was full of idols!

Paul was stirred with holy compassion. It  troubled
his heart to see so many myriads perishing for lack
of knowledge--without God, without Christ, having
no hope, traveling in the broad road which leads to

Paul was stirred with holy indignation against sin and
the devil. He saw the god of this world blinding the eyes
of multitudes of his fellow-men, and leading them captive
at his will. He saw the natural corruption of man infecting
the population of a vast city like one common disease,
and an utter absence of any spiritual medicine, antidote,
or remedy!

Paul was stirred with holy zeal for His Master's glory.
He saw his Divine Master unknown and unrecognized
by His own creatures--and idols receiving the homage
due to the King of kings!

Millions of immortal beings at this moment are sunk in
ignorance, superstition, and idolatry!
They live and
die without God, without Christ, and without hope!

Ought not these things to stir our hearts? Ought not
our hearts to be affected by the sight of false religion
and heathenism?

We ought to feel compassion when we think of the
wretched state of unconverted souls, and the misery
of all who live and die without Christ!

No poverty like this poverty!

No disease like this disease!

No slavery like this slavery!

No death like this--death in idolatry, false
religion, and sin!

"While Paul was waiting for them in Athens,
 his spirit was troubled within him when he
 saw that the city was full of idols!" Acts 17:16