Nothing but this can really break the sinner's heart!

(J. C. Philpot)

To view God's mercy in its real character, we must
go to Calvary! We must go by faith, under the secret
teachings and leadings of the Holy Spirit, to see
Immanuel, God with us, groveling in Gethsemane's
garden. We must view Him . . .
  naked upon the cross,

We must view that wondrous spectacle of love and
--and feel our eyes flowing down in streams
of sorrow, humility, and contrition at the sight--in order
to enter a little into the depths of the tender mercy
of God.

Nothing but this can really break the sinner's heart!

Law terrors, death and judgment, infinite purity, and
eternal vengeance will not soften or break a sinner's
heart. But if he is led to view a suffering Immanuel,
and a sweet testimony is raised up in his conscience
that those sufferings were for him--this, and this
alone will break his heart all to pieces!