Solving the great problem of fretful,
careworn, restless, suffering humanity?

(MacDuff, "Memories of Gennesaret" 1887)

The world resorts to many expedients for
the improvement of man, solving the great
problem of fretful, careworn, restless,
suffering humanity apart from the gospel.

The philosopher may dream of visionary
earthly antidotes.

The politician may see in some cold, frigid,
intellectual training a panacea for human wrongs.

The moralist may discourse on human virtue,
and the self rectifying power of human goodness.

The socialist may dare to propound his damning
theories as the pioneers of the halcyon reign of
unbounded liberty.

But we have boldness and confidence that Christ,
and Him crucified, and the new life which this
Lord of life has to impart, are the true and only
secrets of peace on earth and good will to men.