Who can count the hideous specters?
(Henry Law, "Forgiveness
of Sins" 1875)
"He forgives ALL my sins." Psalm 103:3
Satan will often strive to bring our sins
to remembrance. They readily appear in
frightful mass, in vast accumulation.
They swarm in all periods of life. . .
in childhood's dawn;
in blooming youth;
in the prime of manhood; and
when the shadows of declining age cast gloom.
Our sins haunt us . . .
openly committed or allowed in secret,
acted in every condition and relationship of life,
at home,
in the family,
in solitude,
in the busy haunts of men,
in the sanctuary,
in the closet,
in prayer uttered or neglected,
in ignorance,
in clear intention,
when conscience slumbered,
and when its voice gave warning,
amid misgiving, and in daring audacity,
in defiance of convictions,
in disregard of resolves and vows!
Who can count the hideous specters which
are ready to revive and terrify the conscience?
But when all sins in all their aggravations
threaten, the multitudinous array may be
confronted with this relieving word, "He
forgives ALL my sins." Psalm 103:3
Let the emphatic monosyllable "all" be prized.
It is not said some, or few, or many; but "all."
God so completely pardons, that not
one iniquity remains unpardoned!