Put to death by His own creatures!

(Spurgeon, "The Great Mystery of Godliness")

The condescension of Christ became most
extraordinary when, at last, our Lord stooped
to be put to death by His own creatures!

Arraigned before human tribunals, condemned
as guilty of the gravest crimes, He is fastened
to the accursed wood, and put to a death of
deepest shame, and bitterest torture.

What a wondrous sight was the dying Redeemer! 

Jesus comes to save His people from their sins,
by taking the sins of His people upon Himself! 

This is a mystery surpassing all comprehension!

O you whose loving eyes have looked upon the
ensanguined rills which gush from the wounds
of your bleeding Lord, and have delighted to
behold the Lily of the valleys reddened into the
Rose of Sharon with the crimson of His own blood;
behold in the writhing form of the Crucified Man
at once the vengeance and the love of God.

Behold divine power sustaining the load of
human guilt, and divine compassion enduring
such agonies for rebels so ill deserving!