Oh! the riches of the grace of our God!

(Henry Law, "Family Devotion" 1884)

"the riches of God's grace" Ephesians 1:7

How blessed is the thought that God is rich in grace!

His throne is a throne of grace.

His scepter is a scepter of grace.

His covenant is a covenant of grace.

His thoughts are thoughts of grace.

His ways are ways of grace.

His word is the word of grace.

His treasure house is stored with grace.

Hence all His gifts and manifestations
to His people are results of grace.

Grace called Jesus to His work.

Grace found the ransom.

Grace accepted it.

Grace determined who would be redeemed.

Grace made them willing in the day of power.

Grace keeps them through faith unto salvation.

Oh! the riches of the grace of our God!

While we have breath let us extol and magnify it.